#something something dany and drogon have a history of eating hearts! and there's a heart of winter! i am connecting the dots!!
sunny12th · 2 years
been thinking about the rotting blue heart in the House of the Undying that seemed to nearly kill Dany and the Heart of Winter that made Bran cry. Drogon ate the blue heart, saving Dany, and destroying the HotU as a result. Dany also ate a raw stallion heart to give her son (the stallion who mounts the world, the title that actually belongs to Dany/Drogon) strength.
There's some foreshadowing there, right? Dany and Drogon (plus the other dragons/dragon riders maybe) are gonna eat the Heart of Winter? Dany consuming death itself? life eating death, fire melting ice, etc. Obviously the "Heart of Winter" might not be a literal and physical heart.
Bran eating the Heart of Winter through Summer; Summer literally consuming Winter. We see him eat while in Summer's mind in the books, it's an escape from his own nagging hunger. Hunger is for winter, feasting is for summer.
Eating as a celebration of life. I like this visual better than This Character strikes down the Big Bad with a sword. I also like it more than the three dragons simply burning whatever they see in the Heart of Winter. Eating is a celebration of life; I read a post awhile ago about how grrm puts so much Detail into his descriptions of food because of this. because it's all about celebrating life in the face of death, when you know Winter is Coming anyways.
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I reread Dany's early AGOT recently, and this passage stood out to me: "For half a moon, they rode through the Forest of Qohor [...] there were great elk in that wood, and spotted tigers, and LEMURS WITH SILVER FUR AND HUGE PURPLE EYES, but all fled before the approach of the khalasar and Dany got no glimpse of them." TARG LEMURS??? What's your thoughts on this? I'm guessing it symbolizes the Westerosi Houses (Baratheons and Lannisters) and is foreshadowing her return? (1/2)
(2/2) My guesses as far as possible symbolism goes are this: the tigers and elk (Baratheons and Lannisters) ran from Dany's forces (the Dothraki) so that could foreshadow her return to the West/her battling them? But she barely got to look at the animals before they ran off, so could that foreshadow her not being in Westeros long (like, returning to Essos), or dying in Westeros? ;__;
Srry to keep spamming you lol, but I wanted your opinions. My fave ending 4 Dany is 4 her 2 realize that her heart is in Essos, not the West. So while she goes West for a while & helps with the LN/rules, she has the epiphany that she was trying to reclaim the IT for her family, not for her OWN happiness, and that her true home is Essos. I think of that line abt her wanting to be a sailor as a child; she craves domesticity, but has become more than that for the sake of others, to help them. (1/2)
(2/2) So I think a good ending for her is to get what she truly wants, after sacrificing her happiness for so long; a house with a red door, literally or metaphorical, that simple life she's always wanted: a home. Basically the reward of being able to rest after she has labored and did her duty as queen: freeing slaves, giving so much, etc, etc. I can just see her in this quiet, beautiful Essosi meadow where she's settled down with her closest friends and it just makes me so emotional. Thoughts?
Don’t ever apoligize for spamming me, lol! I love it when I get asks like this!
As for the Lemurs, Elk and Spotted Tigers being foreshadow for Daenerys choosing to leave Westeros and go back to Essos, I don’t know if I can say that I agree or disagree. I think it’s an interesting portion that grrm put into her story, but I don’t know if it means anything in terms of her endgame.
I’m on the same page with you where I want nothing more than for Daenerys to just be happy and free and surrounded by loved ones.
But Daenerys has an obligation.
Daenerys isn’t throne crazy and she isn’t power hungry like a lot like to paint her as. In fact, she wants nothing more than to go find the house with the red door, be simple common folk and be man and wife with Daario. Daenerys believed in Viserys once, her brother, her King, the true heir to the iron throne, but he died, and that responsibility fell to her.
“I was alone for a long time, Jorah. All alone but for my brother. I was such a small scared thing. Viserysshould have protected me, but instead he hurt me and scared me worse. He shouldn’t have done that. Hewasn’t just my brother, he was myking . Why do the gods make kings and queens, if not to protect theones who can’t protect themselves?” - Daenerys, ASOS
She doesn’t want the throne simply to have the throne, she wants the throne because she wants to help people. That’s who Daenerys is at her core, someone who just wants to help and protect people. She would abandon this quest for the throne if she could, but since it fell into her lap as the last Targaryen, and she has the willpower and the means to attain it, she knows that she must fulfill this quest or else all these people would continue to be murdered, enslaved, raped and harmed by those who are in power.
What’s so funny about 8.05 is that Daenerys said, “I have no love here, I only have fear.” which is such bullshit, considering they killed off those who did love her, because book!daenerys is used to be mocked, scorned and unloved. She is constantly surrounded by enemies because she’s the single thing standing in between a predator (slavers) and their prey (freed slaves). We see this when she is Khaleesi and stops the Khalassar men from raping the goat girls and women, when she brings them under her protection she’s cursed at and spat at. We see this when she frees the cities, because the slavers then form the Harpy to reclaim their slaves. Daenerys Targaryen isn’t unaccustomed to these things. She’s used to this kind of behavior, she’s used to this kind of treatment, it doesn’t deter her at all, because she knows that no one else will do what she is willing to do.
Dany agrees to marry a man she hates and sacrifices her happiness for the sake of her people:
… but Daenerys Targaryen had other children, tens of thousands who had hailed her as their mother when she broke their chains. She thought of Stalwart Shield, of Missandei’s brother, of the woman Rylona Rhee, who had played the harp so beautifully. No marriage would ever bring them back to life, but if a husband could help end the slaughter, then she owed it to her dead to marry. - Daenerys IV ADWD
“It is not,” she agreed, “but it is important to me that you should understand. My people are bleeding. Dying. A queen belongs not to herself, but to the realm. Marriage or carnage, those are my choices. A wedding or a war.” - Daenerys IV ADWD
When Dany is offered yet another choice to go to Westeros, and this time with a powerful alliance with Dorne, Dany sacrifices this for her people and still decides to marry Hizdahr:
“It would please me if he had turned up with these fifty thousand swords he speaks of. Instead he brings two knights and a parchment. Will a parchment shield my people from the Yunkai'i? If he had come with a fleet …”
“Sunspear has never been a sea power, Your Grace.”
“No.” Dany knew enough of Westerosi history to know that. Nymeria had landed ten thousand ships upon Dorne’s sandy shores, but when she wed her Dornish prince she had burned them all and turned her back upon the sea forever. “Dorne is too far away. To please this prince, I would need to abandon all my people. You should send him home.” - Daenerys VIII ADWD
Her desires and her wishes aren’t matched to her desire and need to protect people. Even in the most recent book, we see that Daenerys wants to simply be a young carefree girl who’s in love, but she can’t, because she has a duty.
