#something about molly being separate piece of a soul from lucien and 'the best parts of him'
dent-de-leon · 1 year
Molly telling Lucien if he kills the Mighty Nein then their blood will be on both their hands...my heart--
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crazyspookies · 3 years
I find it interesting how many people think Molly and Lucien are completley independent entities. Molly was a fragment of Lucien’s soul, meaning that Molly’s good and bad atributes were part of who Lucien was as a person once. Of course that would look a different separated from Lucien, because Molly is missing all the rest of Lucien’s personality, memories, experiences, and baggage (and i find it really funny that not only does that go both way, with Lucien missing Molly’s, but that both of them have a “i don’t really care about their memories that person’s dead to me” attitude lol. If anything that is another clue about Molly being part of Lucien’s whole now).
My first question was to think: If Molly is a fragment of Lucien, did he get destryed when he died or did that piece of him come back to become a whole with Lucien? You’d probably be really different if someone grabbed one part of your personality and isolated it from the rest. If someone met that person, and that piece became part of you again, they’d find you a bit of a stranger that reminds them of their friend.
Everything we’ve been seeing since we met Lucien suggests that Molly is part of Lucien now, it’s just that Lucien doesn’t remember anything that Molly experienced. And i think those experiences are actually really important! Molly represented some of the best parts of Lucien, but those qualities alone don’t do much if they are not nurtured. Molly was out there trying to do nice things for others, and he considered that important to do! And he didn’t need super scary powers to do so! Molly had friends, people who actually cared about him not just big plans with a nightmare city, a probably shitty childhood from what we’ve glanced, and business associates. I think something might shift in him if he remembered who he was as Molly.
Would Lucien give up on his plans, try to go back on what he’s done if he did remembered those things?...Maybe not. It’s genuinely hard to say. I think maybe it’s all too advanced now, or maybe just a few experiences are not enough to contrarest everything else that’s shitty about him. But still i’d like to think there’s a chance, and i think Matt is the kind of person who would like to give the M9 a chance to change his mind if they really try.
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