#someone take my nighttme writng rights away sdhbcfsdfj
hey guys, fun fact- the greek gods?? gay. all of those fuckers. gay as fuck. you can say whatever you want but you can’t get around it.
like, Apollo????? that bi disaster wasn’t even PRETENDING to be hetro. Artemis??? (aro)ace lesbian rep easy-peasy, she literally had a whole squad dedicated to ‘boys suck let’s hunt’
you wanna try Aphrodite??? that god was GENDERFLUID AND PANSEXUAL AND POLY suckers!!! Dionysus didn’t give a FUCK about gender and he was done to clown with everyone!!!!
Ares??? well he’s a WAR GOD he can’t have any of that ‘make love not war’ shit so guess what!! he ace!! deal with it!!! Athena????? oh you KNOW she was on that ace-aro spectrum, love’s overrated when you can be INDEPENDENT and SMART
Hades and Persephone???? you wanna fucking TRY me bitches that’s a NONBINARY PANSEXUAL AND BI couple right there!!!!! they sure as hell ain’t straight!!!!!!
any other god you can name???? gay. all those fuckers. gay as fuck. the only exception is zeus, a complete hetro, but honestly it’s fucking time we admit he didn’t deserve to be a god, thanks for coming to my TED talk.
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