She would rather have drifted in the fragrant pool all day, eating iced fruit off silver trays and dreaming of a house with a red door, but a queen belongs to her people, not to herself. - Daenerys IX ADWD
It was time, though. A girl might spend her life at play, but she was a woman grown, a queen, a wife, a mother to thousands. Her children had need of her. Drogon had bent before the whip, and so must she. She had to don her crown again and return to her ebon bench and the arms of her noble husband. - Daenerys X ADWD
A quote from Emilia Clarke,
“It’s not a kind of surfacey ‘I’m gonna take the throne cause I want it.’ This is her destiny and she can’t fight it. The only person that she can trust is herself. It’s a pretty lonely path that she’s going down.”
Daenerys finding unwelcoming arms in Westeros isn’t something that she’ll be shocked and upset and go mad over, as I explained above she’s used to that kind of treatment. Daenerys duty is to her people above all else. If the people don’t want her help, she won’t leave them still. Regardless of her own desires, her own needs, her own dreams, her duty is to the people who need her.
I agree with you, I want nothing more than for her to say ‘fuck this shit I’m out,’ but she won't, because she's not the kind of person to abandon those in need, as Tyrion said, she is an all above rescuer.
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sheikah · 6 years
An Excessively Long Con ofThrones Recap Post!
Hey guys! I haven’t been active for about a week so I hope everyone is doing well. I am just getting home from an excellent long weekend at Con ofThrones 2018 in Dallas. I had a great trip there and thought some of you might like to hear about it :D
This was my second trip to Con ofThrones and definitely my favorite experience there yet. Last year the Con was in Nashville at the Gaylord resort, and this year it moved to Dallas and took place at the smaller Hyatt Regency. I think the smaller setting was a good thing for the event, condensing the panels closer to one another and creating a more communal feel for all of the attendees. 
Perhaps the best thing about this trip was that I got to spend it with one of my best friends and favorite people, Jenn/ @dracarysqueen. We spent the whole week leading up to the Con together in New Orleans so I was a bit wiped out by the time we got to Dallas. But sharing this experience with someone I met THROUGH the Thrones fandom really helped to keep our excitement and energy up. 
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On the first morning, Jenn, my husband Alex, and I had a pretty exciting moment. We met one of GRRM’s friends at breakfast! We were sitting at the hotel eating and discussing the show when an older man next to us struck up conversation. After a few minutes he pulled out his phone, said, “Since you’re being nice I’ll do something for you guys,” and showed us a contact in his phone. It was George!!!! He explained how he met him and kind of recapped their relationship, saying that George was actually SUPPOSED TO BE AT THE CON! He wasn’t going to be an “official” guest but he had planned to go and sort of observe what he could, but was suffering from diabetes complications and couldn’t make it. Anyway, this friend of George promised to get Jenn and I signed copies of ASOIAF the next time he sees George, and told us some cool stories about their friendship. He also said this, verbatim, which I was pretty excited to hear: “George has more involvement and creative control than many people seem to think.” And David and Dan “are doing a great job” at writing plot points that we don’t yet have in the books. In other words, he basically confirmed that George has told him that the show up to this point is doing what he wanted it to do and that major plot points are, in fact, the same. This was definitely one of the highlights of the trip and if anyone is interested in this conversation and things he said about George I can elaborate :D
We were also thrilled to meet up with Yara/ @oadara at the Con. We had three of the founding Jonerys fandom folks all in one place and I couldn’t be happier to have met these lovely ladies and spent some time with them in the flesh. 
On our first day we attended some great panels from both cast/crew and fans. The first was a panel on “Targaryen Politics in Post-Dragon Westeros.” There were some interesting ideas presented from the panelists and some great laughs from those who frequently circled back to Aegon the Unworthy and his remarkable reign. Everyone had a good chuckle discussing his disastrous attempts to transport wildfire that ultimately led to the burning of half the kingswood, as well as his impressive virility--he impregnated three women in one night. Overall the panel seemed to come to the conclusion that many of the Targaryen monarchs could not effectively enforce their policies without dragons. But I think that the aforementioned Aegon’s mistakes, culminating in the later Blackfyre Rebellions, might be more to blame for this than the lack of dragons.
After that we went to the interview with Sibel Kekilli, who portrays Shae in the show. She was an absolute delight to listen to and had the audience laughing the entire time. In particular I was pleased with what she had to say because it was so apparent that she was every engaged with the show and with her character. Sometimes when I watch commentary with the cast, like with Peter Dinklage for example, they give the impression that they aren’t very connected to storylines outside their own scenes. In other words, they don’t necessarily spend a lot of time watching the show or thinking about it outside work. But Sibel had a relatable and endearing take on the plot and is clearly still very emotionally invested in Shae’s arc and the show as a whole. She praised Peter as being lovely to work with and told a heartwarming story about D&D that really stuck with me. Apparently when she got the part of Shae she initially turned it down because she was worried that she couldn’t execute it correctly because of her English and some other things that worried her. She then received a long and heartfelt letter from D&D telling her how much they valued and admired her, and how much they believed in her abilities and her work. She said she still keeps a copy of it to this day, in a drawer next to the necklace she wore in her last episode. She also maintains contact with GRRM and celebrates Thanksgiving with him :)
After Sibel’s panel we went to another fan-run panel called “Game of Threads.” This was my favorite fan panel of the entire con. It was run by Hogan McLaughlin, a fashion and costume designer, who was very knowledgeable and gave a really interesting presentation of the costumes from the most recent seasons. He explained the symbolism of all the costumes, with particular emphasis on Cersei and Dany, and how their dramatic wardrobe changes in season 7 signal a shift in their personalities and motivations. He showed close-ups of the most interesting costume details and was obviously (like all of us) a huge fan of Michelle Clapton’s work. He read out some quotes of hers (many of which I’d already heard because I’m a nerd :P) discussing how Dany’s costumes are a nod to her Targaryen roots and how the fur-lined dress shows a closer allegiance with Jon and the North. Cersei’s outfits, obviously, show her growing darkness. The masculine details on her dresses and even her hairstyle are, according to McLaughlin, “militaristic,” which I agree with and think is an interesting observation as Cersei enters a war not only with the Night King but with Jon and Dany as well. 
