#sometimes I wish I didnt feed my head with certain information
vampiressmoney · 2 years
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If you watched the Metallica groupie's videos on youtube... did you believe her?
It all seems plausible, especially in that era of Rock. But also I realize she's trying to sell a book.
I don't want to think of James being that mean, or Lars being that lame with the pickup lines...but ya know... boys at that age can be jerks even if they're not rich & famous (and a massive drinker). Girls too. At any age. I hate people.
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daebak-dreams · 5 years
𝘔𝘢𝘧𝘪𝘢 + 𝘠𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘦! 𝘉𝘛𝘚 𝘋𝘪𝘴𝘤𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘚/𝘖 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬𝘴 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘭𝘢𝘸 (𝘱𝘰𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘦 𝘰𝘧𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘦𝘳, 𝘭𝘢𝘸𝘺𝘦𝘳, 𝘫𝘶𝘥𝘨𝘦, 𝘦𝘵𝘤...)
Anon asked: So, I was wondering, if you could of course, do a Mafia and Yandere BTS reaction where they discover that the S/O works for the law (as public prosecutor, judge, policewoman, whichever you think best) and she doesn't know they're mafia members she wants to capture? I hope it's understandable and sorry for the English
Ooohh this is a neat plot! No worries love! Your English is perfect! And here you go!
Having the love of his life, working with people who were trying to take him down? He would be distraught. The man who always knew what to do, didnt at this point. He knew he had to choose between the empire he built, and the life he built with you. It would be hard for him to choose but he finally decided. He would choose you in the end. As you told him, not wanting to hide it from him anymore, he put a hand up to you as if to say, “Say no more.” You were caught off by his reaction to finding out you were a lawyer going again him and his crew. He was frantically packing things as you stood there, trying to figure out what he was doing and if he was listening to you. He didn’t want you getting frustrated, and walked over to you, placing a hand on each side of your face with a sigh as he spoke, “I don’t care about anything else right now. My crew will be fine. But right now you and I need to get on my jet and get the hell out of dodge.” He said looking into your eyes before going back to closing his suitcase, grabbing it with one hand, and then your hand with the other. “I have wired money to my account in (different country/island) so we can start to rebuild there. I’m not going to let you go back to your old life, I’m going to take care of you from now on.” You tried to protest but he was t having it. He would have you by his side. He couldn’t let you go, even if it would take moving to another country, and starting his life over with you.
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Finding this out, would set him back, ALOT. He would sit in his leather chair, in the safety of his office as he sat there, trying to figure out what the next move was, over the words of the man who was telling him everything he dug up about you. He felt a painful pang in the pit of his stomach when you walked in with a smile on your face, ready to go out to lunch with him as the two of you usually did on weekends. Your smile slowly fades as he greeted you with a serious expression instead of that smoldering smile of him that he only showed you. You felt your heart leap out of your chest, as you were sat down across from him and he pulled out his phone, showing a video of you going to work. You opened your mouth as you tried to explain, but nothing came out, to which he shook his head and clicked him tongue out. He ordered the man who brought you in to leave, which made you uneasy in your seat. You weren’t sure what was to happen next, as he walked behind you, and placed his hands, firmly on your shoulders. When it was just the two of you, he finally spoke, “(y/n)...why didn’t you tell me?” A heavy sigh left his body as a sigh of relief left yours. “You could have talked to me, I don’t care who you work for, I care about you.” He wanted you to know just how much he was there for you and how and how he wanted you to confide in him, no matter what it was. He did want there being secrets between you two, because he loved you so.
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If he were to found out, you would better believe that getting far away from him or his men, would be the best option. Did he love you? Yes. However, he also loved his job. No, it wasn’t the money he loved, it was the people he took care of. They were his family, when everyone else left him in the dust. But now you were here, and part of that family after the time he spent with you and fallen for you. Though that all came crashing down once you told him the truth. You couldn’t hid it any longer. He had been nothing but good to you, plus those sly eyes and cold, hard stares was no help either. How could you not confess when he looked at you in certain ways? As you started to talk, all he could do was stare at you, however the way he looked at you, wasn’t a way you had seen before. It was cold, alone and angry. He was silent the whole time as you talked. After you were done, he moved his head to the side, as if in a thinking position, before he motioned for one of his men who was standing at the door, over to you. At this you started to panic. Was he going to k*ll you? Or worse...torture you? You were scared out of your wits as the man grabbed ahold of your arm, but it was Yoongi’s words that made the tears that started to form in your eyes stop. “I never want to see you again, do you understand? Never show your face around here.” At this you could help but sob as the man led you away and out of the house. However, as soon as he heard the sound of your crying and protesting go quiet and the sound of a car door close, he started to show how he really felt. His hands flew all over the place, glass items and furniture being flung and going crashing to the ground, the sound being so loud, it was sure to drown out his cursing. When he had no energy left he just stood there, within all the mess and chaos. It wasn’t that he wanted you to leave, more than anything, he wanted you to stay, but he knew that it was the best option for you to go; he wasn’t about to risk putting his men in danger, let alone you. This wasn’t the kind of life he wanted you to get mixed up in. Surely, if anyone else in this kind of business was to know about your true identity, then they would sure come for you even more.
