#someone told me that past tag nr. 6 it doesn't matter anymore
One-night stands and one-shot chances (part ix)
University AU
Pairing: Jin x reader
Who says sex has to mean anything? Who says you can’t just screw around without all the heartache? Who says only guys get this privilege? What happens when the biggest playboy on campus suddenly meets his match and gets a taste of his own medicine?
Genre: casual sex, mentions of sex, bestfriend!Hoseok, onenightstand!Jin
Word count: 3300
Taglist: @esplosionedicoloriintesta​ @jeonjunggoodgod @rjsmochii​ @spookidema​ @pariz-lover​ @mymochimchimmy​ @seokjinnieismine​ @cloudyelizabeth​ @livesmileandstaystrong​ @thisistoooooomuch​ @okaysoplshelpme​ @secondstanza​ @eanielsen07​ @lidda​
Masterpost with the other parts of the story can be found here and my masterlist is here
A/N: Hi everyone! I hope you’re all doing well? I am sorry for the long wait, but life has been an absolute mess, and my love for writing kinda wilted for a while. I’m slowly finding it again, but regular updates won’t be something I can promise in the near future. Sorry! But thank you for waiting patiently for me and I hope you enjoy this update! 
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“Just… We can stay here, both of us. If you feel more comfortable with it, we can just act like we don’t know each other. Like we just share a kitchen. Or I can make sure to not get in your way and stay quiet. Or I can cook for you and we can eat together? Only if you want of course. Just. Whatever you feel most comfortable with. Just please don’t tell the others I’m here as well.”
His words were pleading, and his eyes widened in fright. Not of you. You were quite sure about that. But he was definitely afraid of something. He should be the one in control here. The one with the power to throw you out on your ass. And yet he was asking you for a favor.
“Okay. I won’t tell them. But I have a condition as well?”, you half stated, half asked, looking at him hesitantly, only to get an eager nod back. “No sexist comments. No flirting. No cheesy lines. No commenting on my body. This house will be a genderless, sexless, non-flirty safe-zone for the first time in it’s life,” you stated in a declarative tone, earning a snort of laughter from Jin.
“Whatever you say,” he laughed at you, and you found yourself grinning back at him.
Oh, this could be interesting. 
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“Great! Then I’m gonna go shower,” you beamed, waltzing past him and into the bathroom. “If you want, we can have breakfast together afterwards?”, you inquired from your brief stop in the doorway.
Jins face lit up in a relieved soft smile, as he nodded eagerly.
“Sure, I can cook us something?”
“Sounds heavenly,” you hummed before closing the door behind you, leaving Jin in the hallway.
Okay, Jin. You got this, he thought to himself as he made his way to the kitchen. All you gotta do is be nice to her. No flirting. You can do it!
As he continued his inner pep-talk, he rummaged through the fridge, pulling out the ingredients he needed. Luckily, he had been grocery shopping yesterday, so he actually had everything he needed to make you a nice breakfast. Humming lightly as he cracked the eggs over the bowl, his mind started to wander. How come you hadn’t gone home with Hoseok? He had been so certain, that you would change your mind and go with him, but it seemed Hoseok had failed to convince you. What could be important enough for you to stay here? Probably work, but still. You had never turned down time with Hoseok and his family before.
Starting the rice-cooker, he couldn’t help but snort out a laugh. Who was he to judge? He was hiding in his own house from his own housemates, because his parents didn’t want anything to do with him. He was in no position to pass judgement on anyone at the moment. Briefly wondering what he would do if you asked, he shrugged of the thought as he chopped some vegetables for the pan. Why would you ask? Odds were, that you would eat when he cooked for you, briefly say hi in the hallway if you bumped into each other but stay on your own the rest of the time. You had shown no interest in him before. This set-up wouldn’t change that.
“Oh, you already cooked,” you hummed in appreciation as you walked into the kitchen, making Jin freeze on the spot. He felt caught in the act, even though he hadn’t voiced any of his thoughts out loud, and it took him a millisecond to snap out of it.
“Yes, I did,” he stated, still staring at you as you moved further into the kitchen to see what was in the pans. Say something else, you idiot. “It will taste egg-celent.” Anything but that.