From there we went to a Jonerys panel entitled, “Daenerys and Jon: Ice and Fire United.” I went into this panel armed for some negativity but it was mostly pleasant. The panelists, for the most part, seemed like pro-Jonerys people. But some of the same critical comments we in the fandom have been hearing for a year did come up. One of the panelists said she saw “no chemistry” between Dany and Jon, while another said that the incest was “icky.” Interestingly enough, it was the two men on the panel who seemed the most defensive of the ship, and Luka Nieto from Watchers on the Wall admitted that he, like the shippers, was happy that Jonerys went canon and wished that we got a better boatsex scene that wasn’t spliced with Jon’s big Targ Reveal. Another panelist mentioned something I’ve been saying myself for quite awhile. The incest “issue” in Jonerys is in reality a non-issue. One thing he mentioned is that it would take generations for genetic problems to surface from Jon and Dany’s union if it were in the real world. But of course, they’re magical people (Targaryens) so we don’t even know if genealogical issues would be a thing at all. What he said (and I agree) is that incest becomes in issue in stories not because of genetic concerns but because of relationship concerns. It’s unsettling to people when a close, trusting, family relationship turns into incest. He actually used Jon and Sansa as an example since they believe themselves to be half siblings. But, as he pointed out, Jon and Dany don’t even know they’re related, so it’s different, and would still be different even if Targaryens didn’t already have a history of incest. He shared my belief that the bigger concern in season 8 will be Jon’s identity, and not the fact that he and Dany are related while also romantically intimate.
Everyone in the room readily acknowledged the inevitability of a Jonerys baby, and seemed excited about it. While there were a couple dissenters, most people also seemed to agree with that and that a possible resulting marriage would prevent Jon and Dany from ever feuding over who has the better claim to the Iron Throne. I was happy to see some panelists acknowledging that it would be wildly out of character for Jon to WANT the Iron Throne, much less to place himself at odds with Dany to get it. 
The only thing I really didn’t like was that all four of them seemed convinced that either Jon or Dany would die. One girl cited Azor Ahai/Nissa Nissa as the reason for this, speculating that Jon would have to sacrifice Dany to destroy the Night King. When Yara pointed out that the words “Azor Ahai” and “Nissa Nissa” have never been mentioned in the show, and that TPTWP and Azor Ahai could very well be different, she seemed to reconsider it. I also mentioned the analysis I read of season 7 comparing Dany’s campaign to Azor Ahai’s forging of Lightbringer. First he tried to temper it in water, and it shattered. Next, he used the heart of a lion with the same results. It was only when he tempered it inside Nissa Nissa, his true love, that he was successful. I brought up the popular theory that Dany’s dragons, or possibly just Drogon, are the new Lightbringer, created with the sacrifice of Drogo and Rhaego. If this is true, we can see Dany using her dragons in her conquest as her own attempts at tempering Lightbringer. First, her forces face resistance in water--the Greyjoy/Martell sea battle with Euron. It’s a failure, just like Azor Ahai. Then, her allies contend with the heart of a the lion’s forces--the Lannisters sack Highgarden and wipe out the Tyrells. Another failure. But Dany’s alliance with Jon, who she loves, and her sacrifice of Viserion to save him, could be what she needed to come into her own as the chosen savior of the realm. The panelists liked this analysis and agreed that it would be too neat and tidy for a direct parallel between Jon/Dany and Azor Ahai/Nissa Nissa. Overall I was glad to see some Jonerys-positive folks, but this attitude that either Jon or Dany (and more likely Dany) has to die, prevailed all weekend in almost every panel and really bothered me. 
After this we went shopping in the marketplace where I picked up some great stuff. I got a Game of Thrones subscription box with a great shirt, a Jaime’s hand oven mitt (lol!), a Tyrell planting pot, and some other goodies. I also picked up some t-shirts from Watchers on the Wall. I want to support my favorite Thrones fansite, after all :) Lastly, I purchased some fanart from an awesome artist who was there selling her stuff on site. The first print I bought probably won’t surprise you...
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That’s right, I picked up this gorgeous drawing of boatsex! >:)
But what yall might not know about me is that I’ve got a major and enduring crush on Iwan Rheon. I readily acknowledge that Ramsay is absolutely vile and horrible, but Iwan Rheon in costume is uh... my aesthetic. So I also purchased this snazzy drawing to hang in my office!
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This artist actually had several drawings of Ramsay, and even gave me her card with AO3 info to read her fanfics haha. I loved getting to interact with other fans in person this way :)
As we were leaving the marketplace we were lucky enough to run into Sam Coleman (aka Willis/Young Hodor!) and get a photo. He’s really nice and a hilarious guy to talk to as well.
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We ended the day with a live debate of the “Most Consequential Death” in GoT/ASOIAF. It went off the rails a bit so I didn’t stick around until the end, but there were some intriguing and some funny candidates. I think Lyanna was one of the more compelling answers, as was Shireen (without whom we arguably would not have Jon’s resurrection!! “Only death can pay for life,” of course) but the frontrunner seemed to be “Todd Stark,” aka the man who was turned into the Night King hahaha.
Our next day started off wonderfully because the first item on our agenda was a photo op with Joe Dempsie. He is, without a doubt, just as handsome in person. Whoa. Like, I’ve looked into the eyes of god and survived ;)
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From there we went to listen to a panel from Miltos Yeromelou, who plays Syrio Forel. He’s an incredibly charismatic and fun person to listen to, and he’s had a really unique life in almost every sphere or performance or entertainment. He’s also extremely personable, outgoing, loud, and funny. He kissed every panelist on stage on the mouth at one point and was constantly standing up and demonstrating things throughout his talk. One of my favorite tidbits was the fact that he and Maisie made a pact together when they met and started filming Thrones. Apparently when most actors have sword-fighting or other combat scenes, they don’t even bother learning the difficult choreography and leave it all to their stunt doubles. But Miltos said that he and Maisie agreed to learn their choreography and practice with their swords so that they could be as involved in the scenes as possible. Of course, this absolutely paid off and I love the finished product of all of their scenes together. To this day they are some of my favorite Arya moments!
After that we sat on the panel with Esme Bianco, the actress who played Ros. This was a fun panel and I was excited by her enthusiasm. She remarked, and rightfully so, on the ridiculousness of her costumes--mostly just a belt here or there--and on her costars and more difficult scenes. She was upset that Ros’s death took place offscreen and described how in the shot where her body is revealed (the slow pan across Joffrey’s chamber), she caused them to have to cut and redo it a few times because she kept acting out a death moment when the camera got to her. It was hilarious to hear her describe this haha. She also mentioned Alfie Allen and said that he was one of her best friends on set, which was a good thing considering the nature of their scenes together. She noted that her sex scene with Alfie and the way Ros is sort of funny and has a cocky attitude is something that she’s proud of. 
