#something i also did on vacation last month teehee
bonnvivre · 11 months
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heysarsii · 1 year
grazie mille!
Got treated out for dinner by my mentor together with my previous teammate at A Mano in BGC. Yes, Albert is back from AU. AGAIN. For the nth time. But this time, he was here for a vacation. He was here since December last year and will be flying out next week. He went back several times last year for a series of business trip so we were only able to meet twice. So when he messaged that he wanted to meet, how can I say no? And yes, I got the goods (ube and chocolates!). IYKYK.
Have you ever tried freshly made pasta? I haven't. So, this was a first of many. And I was too excited. Do you also know that Italians order pizzas per person? They don't share it. The whole pizza is just for one person. No we didn't order one for each of us but I saw it before when I went to Boracay this year. Fun fact! 😂
Refreshing my basic Italian, I know that Grazie Mille means "a thousand thanks" or in our words, "thank you so much". (Another fun fact but definitely irrelevant, my ex and I were studying French and Italian respectively before the pandemic) A Mano means "by hand" in Italian. Hence, everything on their menu is freshly made by hand especially the pasta, mozzarella, and pizza dough.
I just want to talk about how I loved everything that we ordered. I'll try to not make this sound like a review but who's complaining? Don't get me wrong, they have expensive menu items. Like for a pasta it costs around P600+. I was browsing through the menu and also looking at the tables around us thinking how the serving would be for the cost of each item. But they have huge servings I guess cause we still had leftovers.
We got mozzarella balls, squid ink pasta, 4 cheese pizza, fettuccine alfredo, and for dessert, he ordered us each a serving of their burrata gelato.
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Bear with me cause I got the Italian menu items off of their Zomato listing. Don't worry, I was looking at the English translations so it's pretty much accurate. Albert was laughing at me because my Italian was weak and I told him I won't eat something if I don't understand it. Let me try to share and describe how the experience was while it's still fresh in my memory.
Mozarelline Fritte - We had this for appetizers. This wasn't the usual mozzarella balls that we know where there is a cheese pull whenever you slice or bite into it. The inside was hot and a bit gooey because it was also freshly made. It also is not tasteless like the common mozzarella that we can get in grocery stores. It's milky or creamy and a bit sweet and salty. Pair it with their salsa and I swear Albert was laughing at how I reacted at my first bite because it was that good. I think this costed around P350+ for 5 balls?
4 Formaggi Pizza - This was also good. I like how the dough was chewy and there was a certain bite to it. The combination and ratio of the cheeses weren't overpowering. Drizzle in their chili honey and you're good to go. I wish their honey could be a bit more "honey-er" because it was just all chili but it's bearable. This one, around P600, too.
Tagliatelle al Nero con Frutti de Mare - This was the squid ink pasta. The squid ink, of course, was just incorporated into the pasta itself and not the sauce. Albert said that it was oil based but there were chunks of tomato and I thought that adding the breadcrumbs wouldn't make any difference but I'm glad that i tried it because it did!!! So good! And don't get me started with their pasta because it was soft yet chewy and it has this certain way for the sauce to cling but you can still taste the squid ink and not in an annoying kind of way. They also have a generous addition of seafood to it. I picked this one when we ordered. Teehee. Good job, Sarsi!
Fettuccine Alfredo - This one was served in an unusual way because it was served in a platter and they will mix it up for you. So apparently, the sauce for alfredo is just butter and cheese. 14-month old Parmigiano-Reggiano to be exact. The smell of this once they serve this is heavenly! I was arguing with Albert and Mel that it smells like leche flan because it smells too creamy but they got weirded out. 😂
Burrata Gelato - A crowd favorite. This was heavenly too. 🥺 It was so good that even if I said I wouldn't get anything sweet, I still indulged in this and actually finished it. You can add toppings into this like honeycomb or nutella but it's already good on its own. I kid you not when I say that a single plain serving will cost you around P200+. But seriously, get this instead of their tiramisu.
Of course, we didn't just had dinner, we also had a lot of catching up to do because we're all too lazy to type it in chat. I'll try to share that in a separate post because there were discussions on different topics overheard that just made sense and are too funny and is such a waste not to share.
Eating at places like this is still out of my comfort zone. I mean I can l, but I have this mindset that I have to check if this is worth what I earn per hour. And I guess it's also true, that you won't know until you try so you just need to think about it hard and take a risk.
It's experiences like this that I really appreciate and understand that standards exist for a reason. You can have a dupe of something but it's not going to be the same. Not even at par with the quality of the real one. Like it can look and smell the same but you just know that it's not. I know that dupes exist to make it work and accessible for others, and yes, do absolutely that. I now understand how Italians are easily annoyed and offended at people sharing dupe recipes of carbonara and alfredo, or just any Italian dishes. It's just different.