Widening his eyes at his own failure of a joke, he took in your equally puzzled look, before your eyes lit up and your face split in a huge grin, as you laughed at his joke.
“Omg, Jin. That was awful,” you laughed with your head thrown back as you repeated the joke to yourself, making him smile sheepishly as well. As you smiled at him with your twinkling eyes, he felt his stomach somersault and his cheeks flushing.
“It does smell egg-celent though,” you joked, throwing him a wink as you helped yourself to some eggs, fried vegetables and the crispy bacon. Pouring yourself a glass of juice, you hoisted yourself up on the counter to eat, since the frat house of course didn’t have a dining room table. “So, what are you doing today?”, you asked just as Jin had stuffed his face full of rice, making you giggle as he sent you an exasperated look.
Uncomfortably aware of his still flushed cheeks, he hurriedly chewed through his food, almost choking on it as he swallowed.
“I actually don’t have anything planned. Might just lounge around and watch a movie or something,” he finally answered, making you look up from your plate with a soft look. The sun was shining in through the window behind you, making the air around you glow.
“Mind if I join?”, you asked, cocking your head in a manner scarily resembling Hoseok, making Jins lips turn up in a half smile, as he nodded to your question.
It was kinda endearing how close the two of you were, and how you had picked up on each other’s mannerisms. Like the head tilt or how Hoseok always cuddled the person closest to him. Although that might have been something you picked up as well, Jin mussed. Honestly, you were so close that it was hard to distinguish who used to do what. It was just really cute. Cute in the same way as how half of Hoseoks storage space in the kitchen was used for your snacks, and how he kept old sweatshirts around because he knew you liked to sleep in them.
As you rambled on about which movie to watch, Jin thought once again if there really wasn’t anything going on between you and Hoseok. You had slept in his room more times than he could count, you were always wearing his clothes and Hoseok never failed to take care of you, even camping out at your apartment for a week that one time you had gotten a really bad case of the flu. He was constantly attuned to your mood and needs, moving around thousands of other plans so he had time when you did. Even though he would never admit it, Jin knew that Hoseok had arranged all his lectures around your schedule last semester so he could walk you to class on Mondays and have lunch with you on Tuesdays and Fridays. The other boys had teased him about it countless time, but he always just shrugged it off without a comment.
“Jin?”, you asked with a giggle, literally snapping him out of his thoughts, when you snapped your fingers right in front of his face. “You there?”
“Yes, sorry! Just zoned out for a second,” Jin chuckled, shaking his head a bit. “Whatever movie you wanna watch, is fine with me.”
“Great! ‘27 dresses’ it is!”, you beamed at him with a mischievous giggle, making Jin smile softly.
“Sure, whatever you say.”
Whatever keeps you smiling and laughing like that.
As Jin cleaned the kitchen – your idea – you went to get your computer from Hoseoks room. Grabbing it off the bed, you saw your phone blinking with an unseen notification. Before you even had time to check it, it lit up again, flashing Hoseoks picture across the screen as he tried to reach you.
“Hobi!”, you squealed in excitement, as you secured your phone between your shoulder and chin, grabbing the glass of the table with your now free hand. “How are you? How was the feast yesterday?”
“Hi Y/n. You’re on speaker with the rest of the family, so don’t say anything stupid,” he warned you and you could hear both the laugh in his voice and the smack someone gave him on the back of his head.
“Can’t top anything you’ve said anyway, Seokie,” you laughed, as you walked back to the kitchen to deposit your glass. Jin was standing by the sink, drying the last plate, and he turned towards you with a panicky expression when he heard you mention Hoseoks name, to which you simply rolled your eyes and held your finger to your lips, so he would stay quiet.
“Y/n, honey. We miss you here. I really wish you would come by at least for a few days,” Hoseoks mom spoke up. You smiled softly at her words and was about to answer her, when you heard the tone indicating, that they were trying to video chat you. “Let me at least see you, so I know you’re doing well.”
“Ehm, now is not really a good time,” you stuttered, almost dropping your phone in an attempt to decline the request only to accidentally accept it and make Hoseoks entire family show up on your screen. Letting out a little squeal you quickly whipped around so the camera wouldn’t show Jin in the background.
“What are you screaming for? It’s just us,” Hoseok laughed, taking in your rather flustered and panicky state, as you threw a look over the phone only to find the kitchen empty.