From there we watched Joe Dempsie’s panel, which was probably my favorite cast panel. He was very down to earth and funny, and he talked about his viral tweet of Gendry rowing that later became the biggest meme in the fandom. He also discussed training with the hammer that he wields in season 7, and what it was like building strength enough to swing it. He said that he would practice swinging a sledgehammer in his garden and probably scared his neighbors because he was doing it shirtless. (Me listening to this: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )
He said that he is done filming for season 8 and talked about how emotional it was finishing up on the show, even though he’s been off of it for years. I couldn’t get a read on how he feels about season 8 (no one would really reveal anything, of course) but he did say that it was very sad to finish up, not just because his scenes were over, but because he was watching others wrap for the season as well and everyone is very sad to be finished. 
The only thing that I didn’t like in his panel was when he was asked about Gendrya. Don’t get me wrong: I ship it. And he explicitly stated that he would be open to working that way with Maisie now. But he was clearly very uncomfortable when asked how he felt about the ship because, as he reminded us, he was in his early twenties and Maisie was 14 when they were filming together. I just wish it hadn’t been brought up because it was the only time he seemed reluctant to answer a question. But he did admit that he sees why people ship it and that he’s open to it :) So I’d say that bodes well for their season 8 relationship :D
The night wrapped up with the cosplay contest, and I wish I had photos. But I was too busy drinking and cheering for all that. The winner was a couple cosplaying as Jon and Dany. Their costumes were beautiful, and I especially loved the detailed embroidery on their outfits. Jon’s cape had an incredibly detailed and gorgeous new sigil that combined the Targaryen and Stark sigils! There were also some really creative ideas like someone who cosplayed The Wall and another who was the Harpy of Meereen. While the girl pictured below didn’t win, her gorgeous Myrcella was one of my favorites of the weekend!
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Don’t mind that orange bit--that’s just the lanyard for our Con badges. But I love the details on her dress, which she made herself, and the nice touch of the blood from Ellaria’s poison. 
Our last day was a little less eventful. We kicked off with Hannah Murray (Gilly)’s panel. It was a good one, and she gave some great insight into Gilly’s character. She said that for early seasons she made a conscious effort not to smile because Gilly didn’t have anything to smile about. But we can see as the seasons progress that she begins to feel more comfortable with Sam and Little Sam, and to feel more confident in herself. She said that one of her favorite scenes is the one where Gilly and Sam are plucking a goose, and that in that moment we can tell that Gilly is truly happy. She also discussed the scene in season 6 where Gilly and Sam are at Horn Hill and Sam sees Gilly in a dress for the first time. She said that D&D wanted it to be a “She’s All That” moment in which Gilly is beautiful and stunning as she appears in the dress. Hannah said that would be strange and not like Gilly, so she planned to play the scene differently. Conveniently, the shoes she was given with the dress were hard to walk in, and the dress didn’t fit well as it was supposed to be one that was made for Sam’s sister. So the wobbling in the scene that we see was partly genuine. Hannah says she and D&D like the scene better this way because Gilly isn’t flawless and stunning but Sam says, “You’re beautiful” anyway. We get to see that this is how Sam truly sees Gilly, no matter what. I basically cried when she said this haha. 
She was asked if she was honored to be the one delivering the Rhaegar/Lyanna marriage reveal line and she said that she was, and that she did not expect the huge fan reaction that took place after the episode aired. This naturally led to more questions about what that revelation meant, and what other ships she liked in the show. She said that Gilly doesn’t care about anyone else and that she would not care at all about what was going on with Jon and Dany. I laughed and I have to say I agree, even though in my AU fic, Gilly and Dany are friends. She was also asked if she ships Jon and Sansa, to which she made a very confused and disgusted face and said nothing at all. She also said that she thinks that Dany’s relationships with her dragons are “one-sided” haha, so she’s got some pretty strong opinions. But I love Hannah Murray and her performance both as Gilly and as Cassie on Skins and it was awesome listening to her. 
Next up was Tommy Dunne’s panel. He is the weapons designer for the show, and has also done the weapons on many other shows and films including my personal favorite movie, Gladiator. He was a lovable and HILARIOUS Irish man who immediately stole my heart. There are too many cool things from his panel to mention but some things that stuck out: He has done a few cameos on the show, most notably as the man shaving Jon, Robb, and Theon, in that infamous shirtless scene in season 1. He apparently is still made fun of for this cameo hahaha. He also referred to D&D and “the two lads,” and all of my followers should be told that henceforth I will only be referring to them as such lmao. Perhaps the most interesting moment of his panel was the revelation that his favorite episode of the series thus far is one from season 8! I can’t wait to see it :)
From there we attended a fan panel on spinoffs in which we discussed the most likely possibilities for the spinoff series and what will be most successful if done correctly. Most of the audience agreed that it will be something involving Targaryen history. Aegon’s Conquest, The Dance of Dragons, and the Blackfyre Rebellions were the most popular ideas. Someone also pitched Nymeria and the Ten Thousand Ships, which I would personally love to see. But I think Aegon’s Conquest would be my favorite possibility and the most likely one since there wouldn’t be AS MANY dragons to CGI as the Dance of Dragons, but it is still a big enough plot to capture the audience in the same way that Game of Thrones has, and offers many possibilities with the POVs of both the Targaryens themselves and the people they conquer. While most agreed the Targs will be involved, many people, including one panelist, expressed their distaste for this. I was once again annoyed by the persistent Targaryen hate I see sometimes in the fandom, and a guy on the panel pulled out a train whistle, blew it happily, and said “All Aboard the Targaryen Hate Train.”
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Unfortunately this seemed to continue into my last panel of the day, which was about Jon and how his story fits Campbell’s 12-part story of the hero. The panel was extremely interesting and detailed and I really enjoyed it for the most part. I also got a kick out of the panelists inviting “Con Snow,” the resident Jon cosplayer, to the stage during their talk. He has many Jon cosplays but his interpretation of Night’s Watch Jon is my favorite. He looked fantastic. 
