#anyways. i hope everyone is healthy and happy this 2023
wifiwuxians · 1 year
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Even though I will be taking it easier this next year, as I can recognize that I need to change myself and my life and some of my choices aren't healthy, I want to once again say thank you to everyone who has been there for me and my art, especially those who have been there since the very beginning. To those I don't see as often, I hope you were able to enjoy my work while you were around. To the friends I managed to make, I hope you all know how appreciated you are and how much your support means to me. Even if I'm not around as much next year, I will still do my best to not abandon you completely since we've had such good times, and even if I do taper off in my presence, I hope I am able to bring a smile or two to this space in 2023.
I'm definitely going to keep focusing on what makes me happy, only this time around I'm going to do my damndest to not let that be affected by how many other people enjoy it with me. I am just one small creator in an enormous sea, and my splash is not that big. I'm not a big name creator and I most likely never will be no matter how much I put out. And that's okay. It's time I learn that the people I love enjoying my work is far more important than numbers. If every single one of my posts flops from now on, so be it! Easier said than done, but. At least I had fun!!! As much as I want to bring freshness to the table and as much as I wish it were spread around, ultimately the goal is to have fun. Losing sight of the fun is definitely one of the reasons I need to take a step back!
That said, I'm gonna keep reblogging my own work like an annoying lil shit. Be proud of your work!!
Happy new year 💓
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nsves · 5 months
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eyes of 2023.
me noticing halfway thru january: oh shit i didnt do a year in review or a year wrap up ummm
hello to everyone and 2024!! 2023 was definitely something for us - we opened our own patreon page to go alongside our gumroad page! it was really fun designing our little patron creatures and setting everything up. now that i've official graduated (yipee!) i have more free time to work on cc :3
i hope to make even more content this year and try new things whatever they may be! i have been thinking about doing streams of drawing makeup or making stuff in marvelous - pre recorded or live who knows i haven't really delved into that before so keep an eye out on patreon hehe....
anyways happy new years to everyone and hope everyone stays healthy and safe<33 MWAH see you all very soon >:3c
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fairybin · 3 months
hello! i hope that everyone is doing good. if not good, hopefully at least tolerable. since it's been a while since i've posted, i wanted to leave a message for everyone who has enjoyed my works over the last couple of months.
if you've been following me for a long time, then you'd know i made this account during summer of 2020 as a means to interact with other people who were also watching i-land (the show that made enhypen), but i would say that this 2023 year has been my most active year of posting. for me, writing is my way to express my thoughts and feelings that are somewhat trapped inside of my brain without any other means to express them and i truly enjoy it and wouldn’t want any other way to express myself besides it. even posting audios, that i originally kind of hated doing since it overshadowed my writings, i really grew to enjoy posting.
anyway with that being said, sometimes my brain works too fast for me to keep up and those thoughts and feelings become very stagnant and non-existent entirely. whether this is “burnout” or just pure laziness on my part is really unknown to me and honestly i probably won’t ever find out. if you’ve talked to me by messages or dms or even in my ask inbox, you’d know how often i say “i have an idea! i want to write about this and this and this!” and how much i enjoy when people tell me to go for it and usually i do.
maybe it’s the pressure to want to make my writings perfect or maybe the fact that it’s me who wrote it and i have to read it over and over, but honestly recently i have had no inspiration for writing. zero. nada. 없어. and it’s actually extremely difficult to admit. within a year, i have gone from loving writing and pushing out posts like it was nothing to not even wanting to write anything at all.
with this being said, i am by no means saying i’m going to stop writing. i couldn’t even if i wanted to. this is me saying that i’m going to take my time writing. if i get into a mood to write, i will, but also i won’t beat myself up for not being in the mood to write.
i’ll still be logged into this account periodically and i’m going to continue to reblog stories i like on my side blog that's linked in my navigation.
i wish everyone a very happy healthy and successful rest of 2024! bye!
- mari
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fizzydrink698 · 1 year
writing update | summer 2023
hello all! 🥰
now that my school year is finished and summer is finally here, i just wanted to give you guys an update on writing plans going forward!
first of all, apologies for the lack of writing content over the last few months. my schedule has become a lot more jam-packed since last september, now that i’ve transitioned from finishing up my part-time master’s to a new full-time degree. school has become a lot more time-consuming.
but - consort 6 is on the way! that is my main priority now until school starts up again, and i am absolutely determined to have it out by the end of summer. i’m already halfway through it, so fingers-crossed. it’s shaping up to be an absolute behemoth of a chapter - potentially between 20-25k words.
