#someone also called me muchacha lmao
wordborne · 7 months
someone called me teacher at the workshop for subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing i gave today :3
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thotwonu · 5 years
ella y yo → zabdiel de jesus/christopher velez
lmao hi, it me. so, basically i really wanted to write my first cnco piece and i couldn’t figure out what to do. then during reina’s visit i came up with this idea and decided to use two of her lanes bc isn’t that just fun. this is HEAVILY inspired by “ella y yo” by aventura feat. don omar. this is my first cnco writing piece pls be nice. -drea
Zabdiel knew that what he was doing was highly wrong. But he couldn’t help himself. He loved the thrill of being able to see you when nobody else knew. And he loved hearing his name leaving your lips every night. 
But the thrill and happiness came to an end every morning when he woke up to see that you had already left by then, leaving him alone with nothing but the memory of the previous night. 
Why was it so wrong?
You were married to one of his best friends and band mate, Christopher Velez. 
This whole ordeal with Zabdiel had started off as innocent flirting but it had turned into more after drunken confessions while Christopher was away and one thing led to another and you had ended up sleeping with him. You thought it was just a one time thing, but it became far from that. You two began to live your own little adventure that was punished by God. But it was harder on Zabdiel, who ended up falling in love with you. 
Falling for you was something that had not been planned but a man can only control his feelings for so long. The rest of the band began to take notice in Zabdiel’s change of attitude. They knew something was going on with the blonde Puerto Rican but could not come to a conclusion. And they sure as hell did not know about his affair with Christopher’s wife. 
The boys kept trying to push it out of him, the reason why he was acting so strange. Eventually with enough convincing, they got him to agree to go out with them to the bar that night, with hopes that maybe he’ll meet a woman and get his mind off of what was bothering him. In all honesty, the boys thought that maybe Zabdiel was still hung up on the ex that completely crushed him. But this was far from it.
Some of the boys decided to join in on the fun of meeting a woman, leaving Zabdiel and Christopher behind at the bar. Zabdiel swirled his finger around the rim of his glass as he avoided eye contact with Christopher.
He would occasionally take a couple of sips here and there, the silence awkward between the two friends before Christopher decided that enough was enough. He was tired of seeing his friend so down over whatever it may be.
“Que te esta pasando, Zab? (What’s going on with you, Zab?)” Christopher finally spoke up, turning in his seat to face his friend and taking a sip of his own drink.
Zabdiel couldn’t help but shrug, unable to find the words to describe his situation without basically exposing the fact that he was sleeping with you. 
“Nada, solo un poco estresado. (Nothing, just a little stressed).” Zabdiel lied straight through his teeth and it was almost as if Christopher could look right through him. 
“Okay.. como se llama? La muchacha que te tiene como un loco? (Alright, what’s her name? The girl who’s got you crazy?)” Christopher asked, catching his friend off guard. How the hell did he know that this was about a woman other than his ex? Was he that transparent?
Zabdiel didn’t know what it was but eventually he began to speak, pouring all his feelings out on what had been bothering him for the longest time. “No es que importe tanto el nombre. No es nada comparado con como me hace sentir. Parecemos dos locos viviendo una aventura castigada por Dios. Un laberinto sin salidas, donde el miedo se convierte en amor.. (Her name doesn’t matter much. It’s nothing compared to how she makes me feel. We’re like two crazy people living an adventurous life that’s punished by God. A maze without exit where the fear turns into love).”
Christopher couldn’t help but feel slightly interested in just who this mystery woman is that somehow has his best friend so hooked on her. He knew the story with Zabdiel’s ex and how in love with her he was. But this was clearly not the same woman. This was someone else. Someone else had stolen his friend’s heart and had him absolutely whipped. 
Zabdiel took another sip of his drink, the alcohol giving him a little bit more confidence to continue speaking on how he feels. “Pero es triste, en serio. Ella y yo solo nos vemos a escondidas para ahogar esta prohibida pasión. Y ‘pa ‘certe bien honesto, aunque tiene dueño, yo solo tengo un sueño.. ser su protector. (But it’s sad, really. She and I only see each other secretly to drown the prohibited passion. And to be very honest, although she has an owner, I only have one dream.. to be her protector).”
The last sentence really hit Christopher as he heard his friend pour his heart out. It made him feel bad for him, he knew how great Zabdiel was. Any woman would be lucky to have him, even if she was married. If this woman meant so much to Zabdiel, he had to fight for her.