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At the end of the panel, the panelists opened it up for speculation about how the 12 steps can help us predict Jon’s future. At first this led to some interesting discussion. But then, inevitably, we turned AGAIN to rampant speculation that Dany will die. Some of the audience members seemed delighted by this possibility, asserting that she should never be queen, “has only ever wanted power and nothing else,” “has never made sacrifices,” and is less deserving than Jon. The oft-repeated idea that Jon deserves the throne most because he doesn’t want it was seized upon by the crowd, and at this point I got up and left. I’m tired of this idea. It’s frankly the same one that got Trump into office. Why do we believe that people with no interest in politics or leadership would make the best leaders? Experience is a good thing. Passion is a good thing. Dany now has both in spades. And so I suppose the only thing I ended the Con disappointed with was the continued attitude in some sects of the fandom that ambitious women like Dany are a threat. I say ambitious women, because many of the people critiquing Dany’s supposed thirst for “power” (which I disagree with anyway) are the same ones who are still die-hard Stannis fans. So it’s okay for him to make a military bid for the throne, but not Dany. It just felt a bit sad to be someone who supports and enjoys Dany when surrounded by a lot of folks who are either convinced she will die, or simply want her to. I am happy to say that there were some people who spoke up and offered alternative opinions, and for the most part (with a few exceptions of course) everyone was civil and kind. 
Overall the tone of the Con was fun, inclusive, loving, and exciting. I’m happy that I went and hope that I will be able to afford another visit to Con ofThrones 2019, and of course another chance to hang out with Jenn and Yara. In fact, we’re already planning a panel for 2019 :D Being there reminded me again of why I love this story and this fandom, and I hope to create some more content for you guys in the coming weeks as I feel nice and inspired!
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psychvamp25 · 7 years
Things to Consider
This is for @waterchimesbetweenrocks , from your Jonerys Secret Santa!! I hope it is the gift you were hoping for. Merry Christmas!!
She looked at the small boy running around the Great Hall, and small smile come upon her face, but she couldn’t stop the feeling growing in her chest either. If Rhaego had lived, he would be near to the same age as Little Sam was now. Her mind couldn’t help but wonder if her son could have been friends with the wildling boy. When Jon had first told her about the boy and his history, it made her happy to know that Samwell Tarly had offered them such safety and peace. Sam had told her more, telling her that he wouldn’t have been able to much of what he had done for Gilly and her son if it had not been for Jon. That did not surprise her, she had trouble believing that Jon would ever do anything to harm an innocent. But, even with everything she knew, the feeling of jealousy still brewed in her gut whenever she saw the little family together. It made her curse her barren womb and Mazi Dir even more, but she would never voice her thoughts aloud, knowing how it would sound to another.
A laugh tore her attention from Little Sam to his parents, who were standing at the other end of the long table talking with Maester Wolkan, Tyrion and Missandei. They were the only ones in the room so far, a council meeting was about to begin. She did not usually arrive before everyone else but today seemed to have a different idea for her.
They all turned to look at the main doors when they opened, allowing Jon, Ser Davos and Tormund to enter. Ghost following his master with such silence that it still surprised her that something as large as the direwolf could muster. Little Sam ran up to Jon, not caring about any protocol he should adhere to you when seeing his King. Jon didn’t mind of course and sweeped the boy up to his arms. She saw Little Sam whisper something to Jon and he laughed before moving the boy to sit on his shoulders as the group continued to approach the table.
“He will good father when the day comes Your Grace.” Gilly said, appearing at Daenerys’ side.
Daenerys had not noticed the woman move, being so distracted by the scene in front of her, “I am sure he will be.” She said in return and couldn’t stop herself from adding, “It will just not be with me.”
Gilly looked at her in confusion, “I do not understand. Is Jon not the father of the baby inside you?”
“What are you talking about? I am not with child.” Daenerys said, looking back at the woman with just as much confusion.
“I mean no offence, but I think you might be. I have been around women having babies my entire life, I know what signs to look for, Your Grace.” She tacked on the title after a moment of hesitation, but the rest of her statement was firm.
“I cannot have children Gilly.” Daenerys told her, even as her mind was thinking about the last few months. She realized that she had not had her moon’s blood since her first month here at Winterfell, meaning she had missed three cycles. The battle with the Night King and his army had kept her distracted enough from noticing.
Gilly gave her a look that was almost pity, but said, “Maybe I am mistaken then. I really did not…”
“I know you meant no harm by what you said Gilly.” Daenerys stopped her, her eyes going to Jon as he removed Little Sam from his shoulders.
Gilly simply nodded before going to fetch her son, more of the council was arriving and it was no place for a little boy to be.
Jon slowly sat down in the seat on her left, “Are you alright? You look a little shaken.”
She nodded her head and gave him a small smile, “I am fine, I promise you. I am just thinking about the traitor sitting on my throne.”
Jon’s eyes told her that he didn’t quite believe her but he still said, “She will not be there much longer, that is what this whole meeting is about. We will win you your throne My Queen.”
She was about to give him a reply when Tyrion called the meeting to order and they got down to business, but at the back of her mind, what Gilly said continued to nag at her. She subtly placed a hand on her stomach, wondering if there was truly life growing within.
She stood in front of her floor length mirror and studied her body in the low light of the fireplace. Jon was asleep in the bed not far away and Ghost was watching her from his spot in front of the hearth. Her breasts were looking a little larger and as she touched them, there was a sensitivity that was not usually present unless they were under Jon’s ministrations. She turned to the side and her hand spread over the skin, trying to determine if a bump had started. There was the tiniest bit of a swell, but she wasn’t sure if that was anything more than a result of her eating a lot more heavy food than she was used to.
Her blue eyes connected with Ghost’s red ones in the mirror, “Do you sense anything different about me boy?”
The wolf shifted and got to his feet, easily standing taller than herself and taking up so much space in the room. She had nothing to fear from him, that had been clear upon their first meeting, and she knew that he had a bound with Jon similar to that she had with Drogon. He cocked his head to the side before touching his nose to her stomach, she flinched at the coldness but didn’t back away.
Her hand came up and stroked his head, “Is that a yes?”
His head turned to look at Jon before he took the few steps back to his resting place.
She smiled at the wolf before going back to looking at herself in the mirror. Her brain still trying to comprehend what all the signs were telling her, despite it being the impossible.
“Is there something you need to tell me?” Jon’s rough voice said from the bed.
She turned to see him propped up on his elbows, watching her intently, “Why would you think that?”
“Because you have been looking at yourself in that mirror for a long time, and you have never been vain to my knowledge.” He told her before his eyes moved to Ghost for a moment, “He knows there is something going on with you.”
She walked back to the head, a smile on her face as she curled into his side, “Can you communicate with him?”