“Ehm. Sorry, I just tripped walking into the kitchen,” you quickly lied, as your eyes darted around the room trying to locate Jin. “How are you guys?”
“Hun, you don’t look so good,” Hoseoks sister cooed, moving her head closer to the screen to get a better look. “Are you sure you’re alright?”
“Oh yes, I’m peachy. Just a bit tired, I guess.” Sending her a quick smile, you slowly made your way around the kitchen island.
“Peachy, huh?” Hoseok repeated, and you could easily hear the smirk in his voice. He knew something was up. Dammit. Taking the last step around the corner you found the kitchen completely empty, making you whip around in confusion.
“Yes, I’m fine. Don’t worry about me,” you smiled sweetly, as you tried to figure out if Jin was really gone. Goddammit.
“Uh-huh,” Hoseok laughed, walking away from his family. “Y/n, just remember to change the sheets, yeah?”, he laughed wickedly into the phone, as he switched the video off.
“Huh? What are you talking about, Hobi?”
“I saw the dude in the background,” he snickered, making you gasp loudly. “Y/n, I don’t mind. Really. Just please wash the sheets before I get back, alright. I won’t bug you anymore. Have fun, alright? Bye babe!”
Removing the phone from your ear, all you could do was stare at it dumbfoundedly, before you groaned in frustrating. Great. Now you would need to figure out a cover story for who you were with.
“Jin!”, you roared. “Where the hell are you?
As he sheepishly stepped out from his hiding place the behind the door frame, you sent him a stern look.
“What on earth were you doing? You told me not to tell the others! You need to help me keep that promise!”
“Hey, I wasn’t the one who chose to video chat all of the sudden! And I literally dropped to the floor, when you answered, alright!”, he yelled back, adrenaline still pumping from crawling around on the floor to stay out of sight. “You see this?”, he asked, lifting his shorts so you could see the bruises already forming on his knees. “I was a freaking ninja, thank you very much.”
For a second complete silence hung over the kitchen, until you couldn’t help but burst out laughing at Jins wronged look as he was still pointing to his knees. Jin was completely taken aback by your sudden laugh and simply blinked at you as you doubled over in laughter.
“Omg, did you really just call yourself a ninja?”, you asked between laughs, making Jins face split in a grin as well.
“Hell yeah, I did. You did not see what I did to stay out of sight,” he laughed with you, relishing in how easily the atmosphere went back to being relaxed and happy.
“Oh, please show me,” you pleaded with a twinkle in your eyes, and it took nothing more for Jin to throw his body on the ground again, causing you to actually crouch on the floor and clutch your stomach from laughter as the tears sprang from your eyes. Dragging his body over the floor in a mock-version of how he did it mere minutes before, had you howling with laughter as you rolled around on the floor. Hearing him grunt and huff as he dragged himself around the kitchen island and his face popping up as he made it back to your side made you absolutely loose it, as you grabbed onto his arm, throwing yourself across his chest as your laughs echoed through the kitchen. Simply happy to have you near him, he let his arm rest across your back, as you both laughed it out.
Drawing one last deep breath, you settled against his warm chest, feeling it rise with each breath he took. He was comfortable. At least now, you reminded yourself. Well, he was comfortable that night as well. He just hadn’t been comfortable since. Jin had a way of holding you so you felt safe and cared for – the same way that Hoseok made you feel safe.
Lifting your head, you rested your chin on your hand looking up at him.
“Can I ask you something?”, you spoke softly, afraid of breaking the bubble of trust and intimacy around you.
He placed an arm behind his head, and you felt his long fingers on the other hand ghost along your spine.
“Sure, what’s up?”, he hummed, making you shiver lightly at the sound of his deep voice.
Damn. No wonder, he was such a hit with the women on campus. He knew exactly how to reel them in.
“Why aren’t you home with your parents?”
You felt him tense up at your words, his fingers stopping in their path as he drew a sharp breath.
“I didn’t want to go home this year,” he spoke through tight lips. It wasn’t exactly true, but it wasn’t a lie either. “Why aren’t you with Hoseok? Or your own parents?”, he countered.
