#something tells me a certain mutual (babyribs) is giving me all these requests.../lh /nm
bouquetshark · 10 months
May i please request regressor ananas dragon cookie headcanons ? :]
Regressor!Ananas Dragon Cookie Headcanons
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As a general baseline, Ananas Dragon Cookie is still as prideful in regression as out of it—if not a little more. Though still reserved and watchful of Cookie's, their much softer when regressed. But do not be fooled, they are still a dragon, and as such, they must be respected!
• Doesn't really have a set age since they mostly pet regress. (Which can also be called age regression cause they just regress into a dragon and they are a dragon).
• Collects lot's of shiny item's and fruit, particularly pineapples. Sometimes steals mango's from the islander's collection basket's when they aren't looking, but doesn't outright steal there food.
• Hangs out with the islander's much more often when regressed, and frequently gets large flower crowns and necklaces. The islander's think their very cute, and are very respectful of their space, which Ananas appreciates.
• Love's to sun bathe! And naps in the sun are always better with friends! Those friend's are the islander's that they won't admit they like. Especially Mango Cookie, he's their favorite.
• Pineapplemur follows them around everywhere, too, even out of regression. But is very clingy when they are because they know they could use the extra loving.
• Very playful when regressed, but also observant and aware. They'll always make space for an islander! After all, they do live their island. And there just so tiny! They have to make sure their cookie's don't get crushed!
• Very protective over the islander's, especially the elderly, disabled and children. They do bite guy's.
• Gets into staring contests with the tourist's to spook them for a laugh. It works everytime.
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