(you can keep up with my word-count progress here under ‘current projects’)
also, to coincide with consort’s two-year anniversary on the 12th june, i’ll be posting the first 2000 words of consort 6 as a little sneak-peek. hope you guys enjoy it! 🥳
i’ve missed interacting with everyone here. i promise i read every ask that comes through, even if i haven’t had time to respond. genuinely, thank you for all your kind words and your enthusiasm! it means so so much to me ❤️
anyway, enough with the sappiness. enjoy your summer, i hope you all stay happy and healthy!
- Fi
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reichiin033 · 6 months
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( #cozmez )
So before the year ends! Please have this last 2023 Fanart from me!!
Decided to draw the twins to close 2023 and welcome 2024! 🩵💜
Thank you so much everyone for supporting and watching me this year! I had a lot of ups and downs that happened to me, but surely they became to fuel to lit up my self no matter what troubles I may encounter in the future 😔
I hope I could deliver more content that you guys will enjoy as much as I do! ✨✨
Anyways guys! May all of us welcome the upcoming year happily and healthy!!! See you soon again! 🎉
Cozmez belongs to Paradox Live.
EVERYTHING On This FANART is Drawn by ME including the Background.
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woozvc · 6 months
happy new year!
I was supposed to post this last night but things happened so yea
anyways, thank you for all the love you have shown me in the past few months. I've had this acc for 5ish months and I'm already over 400+ followers and the feedback I get on my work is just,, unbelievable. thank you for reading my work and supporting me throughout. I hope this next year is better for everyone and we all are happy and healthy.
to my moots - @amxlia-stars @glosskirt @haecien @icyminghao @liveyun @mangocustard16 @magisland @nishloves @ryuwonieebae @thepoopdokyeomtouched @seuonji @welcometomyoasis @weird-bookworm @staranghae (sorry if I missed anyone :/) thank you for all the interactions and love! I might not be very close to some of you but I appreciate all of you being here and always being so supportive <3
and to my followers- thank you for all your requests, your comments and feedback on my work. I might not be the best at updating on time so thank you for being so patient 😭 I love y'all of you
so, here's to end of 2023 and let's hope 2024 is much better 🫂
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I truly am happy for Matty. He deserves the fucking world honestly. But it makes me realize I don't have a BF, I don't have friends and I don't get a long with my family most of the time. I'm working on myself this Year I hope something will change. ❤️ I hope for uou and everyone else too. Anyway, sometimes I treat Matty like he is my little brother, his happiness makes me so so happy truly. I love him with all my heart.
Yeah, same. It often feels like I don’t belong anywhere with anyone lmao. But I think everyone feels that way sometimes. I mean, someone like Matty, who has such solid friendships with more than one person, has a mom and a dad who are literally nothing but proud of him in Tim and Denise, a lil brother who clearly looks up to him. Thousands of humans all around the world who care for him deeply, still felt the things that he wrote about in Frail State of Mind, Nothing Revealed/Everything Denied, I Think There’s Something You Should Know, etc.
And, yeah, we see him being happy now, but let’s not forget what he just went through. Pretty much from Feb 7, 2023 right up until December 2023 was absolute hell for him. The entire universe hated him. People not only criticized the things that he did wrong, but everything he’s ever done with his entire life, called him a pedophile, brought up his addiction, wished he would overdose, wished he would die, mocked his appearance, his voice, dragged his ex partners, especially Twigs, harassed Jack Antonoff and Phoebe Bridgers and anyone who was seen being friends with him. Can you imagine what that must have made him feel about himself? I mean he literally shows us in the peanut bit onstage.
As Denise said, the show is as much about all that as it is about his fear of addiction and his fear of people leaving him. Just cuz he appears to have everything he could ever want: a beautiful and kind gf, the worlds most generous parents, and a stellar career, doesn’t mean that his life isn’t just as cold and hard and miserable as the rest of us. And, by his own admission, he only got to the place we currently see him in, where he’s happy and healthy, by going to therapy and being learning to do the hard stuff and by growing up. He’s doing his best. And he doesn’t always get it right. Sometimes he’ll go off the rails. And, unlike me and you and the rest of the world, where, our worst days are private (maybe only seen by a handful of coworkers or family or whatever), his worst days are in front of thousands. and boy do they let him know when he’s fucked up.
Don’t let his joy mislead you into being hard on yourself and don’t let it make you forget that he’s just as fucked up as we all are. He’s just really really brave. That’s all.
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urtwice · 1 year
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TWICE. happy new year !!
JH. we had our own little party at home to celebrate the new year last night, then went out to watch the fireworks !
