#something about heart cutie marks you know!!!!! tis the damn season!!
msponies · 4 months
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good reddance!!.bmp
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shirtlesssammy · 4 years
2x17: Heart
In a swanky bar in San Francisco, co-workers are out enjoying good company and crazy drinks. 
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Maddie gets hit on by her boss, Nate, but is smart enough to see right through him. As she watches him walk away though, she sees a scruffy dude in the corner and becomes alarmed. He’s gone in an instant and Maddie takes off. She gets in her car and when she drives away, the scruffy man exits the shadows to watch her leave. 
The next morning, Maddie is getting coffee ready in the office when she finds Nate completely shredded to pieces on his desk. 
At the morgue, Detective Sam Winchester checks out the vic. Off the record, the coroner would say the guy was attacked by a wolf. Sam guesses correctly that he’s also missing his heart.
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At the motel, Dean and Sam discuss the case and the string of unsolved deaths in the past year. This was the first man. All previous deaths were women, all prostitutes, all missing their hearts. Dean’s super pumped that they’re dealing with a werewolf. They haven’t seen one since they were kids (Sidenote: so in Bad Boys, Dean didn’t get those bruises from a werewolf...hmm, yep.) (Natasha: Oh noooooooo!) He’s also super pumped to put a silver bullet through its heart. 
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They head off to talk to Madison. 
They show up at Madison’s place. She introduces them to her neighbor, Glenn. He’s a quiet, churchy dude who makes casseroles for traumatized neighbors. 
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He leaves and the brothers ask Madison more about Nate. They ask if he had any enemies. She admits that her ex-boyfriend, Kurt, thought there was something going on between Madison and Nate. He’s been stalking them. The brothers head out to visit Kurt.
Sam and Dean sneak into Kurt’s apartment. They don’t find anything suspicious in the first two seconds of searching, but they do hear a mysterious noise outside. Dean finds claw marks all the way down the side of the building. 
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Meanwhile, a copper is investigating a noise in the back alley when he’s attacked by the camera! He fires his gun. Sam and Dean run to the alley. They find the cop torn apart, dead. 
They head back to Madison’s, believing she’s in danger of Kurt. She tells them about seeing him outside her building the night before. One of them will stay with Madison and the other will go check out where Kurt works. They both want to stay with Madison, so Sam plays dirty and insists they play a little Rock-Paper-Scissors. He knows he’s going to win. He always wins. Dean always plays scissors.
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Sam’s an awkward bean hanging out with Madison though --and she knows it. Folding her intimate wear right in front of Sam is dirty pool. Dean checks in on a lead on Kurt and then busts Sam’s balls a bit before Sam hangs up. 
Sam and Madison start watching TV. They bond over Madison’s cheesy soap. (Oh, man, in the world where Dean won the rochambeau game, he would have totally out geeked Madison on enjoying that soap.) Needless to say, Madison and Sam are cutie pies. 
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Sam asks Madison why she was with Kurt. She tells him that it was what it was, but she changed after she got mugged and decided to take control of her life. Sam’s impressed. He’s soooo cute. He finds her so interesting but he’s working a case and he’s a nervous bean around women and he’s not really had feeling or wanted to have feelings for someone since Jess and Madison is cute and flirty and likes books. It’s a lot. Interrupting Dean calls to let Sam know that Kurt’s been found. 
Later, Madison lets Sam know she’s turning in for the night. Sam keeps it all professional and tells her that he’ll be here if she needs him. She gives him a lingering stare as she wanders into her bedroom. Sam stays up late watching TV. 
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Dean stakes out Kurt’s apartment. Something smashes the window to Kurt’s balcony and Dean heads to investigate. Inside he finds a very dead Kurt ---and a very werewolf-y Madison!! She attacks Dean and runs away. 
The next morning, Dean calls Sam to tell him that the werewolf is Madison. Sam doesn’t believe it. She’s asleep in her bed. Dean tells him to look at her arm. He got her with his silver knife.  Sure enough, she’s got a cut on her arm. She’s also confused as to why she is naked. She wants to know what’s happening, and where Sam’s going. Sam goes to the front door and locks it, and then says, “I’m not going anywhere, and neither are you.” Ok, so that’s creepy, Sam. I guess she is a monster though?
Later that morning, Madison can’t believe she let this young, gun-wielding lad into her apartment solely on his word that he was a cop. She tries to convince Sam that monsters aren’t real but he shouts at her and won’t let her go. GOD this episode is disturbing on so many levels.
