#someone really decided to grab a pharmacology textbook and go ‘hm let’s look for some good names now-‘
misc-fandoms-ballad · 2 years
okay so I’ve been watching the last dungeon boonies lately and I met Mr. Threonine recently. Which made me chuckle since Threonine is a type of amino acid, and I’m nerdy so I found it fun. But then I started thinking and now my brain has ceased to function
You guys, pretty much every single character in dungeon boonies has a medicine related name
And because I’m me and my mind is breaking I need to inflict this all on you now. Please enjoy this list of each medical related name and how they’re related to medicine
Lloyd Belladonna -> Belladonna, also known as deadly nightshade, is a toxic plant from which a number of medicines can be derived
Marie Azami -> Marie could potentially be a reference to Marie Curie
Riho Flavin -> Riboflavin, or Vitamin B2. Flavins more generally are organic compounds present in many different forms in biology
Selen Hemein -> Hemin is a biological compound known as a porphyrin that contains iron and chloride. Selen could be short for “selenium”, which is a type of mineral. A quick google search shows that hemin may have some effect on selenium
Allan Toin Lidocaine -> Lidocaine is a type of local anesthetic. Allantoin is a compound produced from uric acid and can be used as a treatment for some skin problems. As it turns out, there’s a number of medicines in which lidocaine and allantoin are combined into one ointment/gel/etc.
Alka -> I believe this may be derived from alkaline
Micona Zol -> there is. Quite literally. A medicine called miconazole. It’s used to treat fungal infections
Choline Sterase -> Cholinesterase is an enzyme that breaks down the neurotransmitter acetylcholine
Chrome Molybdenum -> THIS IS. STRAIGHT UP. A TYPE OF STEEL ALLOY — “Chrome molybdenum”. Molybdenum is also a type of mineral that is necessary for the human body
Mena Quinone -> Quinone is a type of biological compound that exists in many different forms in many different organisms. Menaquinone is a type of quinone often used for electron transfer in bacteria, and is also a form of Vitamin K — specifically, K2
Phyllo Quinone -> Phylloquinone is one form of Vitamin K — specifically K1.
Rol Calcife -> Calcife, Rol: Calciferol is Vitamin D2.
Coba Lamin -> Cobalamin is also known as Vitamin B12
Threonine Lidocaine -> Threonine is an amino acid necessary to make many proteins. Lidocaine, again, is an anesthetic
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dawnover-dusk · 8 years
Problem (Jinyoung)
genre: med school/NY!au, friendship, optional romance in epilogue
word count: 1,566
summary: this was based off of Carly Rae Jepsens’s “Boy Problems”
series: i used to be a got7 stan until they finally found their music sound and i didn’t like it lol
Future (Yugyeom) | Problem (Jinyoung) | Falling Slow (Youngjae)
“Jinyoung, the last time I checked, we were medical students, not freshmen in high school,” you said exasperatedly into the phone.
You stared at the people walking through Bryant Park from your vantage point on an armchair, which you had turned to face the window. Men and women in business casual streamed out of the subway station and onto the concrete, juggling phones and purses and coffee cups as they all moved forward with purpose. You idly wondered if anyone would get hurt if you hurled your Pharmacology textbook out of the window, but the windows on the 9th floor student lounge were not made to provide fresh air, only a view. Also, you were sure that you would be breaking the Hippocratic Oath, and it was too early in your fledgling path for you to become jaded enough for that.
“I just don’t know where we stand anymore,” Jinyoung’s voice continued, ignoring your little quip. In these moments, you often left your phone on speaker and just let him vent, with some noncommittal “hms” and “yeahs” to pretend that you were listening. You were flattered that he felt close enough to you to talk about his problems, much less his romantic life, but you’ve had this conversation too many times already. 
“Hey Jinyoung,” you interrupted, “A female patient presents with a creatinine clearance rate of 132 mL/kg, urine osmolality of 1650 mOsmol/kg, and hypokalemia.  The most likely cause of this patient’s condition is what class of drug?”
“A loop diuretic. Furosemide. Ethacrynic acid. What do you think I should do?”
“I think that you should come to the lounge and help me with pharmacology, as you seem to get questions right even when dealing with all your girl problems.”
A sharp intake of breath. A groan. “You make it seem so trivial.”
Silence. You bit back the most logical retort of, “Well, yes, it is.” More silence. Did he hang up?
“Just come to my apartment, I have take-out and flashcards.”
You silently pumped your fist in the air as you cleaned up your papers and gathered your things.
Ten minutes later, you found yourself in front of Jinyoung’s apartment building, finger poised to buzz the intercom. The front door of the complex opened and to your surprise, you were face to face with none other than Yerin, the object of Jinyoung’s affections. She greeted you shyly and held the door open for you. Dressed in an oversized sweater and clutching a pathology textbook against her chest, you couldn’t help but greet her fondly. 
“Do you have a pathology exam coming soon?” you asked, pointing to the textbook. She played with the strap of her messenger bag as she nodded, flashing a bunch of papers that she had sandwiched between the pages of the textbook.