“In a way, the Free Folk call it warging. I can put my mind into his, but it only happens when I am asleep. If I worked at, I could control his actions and see through his eyes while I was awake. I meet a few people who could do it while I was with them beyond the Wall.” Jon explained to her, his hand moving lightly over the bare skin of her back.
“Is that how you knew what I was doing?” She questioned, her hand tracing the scar over his heart.
“It is.” He answered, and looked down at her, “Is there something you want to tell me?”
Dany bit her lip and looked away before taking a deep breath to compose herself, “Gilly said something to me earlier today and I cannot turn the thoughts off.”
“What did she say?” He asked after she was silent for several moments.
“She told me that you would be a good father when our baby came.” She told, her voice barely above a whisper even though was no way for them to be overheard.
His entire body froze for a moment before he said, “Why does she think we will be having a baby?”
Daenerys licked her lips, “She said I am displaying many of the signs of being with child.”
“You told me you could not have children.” He said, his voice low and slow as he spoke.
“I should not be able to, I was cursed as I told you.” She momentarily thoughts back to the moment the witch had given her that curse.
“But?” He prompted after her continued silence.
“The signs are there, just as she said.” She replied, trying to prevent the tears welling in her eyes from falling.
He looked at her face, “Does the possibility upset you?”
She shook her head violently and sat up to look at him, “No! Having a child, a true, human child, has been something I have always wanted. I resigned myself to the dragons being my only children but that desire never went away.”
He sat up as well, “Then why are you crying?”
“I have done this before Jon! I had a child growing inside of me, I felt him move and I had hopes for the future. In a moment that was all taken from me! I…...I cannot feel that hope again only to lose it.” She said, the tears falling freely now as she put a hand on her stomach, “So many things could go wrong.”
Jon cupped her face in his hands, “Dany, do not let your despair take control. We have already done so many impossible things in our lives.” He removed his left hand and folded it over her’s on her stomach, “This can just be another.”
She felt a small come to her lips, “How can you have so much faith in this moment?”
“Because, I have faith in you, Daenerys Targaryen.” He said, echoing the words she had spoken to him on Dragonstone.
She looked down at their joined hands, “Is this real Jon? I am not dreaming right. I am not going to wake up and find us still looking out over a field of dead men trying to kill us.”
He shook his head, “No, this is not a dream. We are going to win the Iron Throne. You are going to shape the world into something new and this child,” His hand squeezed lightly, “Will carry on that vision even further.”
She smiled at him, “You are forgetting something in this future you speak of.”
He looked at her with confusion.
“You shall be there as well, always at my side, as my King.” She explained to him, and watched his confusion turn into amusement.
“I could think of nowhere else I’d rather be.” Jon told her, using the hand still holding her face to bring her down for a kiss.
Daenerys felt as if every worry she had could just fade away as she melted into his embrace, and for once, she started to feel very optimistic about her future. A future that would hopefully bring about a whole new Targaryen dynasty.
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zaldrizer-sovesi · 7 years
Khaleesi of Nothing, the Millionth of your Name
Each of the old women had been a khaleesi once. When their lord husbands died and a new khal took his place at the front of his riders, with a new khaleesi mounted beside him, they were sent here, to reign over the vast Dothraki nation. Even the mightiest of khals bowed to the wisdom and authority of the dosh khaleen. Still, it gave Dany the shivers to think that one day she might be sent to join them, whether she willed it or no. (AGOT, Daenerys V)
The heart of a stallion would make her son strong and swift and fearless, or so the Dothraki believed, but only if the mother could eat it all. If she choked on the blood or retched up the flesh, the omens were less favorable; the child might be stillborn, or come forth weak, deformed, or female. (AGOT, Daenerys V)
"You belong to the Dothraki now. In your womb rides the stallion who mounts the world." He held out his cup, and a slave filled it with fermented mare's milk, sour-smelling and thick with clots.
Dany waved her away. Even the smell of it made her feel ill, and she would take no chances of bringing up the horse heart she had forced herself to eat.
Do the dosh khaleen have power?
They certainly have status and influence. They have important jobs in the temple. They are probably kept safe. Compared to most of the other options, it’s nice work if you can get it.
But it’s also not something that you can aspire to, earn, or even choose. When Daenerys first sees the city as a teenager, she is adapting to a situation that’s been forced onto her. While she intellectually acknowledges that the temple of the dosh khaleen is how that situation ends, she doesn’t come up against what that means until Drogo is wounded. Before anyone knows about his injury, she can pretty much do whatever she wants, as long as she explicitly invokes his authority. Even after the bloodriders realize it’s serious, he’s still alive and conscious enough that she can convince him to submit to Mirri’s treatment. Her idea is pretty transgressive and it’s impressive that she fights for it – but even then, the issue is whether Mirri’s abilities can be exercised, not whether Dany can do anything on her own. But she will lose everything with his death, and she knows it. Much as she’s come to care for him, her fear of his death is largely and explicitly about how she will lose everything when the light of her sun-and-stars goes out. And she’s right!
Jhogo took the whip from her hands, but his face was confused. "Khaleesi," he said hesitantly, "this is not done. It would shame me, to be bloodrider to a woman.".... Aggo accepted the bow with lowered eyes. "I cannot say these words. Only a man can lead a khalasar or name a ko."..... "You are khaleesi," Rakharo said, taking the arakh. "I shall ride at your side to Vaes Dothrak beneath the Mother of Mountains, and keep you safe from harm until you take your place with the crones of the dosh khaleen. No more can I promise."
A khaleesi has status, and some derivative degree of influence. But it’s not a title which connotes authority or power, individually or collectively. 
That’s not to say they’re irrelevant. The dosh khaleen serves an important purpose in Dothraki life. They are the inhabitants and keepers of Vaes Dothrak. The city is both domestic and public, effectively serving the purpose of the private sphere for the Dothraki: it provides a place of sanctuary where the men who run a society are protected from competition with other men. But it also serves the public function of allowing the various khals to maximize the benefits of cooperation and trade while minimizing the risks. The dual nature of the city creates the sense of it as a home for all Dothraki, which in turn supports a sense of shared community across the many far-flung khalasars. Vaes Dothrak is important enough that the constraints on its inhabitants are critical.  
There are more immediate reasons for this duty to be given to the widows of khals. Khals make the rules, and they’re not going to give Vaes Dothrak to one of their rivals. Most khals want their wives to be taken care of after their deaths, and even the ones who are emotionally indifferent to their wives still don’t want to be subjected to the posthumous degradation they inflict on their own enemies of “taking [raping and enslaving] their wives.” Removing a widowed khaleesi from the horde is part of keeping the power structure unambiguous, and it forces the khal’s sons to sink or swim on their own if they want to take their father’s place. But it’s also a forceful enactment of cultural values. Someone who stays put in one city may be a king, but he cannot be a khal, and nobody who is not a khal can be given authority over khals.