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Not knowing what to do, he would snap. His men had never seen him this way before. He was just a man in love, with someone who was normal from the everyday life he lived, or so he thought. Betrayal was a big thing to him, being as that’s what he felt from people outside of his small mafia community, so when the tables turned and someone just as important as you had betrayed him, that’s when he lost it. He wasn’t upset with you, per se. It was more towards the people you worked for that he detested. He grew upset and couldn’t help but make an outburst as he slammed his hand on the giant dinning room table the two of you sat at. He wanted the truth, but now that he was presented with it, he wished that he would have just kept his questions to himself. You didn’t know what else to do, but sit there in silence as he paced the room, with a ring-fingered hand stroking his chin. “Now what am I going to do-What am I supposed to do (y/n)?!” He didn’t mean to yell at you, but couldn’t help it, he was torn on what to do. Either let you go, or keep you. He couldn’t quite eliminate you just like he did with other people who tried getting information from him. He wouldn’t. He was at his wits end. Selfishly enough, he wanted you to stay with him, no matter under what circumstances, so he looked at you and said, “Leave your job and stay with me. I’ll take care of you.”
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This man’s heart would break, after finding out the truth about you. Just like Hoseok, something inside of him would snap. You didn’t know what was going on when you were dragged into the main room of the mansion where “business” deals were made. This worried you for the fact you weren’t really brought in there, due to the violent nature of the status of the room, but also by the swift and gripping motion that his men had used on you. You admit this scared you, but that washed away once you saw a saddened Taehyung, sitting there on the floor, while looking at a file, with some snapshots of you. You’re secret was out, and there was no trying to deny it. You weren’t scared, being as he was always gentle and kind towards you, without showing you his violent side. No, you were sad, seeing him curled up on the floor like a child who had just found out something life changing but traumatic, like a divorce or finding out that the Easter bunny wasn’t real. You wanted to cling to him and console him, but you kept your distance, as you tried your best to explain everything in a few sentences. It was at this moment that he reached over to you and gripped onto a piece of the clothing you were wearing, he looked up at you with tears in his eyes as he asked, “Why, why, why? Were you with me, just so you could complete your jo-“ He couldn’t finish as he hung his head low and gritted his teeth, but never let go of you. It wasn’t until he looked up again that caught you by surprise,”Well I don’t care- (y/n) I love you..and I don’t care who you are. I’m not going to let you leave me.” He definitely had snapped, but he was more blinded by love. All the time and effort he spent on you wasn’t going to go to waste, and if anyone tried to rip you two apart, whether it be his people or yours; there would surely be hell to pay.
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You’d be surprised by what came next. You had a feeling of haziness as you woke up on the floor, only to see Jimin sitting on front of you. You weren’t sure what happened before this, but you had a hunch. Jimin held up a file, and along with some photos on a phone that one of his men snapped of you. He had been following you for sometime to which you got angry about. You asked Jimin why, knowing that you had trusted him the time while the two of you were together, in the which he replied, “I trusted you too; but here you were feeding information to the FBI.” He crouched in front of you with a tilt of his head and he tossed the phone back to its owner. “No, Jimin!-“ You tried to speak but was cut off by the feeling of his hand on your face, followed by his thumb on your lower lip. He looked at you for a while. His cocky smile, turning into a frown. “Why?” He asked with a small choked growl as his expression turned pained. “I loved you so much...I really though you had loved me too..” He said in a whisper as he pulled away and stood up. He had to regain himself again and that’s just what he did. He was still a gentleman about this as he told his men to take you home, safely and to forget this whole ordeal, and to forget you. It was the only way he could keep you safe. After this moment, he would never give his heart to anyone else again, because you still had it and he would surely go back for you again.
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He had never felt so much pain and anger in one second. Yes, he was the youngest, out of all the gangs in the city, but he stil held himself together, making his appear older than what he was, but blindly falling in love for someone at his age, was still something he couldn’t help. When he found out by your true self, from word on the street of seeing you at work downtown, that’s when he knew that he was a fool. He was angry. Usually when someone double crossed him, they would get what was coming to him, but this was you they were talking about. He just couldn’t bring himself to hurt you, not now, not ever. This made things much harder. His right hand man would tell him that he had to do something or if not then he could possibly go away and do hard time for their history. However he wasn’t going to let that happen. He knew he had to let you down easy. If you were to get more involved with him, you would just meet with a terrible fate in the end, and although he didn’t want to live without you, he would rather do so, instead of living with you being six feet under. When he ordered his men to bring you upstairs to the rooftop of the bar he owned, you were sure that this was your fate for being found out, having him watch as you were thrown off his building, but that wasn’t the case. Instead, he gave you one last, longing look before pulling away from you and snapping his fingers and looking back towards the city as you got whisked away. He never said a word, no that would’ve been too hard to do, and what could he say? There was nothing. All he could do was stand there, a fist cupping his mouth, tears falling as you walked out of his life and back to yours.However, just like Jimin, he would surely show up in your life once again. It was like puppy love, and wherever you went, he was sure to follow.
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-Admin Bonbori
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