#sometimes it's hard not to feel undervalued when you draw a billion things for a fandom
wifiwuxians · 1 year
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Even though I will be taking it easier this next year, as I can recognize that I need to change myself and my life and some of my choices aren't healthy, I want to once again say thank you to everyone who has been there for me and my art, especially those who have been there since the very beginning. To those I don't see as often, I hope you were able to enjoy my work while you were around. To the friends I managed to make, I hope you all know how appreciated you are and how much your support means to me. Even if I'm not around as much next year, I will still do my best to not abandon you completely since we've had such good times, and even if I do taper off in my presence, I hope I am able to bring a smile or two to this space in 2023.
I'm definitely going to keep focusing on what makes me happy, only this time around I'm going to do my damndest to not let that be affected by how many other people enjoy it with me. I am just one small creator in an enormous sea, and my splash is not that big. I'm not a big name creator and I most likely never will be no matter how much I put out. And that's okay. It's time I learn that the people I love enjoying my work is far more important than numbers. If every single one of my posts flops from now on, so be it! Easier said than done, but. At least I had fun!!! As much as I want to bring freshness to the table and as much as I wish it were spread around, ultimately the goal is to have fun. Losing sight of the fun is definitely one of the reasons I need to take a step back!
That said, I'm gonna keep reblogging my own work like an annoying lil shit. Be proud of your work!!
Happy new year 💓
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