#someone in the discord also said theyd love if there was official merch in my style that would be so awesome. but it also makes me want to
fleouriarts · 10 months
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i missed lino carving so i busted out my supplies last night and made some hivemind block prints 🕺 theyre a little janky but i had fun
process pics under the cut ^___^
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the original block (forgot to take a pic before any carving so this is mid-cut)
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me making the two b&w ones. i somehow got these ones down just right but when i tried to print in my sketchbook i either overinked or underinked them. perplexing to be sure
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me putting down the different color layers! i basically just put masking tape over the letters i didn't want to print, inked the block, then ripped the tape off and printed. once again i forgot to take a pic before i put orange down on the bottom right one so that one's yellow layer is lost to the ether
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and just for fun here are the "duds" from the color layer prints. top one is fun but the aberration doesn't look as good as the other two's, and the bottom one is just incomprehensible. i over-inked the block and i KNEW i over-inked it but i just said fuck it and printed anyway LOL
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