“I have work,” you spoke, lying back against his chest as you felt his fingers start their journey again. “And papers I have to turn in. God, I feel like college is just an endless line of papers, that you need to turn in.” Groaning at the thought you felt the chuckle rumble through Jins chest.
“Alright, so you’ll work, come home and I’ll have dinner on the table. I can be the perfect housewife to your working man,” he joked, making a smile tug at your lips.
“The idea of the wife staying home and the man working is so archaic though,” you huffed in slight annoyance. “But I appreciate the thought! Maybe I can be the working woman, and you can be the perfect spouse?”, you suggested with a snort.
“I don’t even get to be the husband or man?”, Jin whined in feigned outrage, making you laugh again.
“Nope,” you stated, popping the p. “Remember, this is a genderless zone.”
“Well, then you can’t be a working woman either,” he countered, making you giggled again and he relished in how you tightened your hold on him when you laughed. “You would be a working… specimen!”
“Why can’t I just be a human?”, you whined between laughs.
“No way. Human is too ordinary. You could also be a working flower?”, he suggested, making you look up at him with slightly squinted eyes.
“I thought, we agreed on no flirting?”, you teased with a wicked grin.
“Oh, I am not flirting,” Jin said in a very serious tone. “I am simply naming genderless nouns. There is also cat, dog, kitten, baby, house, tree, bench, doll, sofa, cupcake…”
“I’m pretty sure at least a few of those are used as pet names regularly, but alright,” you stated matter-of-factly, enjoying the banter.
“So you’re telling me that by calling you doll, I am actually allowing you to chose your own gender?”, Jin asked, a laugh lurking just below the words.
“In theory, yeah. But a doll is inanimate. It has no soul, choices or actions. It’s not even alive,” you argued, involuntarily scrunching your nose at the name.
Jin stayed quiet for a second, musing over your words.
“But that means, I can call you flower, right? It’s genderless but still alive, and I know for a fact, that most flowers move during the day to keep their petals towards the sun, so it’s not inanimate and it has actions,” he finished with a proud smile and glowing eyes, causing you to shake your head at him with a giggle.
“Fine, I’ll allow ‘flower’, but nothing else!”
“Oh, I will never need another name for you, my flower,” he teased, lightly tickling your sides to make you roll off him. “And now to the living room, my flower!”
Jumping to his feet, he held out a hand for you and pulled you off the floor, before actually skipping into the living room with you giggling on his heels.
“You know, you’re really nice to be around, Jin,” you laughed at him, as you let yourself fall back against the couch. “Like I knew you were fun, but I really enjoy being around you. When you’re not flirting that is,” you reminded him, making him widen his eyes at you.
“Moi? Flirting? Je ne ferais jamais,” he pouted at you with a wicked glint in his eye.
“You speak French?” Widening your eyes in surprise, you gave him a smack on the arm. “So when I was struggling with that intro course on French Philosophers, you could have helped me?”
“That was honestly the only course I ever aced,” he countered with a shit-eating grin, making you huff out in annoyance. “Oh, come on, flower. None of the other guys know about it either. There is no need to get your panties in a twist.”
Turning towards his computer to find the movie, he missed the slight blush sneaking up your cheeks by how casually he had slipped in his new nickname for you. Sneaking a glance at him, you admired his features as he clicked around on the computer. It was easy to dismiss his good looks when he was being an ass, but now when he was actually acting like a human being, it was impossible to overlook.
“Alright, ’27 dresses’, right?” Turning to you for confirmation, he found you already looking at him with inspecting eyes. “Ah, you checking me out, flower? I thought you said no flirting. Flowers really do turn towards the sun,” he teased you, making you roll your eyes and give him a light shove.
“The only sun in my life is Hobi, and we both know you could never compete with him for that title,” you countered, before settling back against his side, cuddling closer to him. “But flowers need water as well.”
“Are you calling me a sea?”, he scoffed in annoyance at the nickname, although it was hard to stay mad with you cuddling him.
“Flowers can’t grow in saltwater. They need clear water. Like from the rain.”
“So, I’m rain to you? Cold, wet and unpleasant?”, he frowned, making you giggled at his hurt tone.
“I happen to like the rain,” you hummed, as you pressed play on the computer. “It symbolizes growth and a new start. What’s not to like about that?”
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// next part //
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