JY. as it always is every year, it was crazy ! you’ll never see the city so loud and lively in the middle of the night at any other time
NY. normally momo and i are afraid of fireworks and sparklers, but what’s new year without them, right~ ? (☆▽☆)
MM. that’s right ! just gotta face our fears once a year~
NY. especially this year ! year of the rabbit, my year~ !
CY. it’s actually tzuyu and i’s year 🙄 anyways, there really isn’t a party quite like a new year party ! totally worth the massive hangover i woke up with~
DH. you were terribly hungover this morning, you’re lucky momo-unnie and jihyo-unnie made hangover soup (´・・`)
CY. still worth it with or without the soup (^з^)
SN. it’s officially 2023 now. i’m just so happy to be spending another new year and rest of the year with my girls~ let’s have fun in 2023 too !
MN. we wanna take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy and healthy year ahead ! may you achieve success in all that you hope to accomplish this year (o^▽^o)
TY. 2022 was full of ups and downs, but i wouldn’t have had it any other way~ i was able to spend 2022 happily from start until finish thanks to the people around me (⌒‿⌒)
MM. this year will inevitably come with hardships too, but let’s overcome every single one together~
JH. and of course, let’s make many more new happy memories in 2023~
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onlyswan · 6 months
Hi art! ♡♡♡
I wanted to stop by to wish you a happy new year 🎆 and thank you for existing and for writing so many powerful stories. the small (but not that small hehe) community you've gathered on your blog feels very safe and loving and i like to think that's a product of the person who runs it.
you've given me hope that a type of love exists beyond the prominent common negative situations relationships can have that is prevalent today, and that maintaining a healthy and respectful relationship is attainable. (and never to settle. :D)
you are obviously a very beautiful person and i truly wish you find everything you hope for this coming year, and that love encompasses all aspects of your life because you deserve it. even if every day might not be a good day, hopefully, you will have peace and fun and the good will heavily outweigh the bad.
you're lovely and i feel lucky to have stumbled upon you and your blog this last year. i tend to stray away from having interactions with people online, but i feel like you're the type of person that everyone wants to know more about and be friends with so it was hard not to want to write to you hehe. (because i don't usually jump at the idea of online interactions and i've never written to an author before, i get a little scared sometimes that i sound crazy when i praise you so please tell me if i ever go overboard T^T)
i really appreciated your small new year's post and that you wrote it's ok to bring the past with you into the new year. i struggled a little this year, and i feel like in past years i always said i'd forget about it all. but this year i feel content holding all of 2023 with me and using the experience to grow and heal over the course of 2024. life is fragile but can also feel very intense, so having your writing after a long day and the rest of the good things i've been lucky enough to have, helped me to feel like it's all a little more worth it.
i've also just enjoyed reading all the interactions you've done with the asks and everything, so thank you for that and replying to me as well! i can't tell you how excited i was when i opened your master list and saw my little moon emoji right there ❀⸜(˶´ ˘ `˶)⸝❀
overall, thank you for everything this year, and wishing you the best for what's to come! also sorry i always write so much :') i'm definitely not the best at writing and wording things but i hope i'm at least able to get the idea across
i love you and all the sweet people who have written on this blog because oh my god it's so cute seeing all the anon emojis !!!
feels great to be a part of something so sweet (also highly enjoying watching the fight for oc right now, rooting for all the anons but also jk? i feel so bad, i might have to side with him 🤭)
anyway, that's it! happy 2024 and best wishes for this year~ ♡
my lovely, lovely moon anonie 🥺 being greeted by the most heartwarming message after a long day is so comforting. thank you so much for the kind wishes; for recognizing the messages i try to send through my writings; and most importantly, for seeing me as a person through it all <3 i’m honored that despite not normally interacting online, you’re here with me in my little corner of the internet and you’ve taken the time to write this message 🥺 please don’t worry about going overboard at all bcs i appreciate you so much and i feel your sincerity <3 i hope you have the most wonderful year and you receive all your heart desires 🩵 i love you too!
also highly enjoying watching the fight for oc right now, rooting for all the anons but also jk? i feel so bad, i might have to side with him 🤭
lmaooo it’s been entertaining like this wasn’t in my bingo card at all 😭 omg jungkook we finally found you an ally !!!!!