I remember telling Albert that "I'm happy na walang sayang sa kinain ko tonight" (even if I didn't pay anything for it — Thanks Albie!) because everything was good. Makes me want to go to Italy to try it first hand. Recommend this for when there are celebrations with important people in your life and you feel like splurging. Make sure to make reservations early because they get packed easily and are only open for lunch and dinner. Definitely worth every buck.
I feel like I shared a lot today. Oh well. Ciao!x
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thevictoriousdory · 5 years
sabaw thoughts alias catch up posts
how inactive am i
:/// i am ok tho im just not my 'artsy' self lately or maybe because i lowkey forgot updating here coz currently i have a planner and i wrote the stuff there.
last time i posted here is when i celebrated my 19th birthday (9 months ago O.o) and new years 2019. bc of that, here's a timeline of my 'ganaps' during those times that i've missed!!
march - because of the mumps, and some sickness i felt during feb, aka occuring wisdom tooth and fever), i wasnt able to catch up really really well in my zoology. i exert extra effort for me to pass, and luckily, i did!
april - i went to baler, aurora for vacation with my college friends. that place took my heart, so bad. "home away from home", indeed #iwentsurfing. also, i kind of joined my father during the photoshoot sesh of ms sta elena candidates (quite having a dilemma if im gonna be on some pageants as well, or not.).
may - my first time to vote!!!! also, me and my family went to bag-angan resort. it has a pool, and a river with balsa. next, wr went to my cousin's wedding and weeks after that, i went to calaguas island with my elementary friends (and kinda with my parents and cousin , since they're accomodating on an area which is a little far from our tent.). that experience helped me have fun even without internet! hahaha
end of may, we celebrated fiesta too. while we bought some ingredients for our dishes, there's a little story that happened. the store owner introduced me to his son, which is, coincidently, studying in our neighbor school (tamaraw!!!). i've had a crush on him, i guess, until october of 2019??? HAHA.
june - before being a student once again, me and mum went to perez, quezon with her high school friends. those days, i became friends with her friends' sons as well. a little one of the boys moment again. teehee.
2nd yr bs psychology student 🖖 it's not really that hard adjusting from a different section to another with only 1 person whom your close with. especially, most of the people are approachable and awesome (not saying that C isn't awesome, but I felt more happiness and sincerity in B, so, #NoRegrets !). in the succeeding months, we became close with our previous classmates, and eventually called ourselves, SALAZARs (the og plot twist of 2019).
july - kind of heartbreaking because i saw my first love after 5 years in sm manila with his girlfriend. other than that, all is well. baby caileigh blythe was born!
august - i guess nothing really memorable happened here. random walks at quiapo, random walks along morayta and our official rebranding as the salazar family.
september - uaap season!!!!! was able to see, ricci rivero (oo na, ive uncrushed him naman after the uaap :(() , tyler tio, ildefonso bros and my ue mbt!! this season is important for some1 who doesnt love 3rdy ravena, then being suddenly "wowed" by him during his games (thats me!!).salute to mr ravena, huhu ang humble. also, first official photo with my baby, harvey. baby rigil kent is born!!!
a love-hate relationship with this month. love dahil puro basketball and boys, hate kasi ang daming beer nights and i gained weight!
october- continuation of my uaap pagtataray and the sembreak season c: uncrush-ed tamaraw guy, finally.
november - (current month) went to the beach before classes and our first undas with papa willy not being the one who's puyat, but the one who's pinagpupuyatan. i guess it would be a long time before we got used to that kind of undas set up.
also, #RoadToWhiteUniform passed! It looks like it's going to be a tough sem. HUHUHU i dont wanna die yet pls. i guess, that's all yet since this month isn't finished yet. i'll update once in a while. xx
another also, #NewSemNewCrush 😜 heart's for Cholo muna, bye bye, other crushes. HAHAHAHA all my kalats are on my 2nd twitter!!!
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panic-angel3314 · 7 years
92 Truths
I was tagged by the badass @therealfivefeetoffuckingfury who is my best friend, my inspiration, my support system, my everything. So in love with her and all her amazing writing it's gives me life.
Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 92 truths about you. At the end choose 25 people to be tagged. LAST:
Last drink: Diet Dr.Pepper
Last phone call: My papa bear telling me to get a drink for mama bear while I was at the store.
Last text message: was to my sister and it was a link and an answer to her homework question. It's long...
Last song you listened to: If I'm James Dean, You're Audrey Hepburn- Sleepinf with Sirens because it's my inspiration for the Mox fic I will soon be posting😊
Last time I cried: Last night, I dreamt about my late great grandmother, who's my name sake and just my absolute heart, she was happy and saying how much she loved me. And I just woke up with tears in my eyes because I was sad I was only seeing her in my dream
Dated someone twice: Nope been a single little Pringle my whole life 💋
Been cheated on: No thankfully 
Kissed someone and regretted it: Never been kissed so......🤷🏼‍♀️
Lost someone special: Yes, Unfortunately 
Been depressed: Yes. But who hasn't.