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Enter Dean Winchester, who thanks her sarcastically for his head injury (that she doesn’t remember doing). Sam pulls him aside and they debate whether or not she’s killing on purpose or changing and suffering amnesia afterwards. Sam’s not ready to kill her if she isn’t aware that she’s a werewolf. And whoa guys, WHOA. I’m contrasting this with the episode we just recapped, Lucifer Rising, where Sam ganks the demon while the human vessel is in control. Brrr chills. 
Sam thinks there may be a cure for Madison. Their dad had a theory that if you killed the sire, you could sever the bloodline and cure werewolves. Sam examines her bite injury, sustained during the recent mugging. 
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They learn that she was mugged around Hunter’s Point. Sam stays behind while Dean heads out to catch himself a werewolf! Sam tries to explain to Madison - who is openly weeping - that he’s only tied her up so he can help her. Y I K E S, Sam, that’s what they all say. 
In the middle of the city, a wolf howls. In Madison’s apartment, her manicure gets ruined. 
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Madison hulks out and swats Sam down like he’s a bug. 
Downtown, a woman gets attacked. Dean shoots the attacker full of several holes and the werewolf morphs back into mostly human. It’s the weird, religious neighbor who lives next to Madison. He apparently feeds off of sex workers but “turns” the cute girl next door. Gross. 
Madison wakes up in a heavily clawed up room, still not remembering anything. Sam trapped her there overnight.
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Dean relaxes in the car later and reflects on how Glen had no clue what he was doing when he was wolfed out. (Okay but...DIDN’T HE?) Dean catches the fact that Glen turned Madison instead of killing her and speculates that Glen was after a little “breeding action.” For fuck’s sake, Dean. I mean, you’re not WRONG, but I don’t appreciate the relish with which you talk about that. 
Dean pushes Sam to try his luck with Madison, who they’re pretty sure is now cured. Speak of the devil, Madison knocks on the Impala window. “You know, for a stake-out, your car’s a bit conspicuous.” TRUTH. She invites them back upstairs.
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Day passes into night, then heads into morning without Madison turning. It worked! Awesome. Dean makes excuses to leave. Sam apologizes for tying her to a chair. She apologizes for scratching his face. They kiss. Suddenly there’s a fire in the fireplace! 
After eighty years of making out, we flash forward to a peaceful sleeping scene. 
Shirtless Sammy Alert!
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The moon rises again. I guess they had sex all day? Sam wakes up to Madison snarling, fully wolfed out. GURL after all-day marathon sex I’d be that hungry, too. She launches out of the window instead of taking advantage of tasty snak Sam Winchester. 
Sam races for Dean. They toss theories around, like that she has to be asleep to turn. Boys, plz, we saw her wolf out while Sam had her tied to a chair. There’s no legend, no lore that can save her. Sam draws a direct parallel to his own demon-blood situation. Part of him is evil as well, but Dean will never kill him. Dean WILL kill Madison without pause, however. 
Madison calls Sam from a pay phone. She shows the natural prowess from pre-smartphone days of memorizing phone numbers! She also tells Sam where she is. Sam calls her “Madi” and, friends, I am dead. 
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Back at her apartment, they recap the situation. Madison doesn’t remember anything. Dean tells her that there’s one tried and true way to solve a werewolf problem, and that’s at the business end of a gun. MAN, I cannot tell you how many times I fantasize that the end of this show will bring about a more humanitarian world for monsters. 
Madison, in the heat of trauma, concludes that it’s time to die. She hands the gun to Sam and asks him to kill her. DUDE. Can we calm down, drink some hot chocolate, and revisit this?
“We can find a way. I’m gonna save you,” Sam says. Madison won’t have it though. She’s ready to die and she wants Sam to do it. (Once again, through our season 15 lens, I have to send two giant middle fingers straight to Chuck because DAMN this is such a lesson episode about how Dean’s gonna have to kill Sam.)
Sam’s an emotional wreck, but he takes the gun and kills her. UGH thanks for ripping out my HEART, show. (Also ISWYDT) The episode ends on a close-up of Dean. He single-man-tears Madison’s death, and flinches as the gun goes off. 
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These Quotes Go on When I Close My Eyes:
Maybe there’s some human hearts behind the Haagen-Daz or something
Dean, always with the scissors
I could keep feeling sorry for myself, or I could take control of my life. I chose the latter
What are you, the Dog Whisperer now?
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