“Is Step 1 preparation going okay?” she asked in return. Her voice was quiet and calm and you replied with your hatred of pharmacology while expressing jealously about how it came so naturally to Jinyoung. Upon hearing his name, she laughed nervously and agreed with your high-spirited rambling.
“Well, it was super nice to see you, Yerin! I won’t keep you for too long. Just let me know if you need help with path; Dr. Lore loves me,” you grinned proudly. 
With that, you climbed the stairs to Jinyoung’s apartment while thinking about all the things that he had told you about Yerin. As one of the first year students, you thought that she was quite humble, unlike many of her classmates who had come in with elitist and entitled attitudes. Your interactions with her were few, but she was at the top of her year while working part-time. You couldn’t imagine her as someone who would lead another person on. 
You fished the copy of the key that Jinyoung gave you from your backpack and entered the apartment to see him sprawled out on the floor of the living room, papers spread around him. The apartment complex was popular because it was so close to the medical college, but due to financial reasons, you stayed with your parents back in Astoria, which was an hour’s commute by subway. However, Jinyoung decided that you spent the nights often enough to warrant giving you your own key, and now you were pseudo-roommates; you ended up paying for utilities and groceries. 
“I ran into Yerin downstairs,” you began, placing your bag on the floor next to the small kitchen table. “I didn’t know she lived here.”
Jinyoung turned and emphatically pointed at you with what looked like a crude drawing of the bones of the hand. “That’s why it’s so hard! I see her practically every day.”
You rolled your eyes at him as you opened the refrigerator for a drink. He took the opportunity to continue where he had left off from on the phone. “She seemed to enjoy the dates that I planned, but then she goes and ignores all my texts when I accidentally introduced her to someone as my girlfriend.”
You sat down next to him on the floor, popping the tab of the energy drink and grabbing a pile of flashcards. You regretted bringing it up again, but this time, you remarked, “She is just a first year. Maybe she doesn’t feel comfortable with a relationship at this point? She seems super into academics and stuff so I would understand if she wanted to prioritize that first.”
“I just wish that I could have this conversation with her without her being all stoic and quiet.”
“Jinyoung, you can’t expect her to change for you. You said that you liked her because she was quiet in the first place. You have two options: either give her some space or keep trying to talk to her. One of them is the logical choice. Also, you are getting super annoying.”
Grumbling and conceding defeat, he took the flashcards from your hands as he began to quiz you about the mechanisms of action for various classes of drugs.
“So…I think I broke it off,” the text read. You raised your eyebrow as you wondered if you could break off something that was never officially a thing, but you decided to spare yourself the minutes that it would take Jinyoung to explain this concept to you.
“I’m sorry, how are you feeling?” you replied. You were snuggled in a cocoon of blankets on the sofa in Jinyoung’s apartment, a USMLE book on your lap. You half-heartedly read the practice question over again when your phone vibrated. 
“Weirdly, I don’t really care anymore. I’ve got worse problems, like getting you to pass the pharm section of the Boards :P”
“Aw, I’m honored.”
“I’ve got fried chicken. ETA 5 minutes. You better have finished that practice section.”
You and Jinyoung stood next to each other as you stared at the Prometric center, resigned to your fate. You were a bundle of nerves, your heart pounding as you thought of the eight-hour exam that was about to occur. You took the MCAT, you tried to reason with yourself. This is only two hours more.
Sensing your fear, Jinyoung intertwined his fingers with yours, squeezing gently in reassurance. Pulling you into the the building, he quietly wished you good luck before you had to go separate ways to check in and be seated at your respective computers.
Eight hours later, you shuffled out of the examination room and threw yourself into the seat next to Jinyoung. You lazily rested your head against his shoulder as you mumbled, “That sucked. Also, screw you for finishing early.”
He chuckled softly as he got up from the waiting room chair, pulling you up along with him. “Let’s go get some food,” he cheered, “We’re done!”
You bounced excitedly out of the building and onto the street as a wave of giddiness washed over you. Indeed, the first part of the Boards was behind you, and you had a summer vacation to look forward to. Skipping in the direction of Koreatown, you shouted behind your shoulder, “You’re treating!”
Jinyoung smiled as he watched your retreating figure amongst the sunset, the golden hour peeking through skyscrapers and tinting the city with a glowing warmth. His eyes crinkled at the corners as he ran after you.
On the day that he sent you that text, he had realized that (1) you always managed to come to the correct solution and (2) no one could compare with his best friend.
Bonus Epilogue:
You were all smiles at the white coat ceremony, still awed by the novelty of how fitted your coat was and how it now brushed the sides of your knees. Jinyoung put an arm around your shoulder as you took photo after photo with your classmates. Fiddling with the ring on your left hand, you felt comforted by the familiar weight on your shoulders and the atmosphere of excitement in the room.
“Four more years, huh?” he whispered, taking the chance to ruffle your hair.
“More like five,” you snorted as he playfully shook his head in mock disbelief. 
“Tell me why you want to do forensic pathology again?”
“Tell me why you want to do pediatric oncology,” you retorted. “Plus, I have way less chance of a malpractice suit,” you winked.
He responded by enveloping your hand with his, the band of his matching ring cool against your warm skin.
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