“Y porque no luchas por el amor, si tanto la quieres? Quizas su marido no manda en su corazon. (So why don’t you fight for this love, if you want her so much? Maybe her husband doesn’t even own her heart).” Chris began to say before Zabdiel shook his head almost immediately.
This couldn’t be happening. This was the last thing Zabdiel wanted: to be given advice by his friend when he was already causing so much drama. 
“Mira, papa, mi esposa y yo? Somos felices, dos almas matices, se lo que es el amor. Por eso te entiendo. Y aunque sea casada, no te alejes por temor. No lo hagas. (Look, papa, my wife and I? We’re happy, two nuanced souls, I know what love is. Which is why I understand you. And even if she’s married, don’t run away due to fear. Don’t do it).” Christopher preached to his friend, who continued to shake his head in denial. 
If only it were that simple to just fight for love and have it work out for him.
“Amigo, ella y yo teniamos claro que era una locura esta relacion. Pero la cama nos hacia una invitacion a solo hacer el amor. (Dude, she and I had it clear that this relationship was crazy. But the bedroom gave us an invitation to only make love).”
Christopher dismissed the lame excuse, waving it off as he shook his head. “Ay, ya te lo explique, papa. Cuando hay personas que se aman el amor tiene que vencer. Y el marido? Bueno ese tiene que entender que perdio su hembra, ahora es tu mujer. Porque no pueden ganar los tres. Por eso te repito.. lucha por amor. (I already explained it to you. When there’s people who love each other, the love has to overcome. And the husband? Well, he has to understand he lost his woman, now she’s your girl. Because all three of you can’t win. That’s why I’m gonna say it to you again, fight for love).” 
At this point, Zabdiel had had too much to drink and the fact that his friend was trying to give him advice despite the position he was in made him even more mad. It made him livid that he was rooting for him to commit to this.
It angered Zabdiel that in reality, he was rooting for him to go after his wife. His temptations were getting the best of him and wanted to just listen to his friend, but he knew that it was wrong.
Zabdiel’s mind wandered to his last encounter with you. How he felt like he was the only man in your life. How you were basically melting at his voice and his actions. He also thought back to the pang in his chest when you mentioned having to go home to Christopher. 
But just how long can he keep this up for? This will never work out for him.
Zabdiel took a deep breath before looking over at his friend. His cheeks burned from the alcohol but it was almost as if it was doing the talking for him at this point. He officially had no control left.
“Amigo, te voy a pedir perdon por lo que te voy a decir. Me traicionaron las ganas de volverla a ver. Y aunque todavía no puedo creer, lo que este amargo encuentro me hizo comprender. Pues tu también llegaste a ese lugar, donde tantas veces yo la fui a buscar.Y aunque no es fácil lo que voy hacer. Admitiré... que salí con tu mujer. (Dude, I’m gonna ask for your forgiveness for what I’m about to say to you. I was betrayed by my desire to see her again. And I still can’t believe what this bitter encounter made me understand. Well, you’ve also been to the place I’ve picked her up from multiple times. And it’s not easy for me to do this. But I will admit.. that I’ve been with your wife).” There was no going back now. Zabdiel had admitted it all.
As the words left Zabdiel’s mouth, Christopher’s ears began to burn. Was he hearing correctly. And he thought that he had heard wrong until Zabdiel repeated that again, he’s been with you. The glass that was in Christopher’s hand was shattered as he broke it out of rage. 
His mind began to spiral. This couldn’t be true. But at the same time.. it began to make sense. He realized that it had been a lie when you claimed to be going to Puerto Rico with a “girl friend” of yours. It made sense when you brought home no pictures with said friend. You had been with him... and Christopher had been oblivious to it.
Christopher rapidly got up, standing up to look at his best friend in the eyes but he looked at him with nothing but pure rage... and hatred right now. “Que te perdone Dios, porque yo no lo voy a hacer.. los perdi a los dos y a la misma vez. Ya veo que todo, pero todo era mentira. (Let God forgive you, because I won’t be doing it.. I lost both of you and at the same time. I see now that everything, everything was a lie).” He shouted in his friend’s face, getting the attention of the three other members of the band, who rushed to separate the two before things got physical.
Zabdiel looked at Christopher’s hand which was now bleeding from breaking the glass and then took notice of the way he was looking at him. He had never seen Christopher look at anyone in that way. And he knew he was to blame. 
Christopher continued to shout insults at him, calling both you and him “liars” and questioning how could he ever do that to him.
And he was right. 
In the end, Zabdiel was the one who suffered the most.. he lost a friend because of temptation and not realizing the damage he was causing.
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