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strawberry-cowmilk · 6 months
Hii okay so happy 2024 everyone! Thank you for staying with this blog I really appreciate it ♡♡
Soo I'm pretty sure last year I said something about me being grateful for all of you who read my content on here because I always wanted to be a content creator and guess what I finally started a youtube channel after years of wanting one (I don't care I thought it was a good idea to debut on tumblr and the channel is still tiny and I debut during exam season and my first video is horrible quality imo I'm glad I did it and when I get motivation back I'll make more videos and art hehehe I'm learning slowly and I can call myself a youtuber now ♡♡) Let me tell you hons I would not have had the guts to even debut without this blog because I feel like yes I can manage being a content creator despite 245532 different things going on in my life so thank you ♡♡
I achieved my 2023 goals, I hope you all did too. Anyways, I wish you all a happy and healthy 2024! Take care of yourselves ♡♡
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astroyongie · 9 months
Everglow October Reading 2023
Note: please take it lightly and enjoy <3
Love: She is coming out of a breakup and at the moment she is still going through all the whiplash from the hurt that this breakup is giving her. Sihyeon isn’t in her best condition and I believe that her heartbreak is actually causing her physical symptoms. 
Career: She is limiting herself a lot. I don’t think her career is something she is passionate about and more like a work she has to do to receive money. She is very organized on what she has to do, but she feels like she doesn’t have a lot to do anyways 
Self: She has so many priorities in her life that she sometimes doesn’t know what to choose or what to start with. She jungles a lot between things and I hope that her erratic way of living will find balance so it doesn’t impact her health 
Love: She is dating someone at the moment, probably an old friend of hers or someone who has always been around her. This person isn’t an artist or working in the industry. In any case, she is very happy with them and they have a rather stable thing 
Career: Things seem to be going relatively good. She has strong support inside the company and he is very close to her manager, which helps her create a good working environment and a rather stable and healthy relationship with everyone else who works with her 
Self: She lacks self-esteem and she doesn’t believe she is that good to be an idol (she thinks people only like her for her looks). EU have probably some type of impostor syndrome and I also see that she isn’t really a truthful person, almost like she keeps secrets all the time and lies rather easily to others 
Love: She is single and not looking for love relationships at the moment. Mia likes her independence and she rather stays that way. However she does talk and flirt with some people through her media and text, but that’s about it 
Career: I believe that there’s a male energy in her life in the workspace that is extremely manipulative towards her and makes sure to always put her first among other members (which creates a lot of conflict). This person is also emotionally abusive and very moody but the thing is that his energy goes through Mia. So rather than taking action, she too gets muddy and manipulative toward members when work is related 
Self: She isn’t on her best days. I see that she went through a lot mentally and still today she fights against her mental health as she tries to improve. I also see that a major event happened in her life that caused her to completely sink when it comes to depressive states. Something she hasn’t healed yet 
Love: I believe she is in a relationship with an idol but things are a little complicated here. The person she is with is very impulsive and hast, they want to do things always like they want and quickly, pushing her through her boundaries. Onda has been ruthless with her high expectations and only gives these people what they want if they exceed her expectations 
Career: The way she has been saving money is no joke. Every time she receives something from her work or her company she keeps it away and tries her best to have some financial background to help her out. Onda is scared to have to go through other difficult times financially 
Self: She has been a little bit lost lately. I don’t think she knows what she wants for herself, for her career, or just for her family and her future in general. Onda feels like simply following the flow and the rules and she hasn’t been thinking about herself. 
Love: Rather happy, Aisha is in a relationship that lasts for a long time now and everything seems to be going very well for her. She is happy, healthy and her relationship is stable and it seems that it’s meant to continue as it is
Career: She has been very inspired, almost like she wants to work and do her own lyrics and stuff for the group. But she is also a little bit impulsive with what she does and some people might not like how she works 
Self: Moving forward with her life, she doesn’t dwell on her past or on things that have happened to her. She tries her best to keep going and leaving what isn’t necessary for her behind her 
Love: She is still healing from her breakup earlier this year (with that 4th gen idol) and things with her love life as just erratic since her relations with Korea aren’t the best at the moment and it does seem that all that concerns her heart is giving her more headaches than joy 
Career: Her career seems to be going well, mostly because she receives so many opportunities and projects to work on (mostly in China) and the money they pay is way better than in Korea. Yiren has also been generous and helping those in need (friends and family). 
Self: She has been having a lot of arguments and disagreements with people around her (friends, family, co-workers, etc). It seems like Yiren has a hard time communicating with people and making her voice heard
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damfinofanfiction · 6 months
Chapter 22: A Talk Between Two Aunts
Note: just to conclude 2023 with this new chapter! you may notice that I edited the story a bit on ao3; it's only for the grammar. this might stay the same on tumblr. Anyway happy new year damfinos!
Filming resumed as soon as the star cow was no longer in heat. Buster was relieved that things had run smoothly once more. However, minor obstacles still occur in production but each has a solution. Rain? Shift the shoot to indoor scenes. Wolves lurking around? The ranch owners promptly dealt with them. Running out of ideas for a gag? Gather the crew to play a little ball until something comes up.