Their role categorically excludes them from the defining features of Dothraki life. They cannot ride with a khalasar, because they cannot leave Vaes Dothrak. They cannot fight – or prepare themselves for someone to attack them – because there are no weapons in Vaes Dothrak. This paradoxically forces the dosh khaleen to be more invested than anyone in protecting the Dothraki’s social norms, because the Dothraki’s social norms are all that will protect them.
In this light, the priestesses of the dosh khaleen have some striking parallels to the Vestal Virgins of ancient Rome. Like the Dothraki, the ancient Romans were militaristic and expansionist. Rome, as the core of that empire, had the deep importance of a home base. And in the heart of Rome, certain sacred duties were entrusted to the Vestal Virgins. They were honored at sacred ceremonies and entrusted with documents as important as Caesar’s will. In many ways, they had more respect and independence than any other women in the Republic or the Empire. This autonomy is conditional on their gender performance – specifically, on their sexual histories. Like most khaleesi, Vestal Virgins didn’t choose their life path, they were chosen as children. Like the dosh khaleen, they lived or died as individuals and as an institution only as long as the sacred city’s rules and norms were universally upheld in their spirit and to the letter.
The institution of the dosh khaleen is an almost brutally crisp operationalization of the madonna/whore dichotomy, a sociological phenomenon which pins inequalities (primarily, but not only, gender inequality) in place by rewarding some women for their purity with a largely toothless type of status, while openly rationalizing abuses of any other women. Dothraki khals grant the title of khaleesi to a tiny minority of women, chosen either wholly arbitrarily or due to other status markers, such as the nobility, beauty, and adolescence that Illyrio used to market Daenerys to Drogo. They are set apart from most (not all) of the often horrifying treatment of lower status women – as long as they don’t put a toe out of line. Perfect compliance will bring you some polite deference and as comfortable a life as you can reasonably anticipate. Any challenge to those expectations and, well. It is known.
Daenerys, of course, veers way off this course when she hatches her dragons. Dragons are fire made flesh, and firepower is really not in the job description. She collects more conventional power. She learns to be a commander and a dragon queen, even chains her dragons and tries to be a politician. 
[This is where we jump from the books to the show. I’ve used the books so far because I like the detail in the books, but there’s more material in S6, including scenes where the khaleesi speak to each other and for themselves. The core issue I’m interested in here is consistent.]
She is an intelligent, accomplished, and deeply impressive person. And what’s all that get her, when Drogon flies off and the Dothraki catch up with her?
"You heard my words," she said. "Stop them." She spoke to her khas in the harsh accents of Dothraki. "Jhogo, Quaro, you will aid Ser Jorah. I want no rape."
The warriors exchanged a baffled look. Jorah Mormont spurred his horse closer. "Princess," he said, "you have a gentle heart, but you do not understand. This is how it has always been. Those men have shed blood for the khal. Now they claim their reward."
Across the road, the girl was still crying, her high singsong tongue strange to Dany's ears. The first man was done with her now, and a second had taken his place. (AGOT, Daenerys VII)
QHONO: I’ll ask Khal Moro for a night with you. What do you think?
AKHO: Pretty eyes, but she’s an idiot.
QHONO: She doesn’t have to be smart to get fucked in the ass....... (The Red Woman)
"Eroeh?" asked Dany, remembering the frightened child she had saved outside the city of the Lamb Men.
"Mago seized her, who is Khal Jhaqo's bloodrider now," said Jhogo. "He mounted her high and low and gave her to his khal, and Jhaqo gave her to his other bloodriders. They were six. When they were done with her, they cut her throat." (AGOT, Daenerys IX)
MORO: You are nobody, the millionth of your name, Queen of Nothing, slave of Khal Moro. Tonight I will lie with you, and if the Great Stallion is kind you will give me a son. Do you understand?
DAENERYS: I will not lie with you.....
MORO: Forgive me. I did not know. It is forbidden to lie with a Khal’s widow. No one will touch you, you have my word.
DAENERYS: If you will escort me back to Meereen, I will see that your khalasar is given a thousand horses as a sign of my gratitude.
MORO: When a khal dies, there is only place for his khaleesi. (The Red Woman)
The only thing that saves her from the sexual violence the bloodriders were planning is her status as Drogo’s widow. Moro cuts her hands loose, but she is still a prisoner.
Moro’s bloodriders deliver her to the temple and wordlessly comply when the High Priestess tells them to leave. If that’s more than ceremonial, if she’s really in charge of the temple, you’d expect the High Priestess to be able to do more than “hope” the khals will “let” Daenerys live.
MORO: She should stay here. It’s our tradition. She belongs with the dosh khaleen.
DAENERYS: Don’t you want to know what I think?
MORO: You’d rather be sold into slavery? Or maybe you’d like to show Rhalko here what you taste like?
DAENERYS: No, I don’t want either of those things.
MORO: We don’t care what you want. This is the temple of the dosh khaleen. You have no voice here, unless you are dosh khaleen. Which you are not, until we decide you are. (Book of the Stranger)
And there it is. In this system, the khals are the final arbiters of her position. It’s inconsequential enough to them that they seem willing to humor her, maybe as a poke in the eye for those ancient and most glorious cities to the south. Until she opens her mouth to express an opinion and pique their egos, at which point she immediately becomes a “crazy cunt” they’re going to gang-rape to death.
Daenerys crushes them because she has the magic and the slightly deranged courage of a demigod – but also because of some hard-earned wisdom.
HIGH PRIESTESS: You cannot run from Dothraki. You know this.
DAENERYS: I will never run from Dothraki.  (Book of the Stranger)
She understands that she can’t just extricate herself from this situation. Not only as a moral issue, or because she’s started to bond with a couple of them. She actually can’t. The only way to leave this system behind is to destroy some of it and to change the rest irrevocably.
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'The Spoils of War' Reaction Post
The best episode of Season 7 so far. I'm hoping most people have seen it, but either way, spoilers underneath the cut. :)
1. Cersei recovering belongings? When speaking with the gentleman from the Iron Bank, he mentions something about a group of people (I think?) who are good at pressuring people/recovering people's debts, to which Cersei replies there are a few things that belong to her that she will need help recovering too. I'm really curious as to what those belongings are. Are they people that have wronged her? The North itself? Other rebelling kingdoms? Or actual tangible items themselves?
