#somethigm like that
nekorinnie · 2 years
Chirp Chirp MFer!
Where a trooper cadet, gets a much lovely call from people who have captured one of her cousins., and said cousin's only response, is a chirp
The cadet glares at the blinking comm, not willing to deal with the shenanigans of her Vode so soon after training to the point of no return. After the tenth blink she huffs and gets up and answers the comm.
"Hello hello?" The greeting, nearly growled. Flopping on the cot.
"We have your cousin." Some unknown Di'kut states.,
A normal worried cousin would be.., well, worried. But considering a few things in this case., Dezmayess Cadera simply does not care.
"Which one.," 'Not that it really matters' she nearly smirks at the thought. 'After all, either way, it'll end the same... or at least nearly the same'
There's a small pause before the kidnapper, capturure, whatever, answers.
".. The albino."
She snorts "Good Luck."
The poor Jare barely gets to question the /well wishes/ before horrified screams suddenly sound, there's random pops heard, and some chaos going on, and she tosses the comm up and and catches it several times in the few seconds to near minute it takes for it all to calm.
A sudden chirp chirrup sounds out and she pauses in the tossing.
"... You weird arse bird. Some audacity you have." She deadpans. "Getting kidnapped, and then chirping about like nothing happened."
Her Ori'vod only laughs in reply.
What the kidnappers see as the jedi padawan escapes his bounds and throws glitter bombs everywhere...
Glitter. Everywhere!:
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goopingandgunking · 1 year
I think it’s to make sure she doesn’t get like. Emotions or somethigm
What the hell.. Jesus Christ is it not allowed to have emotions?
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qualitytigersuit · 2 years
fluomoth refenrece post
i am writign tgis with a nemormous moth flpaiing its wings on my face tyring to stick its big fat probixcis down my third eye so aopligies for any spelling/grammaer mistakes or if it seems dijsointed i am typing it blind with no way to corrcect/proofread. sorry
so what the fuck
i am plagued by fluomoths from one of the earth's invisible moons. i'll explain what each part of that gmeans in turnb
inviisble moons
the earth has more than one moon but the others are inviisble (mosr of the time). there are at least 2, probably like 3-5, but theyr'e invisible (mosrt of tge time) so it' shard to fsy
the most wellk nown one is th eblack moon called rahu in indian and cauda draconis in western astrology. some call it lilith also. astrologwrs will tell yo uthis jusy means teh 'descending lunar node' whatever that's supposed to ne. THISI S A LIE. it's a moon but you can't see it. bcuase it's invisible (as estsblsed previously. it's important to si'm repeating it)=. some say you can see it during total solar eclispes. but then they also say the sun flashes green for a second when it fsets & i've nevrbr seen that one eighter.
the other moon i know of for sure if whrer the fluomoths come from. its invisible too (this is a theme) but in like. a diffferent way? less 'light can't hit it' and more' out of phase with reality. 'like in genral. anyway it hsa a hiighly exxcentic eccentric orbit that somethigms takes it pretty cloose to earfgt erath earth and that's when th emoths come down. like in pern, but with moths instead of weird fngus.
they lok a lot like moths. you know those like . optical illusions where you look at one thing and corss your eyes and it becomws another. or like stare ag a thibg long & then look away and see another thing? well basicaly look at this
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and tgen this:
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and then look at somthing else. and that's a bit what they look like. tgis is pretty weird and since they'r emade from invisible moonstuf they're invisible too. so one might be flapping about & you'd neve rknow it. you odn't need to worry abotu that tho because if you can't see them, they can't see you. like i guess they're able to see walls and trees and whatnot to fly around but they can't pick you out from the scenery. they just thing you're a weird trree i guess. so if you're never seen a lfuomoth you're all good. if you do see something that loooks like what i just describwd then read on
one reason i cal them lfuomoth (that's just my name. i odn't know if anyone else enen knows about tgem which is why i'm writing tgis.) because they have this fluorescent look atbout them. like a blacklight poster kinda
the other reason is tghey eat. well something. when you rnter into cettain kinds om ystic /altered states thereis' thi.s eneryg? fluid? mbut like magnetism is a fluid not like how cwater if a fluid. that mnanrs. emanates . from your brain /chakra / ipepr dantoian. i don't have a nemf for it so i just call it 'the flow' bcuae that's what it feels like. yo i know when you're taling / writing / making art / danciong / coing a ritual and everything just seems o t. to flow. or hwen you're dmeifaing anfd open your eyes and hte world is like water. of when youre high or youve just had an orgasm and evertything is at eas.e it's not like those things itns more like what i said first it deels like fomsrhing is flowing otu/thru/ you. and the moths are atracted to that. they want it. did you know butterlfies will drinkb lood if given the chnce? 
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now you do. nd thse are like thatb ut what they want isn't blood and it i in your brain. so it's nogt great
how to dget rid of them
ill ket you know when i figure it out. posting the kind of mstuff i do here seebms to help sometimes womsewhat. you need to channel the flow it needs to go someplace so the mothts wont smell it. on the iother hand if your jus t sotinrg it then they might noe smell it. so i guess what it is if you have too much it hsarts fo leak and then they come oooking at it might mekae it better / protect you from the moths or it might afttract them. don't complain to me. one thing you dont ahtn to do is open your erception to the point whre you can see them. because then they can see you and will come frrom the invisible moon and fucking. fucking lfap akl over the place and make it pmssobel to concetra.c cant even fucking find a way to theh .t he bathroom with rhese moths. THE MOTHS WILL MAKE YOU PISS YOURSELF IF YOU SEE them. so odn’t to dhat. problem is i havent figured out when and hwy i became able to see them. so no idea what helps / what makes it worse. anywya
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