Been drunk and thrown up: Nope, I'm like half Irish so I take my whiskey really well. Also the Mexican/ Native American side loves its tequila.
Made a new friend: Yes I have and I love her already
Fallen out of love: No ☹️ I'd have to be in love to fall out so....
Laughed until you cried: Yes and it was the most cathartic thing ever👌🏻👌🏻
Met someone who changed you: Yes. In one of the best ways l, honestly.
Found out who your true friends were: Most definitely, still hurts though when you figure out just how untrue a person was ☹️
Found out someone was talking about you: No. Not yet or ever but hey maybe it's just because I haven't caught them but I'd like to say I'm a very honest, upfront and genuine person. So I how people would treat me in the same respect.
How many people on Tumblr do you know in real life?: No but I can't wait for the day I met some of my friends on here In real life 😊
Do you want to change your name?: No I'm named after my great grandmother, with my first name. And I quite enjoy my middle name, which is what everyone calls me.
What time did you wake up this morning?: 8:12am
What were you doing last night?: writing, computer programming homework, talking my bffl through a breakup☹️.
Name something you cannot wait for: Finish school, find my "Adult" job and move out and start my own life.
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Nope but I'm still waiting for Mr. Hiddleston to pop in at any moment
What’s getting on your nerves rn?: my cats won't get along and there constantly meowing and hissing at each other while I try to sleep
Blood type: O+ I believe...
Nickname: Kayla, Kay, K-Kay, Ms. Macayla, Ms. Kay, Lala, Kaylie, Kayla-K, Nugget 😊, Savage, Beasty, Mac Daddy, Mac, Ellie, Elle and I think that's it lol I have so many🤣
Relationship status: Single little Pringle 
Zodiac sign: Cancer 🦀
Pronouns: she/her 
Favorite tv show: SOA, Supernatural, WWE, CSI reruns ( any/ all ), Criminal Minds, American Horror Story, Teen Wolf, Marvel Series, many more im sure I just can't think right now 😝
College: Yup and it's trying me this semester
Hair colour: naturally brunette with reddish undertones, thank you Irish roots, currently ombré ashy blond/ silverish pieces mix in. Soon it's going to be straight in a silver hue with blue undertones and black roots.
Long or short: neither 
Do you have a crush on someone: Do celebrities count??.
What do you like about yourself: I like my mellow nature and brutal honesty, who has time for erractic liars.
First surgery: Double knee surgery at the tender age of 9 years old
First piercing: ears at the tender age of three months old.
First best friend: Mallory
First sport you joined: Softball been playing it since I could walk.
First vacation: Mexico I'm sure as a toddler.
First pair of sneakers: Converse, I think 
Eating: Breastmilk like wthell??
Drinking: If you're talking alcohol, Crown and Coke, did I mention I was a whiskey girl.
I’m about to: go to sleep it 4:10am and I have school in a bit.
Listening to: Caraphernelia- Pierce the Veil
Want kids: Omgosh yes please. I want one pregnancy with twins, a boy and a girl. It's like my dream.
Get married: I hope so, one day. I really want to find my soulmate and marry them one day and have babies and just love each other til the very end and beyond. Teehee sorry I'm a hopeless romantic 
Career: I want to be a writer. But I'm going to school to be a computer programmer so I can work from home and write my book in my spare time. I already have an outline and concept for my first book.
Lips or eyes: Eyes
Hugs or kisses: Hugs
Shorter or taller: Taller
Older or younger: Older.
Romantic or spontaneous: Both.
Sensitive or loud: Both.
Hook up or relationship: relationship.
Troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant.
Kissed a stranger: No siree Bob
Drank hard liquor: Half Mexican/ Half Irish I'm like a hybrid for hard liquor
Lost glasses/contacts: nope by oboe because I'm just starting to wear glasses and maybe contacts by next year
Sex on the first date: Nope because that would require me to ever go on a date or be asked out...
Broken someone’s heart: I think I did accidentally but it's never been confirmed... if you've ever had a best guy friend then you know what I mean 
Been arrested: Gods no.
Turned someone down: nope
Fallen for a friend: yuppers
In yourself: I would like to think so
Miracles: Yes absolutely.
Love at first sight: I'm a hopeless romantic who hasn't learned the harsh reality of love so yes as of right now I do.
Heaven: Born and raised Catholic so yup.
Santa Claus: As in the actual person St. Nicholas yes but the entity that is a man who brings presents every year to children on a sleigh on Christmas Eve no.
I'd like to tag some people I'd like to know more about: @calwitch @wwesensualfanfics @littleprincess1621 @devitts-girl @kingslayers-angel
@monsteramongmen-tamer @harleymoxley
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