2. Littlefinger/Bran So we all know to be wary of Littlefinger by now whenever he is around. What was there for him to gain by giving the dagger to Bran? Perhaps nothing, but I think what he is trying to do is act as kind and helpful as he can around the Stark kids to gain their trust, and then manipulate that trust whenever it suits his ambitions.
3. Bran/Meera Up until this point, I was pretty pissed at Bran for being so emotionless and cold. But now, I understand why. Being able to see everything and anything, relive anybody's memories, be anywhere at any time...Bran really is not Bran anymore. There is no Brandon Stark anymore, just a vessel that sees, and knows, everything. I know if it were me, I wouldn't feel like a person anymore. I would probably feel just as dead inside, too. And so my heart goes out to both him and Meera, for all that they've seen and all that they have been through, with no real happy resolution at the end of it all.
4. Arya/Sansa My inner happily-ever-after persona really wanted to see a tearful, joyous, emotional reunion between Arya and Sansa. It was the reunion that I was anticipating the most. So I was a little disappointed by the stiff and somewhat awkward reunion that was presented. But in all honesty, it made sense. Sansa and Arya were never close; they even borderline loathed each other. Being apart for so long and all the horrible ordeals they both had to go through was what fueled any type of fondness that was displayed between them. Either way, I was happy to see them together again after so long. 
5. Daenerys/Missandei It was so sweet to see them talking to one another as normal girls would about their boyfriend(s) instead of a queen talking business to her advisor. :)
6. The carvings I mean...I wasn't too impressed? Again, it just didn't make sense to me. I thought the First Men and the Children originated from beyond the Wall and then eventually made their way south? How did they get to Dragonstone? I dunno, I just thought it was a little strange and didn't really seem to fit what we know already about the history of Westeros.
7. Daenerys/Jon Jon STILL won't bend the knee. Dany has not only agreed to aid him with mining the dragon glass, she has now proclaimed that she will fight for him, for the North, and he STILL won't give her what she wants. I guess he really, truly does not trust her yet, even though she seems to have a soft spot for him. I LOVE LOVE LOVE how she used his own words against him. The same words he said to Mance when he refused to bend the knee to Stannis. You can't have your cake and eat it too, Jon. If you want the North to be so independent, then how can you expect Dany to help you? But if you submit and become ONE kingdom and work as a team, you'll have a valuable ally against the white walkers AND still be able to keep the peace with the presumable new queen whenever the war is over. I just don't get his thinking.
8. Be a fucking dragon Yes, Daenerys is in quite the predicament. She has lost a lot of valuable allies. Why? Because she’s playing the game way, way too conservatively. Tyrion and the others are good strategists, don’t get me wrong. But this just isn’t Dany’s way; it’s not what she is good at. I might have the unpopular opinion here, but Olenna’s words were sound. Being a dragon is who Dany is; she and her dragons share the same soul, the same fire. Using her dragons to attack the Red Keep and conquer Westeros does NOT make her a mad queen like her father before her. Does she enjoy killing innocents? Of course not! She truly wants to make Westeros a better place. But she won’t ever get there if she keeps listening to the sheep and doesn’t stay true to herself. It’s gotten her this far, and it will continue to carry her forward if she continues to listen to her heart and follow her intuition like she has been.
9. Arya/Brienne What an engaging, fun scene! Seeing two powerful women go up against one another like that was exhilarating. And Arya’s little sword dance at the beginning? She’s too cute. It is absolutely amazing to see how far she has come; how being a faceless man for a short stint has helped her grow in impossible ways. However, you can still see Syrio’s influences in her fighting style as well. Others around her may find it slightly scary, but I find it to be truly awesome.
10. Sansa jealous? So I’ve seen quite a few people say that the expression Sansa had upon her face while watching Arya train with Brienne is that of jealousy, my dear friend Danielle included. When I watched the scene, jealousy was the farthest from my mind. What would Sansa have to be jealous of? Combat was never her thing; she and Arya are two completely different individuals. She’s already received many compliments on being a good leader. No, what Sansa was feeling in that moment is much more complicated. I think she is troubled. Troubled by what Arya must have seen and gone through in the process of becoming such an experienced fighter. Worried about what this might mean for Arya’s future; is she on a dangerous path? And I think a slight bit of hidden pride to see that her sister is indeed a survivor and can hold her own. 
11. Davos/Jon/Missandei Oh, this scene made me so mad. Everyone under Daenerys’s sanction has been more than friendly and accommodating to Jon and Davos, maybe even a little more than necessary. They are essentially strangers, yet the people of Dragonstone trust them enough to let them in on their strategies involving conquering Westeros. Yet, Jon and Davos continue to stir the pot. What was to be gained by making Missandei question her loyalty and Dany’s motives? They want them as allies yet they still refuse to treat them as such. I just don’t understand.
12. Theon/Jon This was a reunion I was not expecting to happen so soon. I was so scared that Jon was gonna beat the shit out of Theon on the spot similar to how he pummeled Ramsay. (RIP </3) Just looking at the sadness and despair in Theon’s eyes communicates that he still hasn’t forgiven himself for the crimes he committed against the Stark family, he probably never will, and that he doesn’t really want anyone else to forgive him either. 
13. The Battle I don’t think I really need to do much explaining on how awesome this sequence was. Seeing Daenerys and Drogon in action, in battle, in Westeros was so satisfying; literally something we have all been waiting to see since season one. And I don’t think I am the only one who was intensely stressed during these scenes. If you’re like me, and love basically every character on the show, it was so hard to watch but also impossible to turn your eyes away. I was so convinced Bronn was going to die, but was relieved that he didn’t; I was so convinced that SOMEBODY major was going to die, but nobody did, at least not that we know of. Jaime’s fate is still up in the air; personally, I don’t think he will die - yet - but you never know with this show. Seeing Drogon injured was rough, but I knew slaying a dragon would not be very effective with that monstrosity of a crossbow; it is just too clumsy to maneuver and slow. Seeing Tyrion’s anguish as he watched Jaime in battle was emotional and bittersweet, but I think his loyalty to Dany will still remain regardless. The major battles on this show are my absolute favorite parts; D&D are so amazing at putting the focus on individual characters and their emotions while still capturing the bigger picture. I’ve never been one for big battle scenes; I’ve always found them to be a bit tedious and boring. But Game of Thrones is a completely different ballgame and has given me a new, engaging perspective on them.
Overall, a stunning episode, and I am excitedly looking forward to episode 5 on Sunday night.
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