Whatever it took, Buster wanted or had to finish the film by autumn.
Buster was thankful to the ranch owners for letting them film there and giving insight into the plot. Not to mention their attempts to help Brown Eyes, but he didn't want to be reminded. 
Kathleen Myers was a fine actress for Buster to direct. It wasn't her first time in a feature this year since she had finished Goat Getter at the time of her casting. Kathleen once complained to Buster about the cow slowing production down as she had other upcoming projects. Buster appreciated her ambitious nature, and her looks reminded him of Gail. He still wished she would have worked with him if it wasn't for the injury or Schenck recommending Kathleen to the picture. 
In mid-July, Buster decided for the production to leave the ranch after having the necessary footage. Filming was moved to the train where he could develop gags and scenarios.
As always, Buster had thought about how the movie would begin and end but he still had ideas for the middle. He had conversed with Lex about how it would go.
Sometimes it just left Buster thinking about whether he would say anything to Gail.
On her Saturday off, Gail hung her damp clean laundry on a clothesline in a small backyard. The production of the short had finished the day before and everyone celebrated with a small party which had Gail feeling tired in the morning. She hadn't had a Buster dream for a while. They became unnecessary since she was seeing and having some activity with Buster Keaton.
Following her chores, she went to the front to find out what was in her mailbox, forgetting to check the day before. She then noticed that among the mail, one was addressed to her. She rushed inside to read in peace. Expecting it to be from the one and only, she was a bit disappointed to find it was from Churchill. She opened the envelope and read the letter.
Dear Gail, We are thrilled to announce that Geraldine’s twins have arrived on July 12! They are both healthy girls and their mother is recovering well. Their older brother Jake is not happy that neither one is a boy. Ezekiel’s just relieved that the delivery went smoothly and is glad he found an experienced doctor for her. We will provide more details to come. We were also surprised to hear that you were at the premiere of Charlie Chaplin’s new picture. We all saw that movie too but it was just one scene that not everyone believed you were in the picture. We also would love to hear everything about you and how your arm has recovered.  Geraldine agreed we should delay your father’s retirement party to Thanksgiving weekend instead of August. We hope to see you then. Love, Mother.
Gail had mixed reactions to the letter. She’s an aunt again but had forgotten about her father’s upcoming retirement. She believed that it was due to her romantic involvement with Buster that made her slip her mind.
Later that evening, bridge practice at Lenore's was turned into a game of kings in a corner because the older woman decided to liven up the game night. Gail placed a red queen on top of a black king. Sally wasn't new to the card game but quickly picked up the skill as she placed a black five over a red six. Lenore then put those cards on top of the corner which her niece overlooked on her turn.
What pleased Gail more was seeing Lenore and Sally on good terms since she hadn't seen them argue or offend each other in three months.
 Lenore asked Gail, "So what's new?"
When picking up a new card, she responded, "I have just received news that my sister has given birth to twins."
The women both put down the cards after hearing the happy news. "That's wonderful! Why didn't you say so before?" Lenore boasted.
It wasn't brought up. I didn't get a picture yet. She and the babies are fine. They didn't send a picture yet."
"I'm happy for your family." Lenore smiled widely.
"Yeah, that must be hard childbirth," Sally chirped in.
The older woman nodded with a sullen face. "Well, not everyone is lucky to have a child." Both young women looked at her with sympathy.
"There's another thing," Gail mentioned another bit of news about her father. "I'm just glad the retirement party is delayed. What if Mr. Sennett has me on another project by that time?"
"Don't worry, there are other actresses who are dying to be in pictures!” Sally said.
"That's true, they can fill in, though you're still irreplaceable."
Sally stretched her arms and yawned. "I'm gonna head upstairs now, good night auntie, good night Bae."
“Very well, good night Sal!” It was getting late. She would have left the table to grab her hat and coat if it were for any persuasion by the older woman.
“Gail, can you stay for a bit?” Lenore asked. “I like us to talk, just us aunts.”
Cards were placed aside. “How well did you get along with your nieces and nephews?”
“Well, they know me well but it’s hard not to see them since we're apart more often.”
“My nephews didn't want to talk to me, they only wanted my money. However, Sally didn't care about my wealth. She said nothing about it.”
Gail knew she was still seeing the wealthy Sterling and didn’t want to say anything, hoping Lenore would hear from Sally. She blurted out, “Well that’s good since she’s not chasing money.”
"That’s not it", Lenore sighed. "The point is that I don't know what is going on and what kind of life she has. Did she tell you?"
"Tell me what?"
She quit that nightclub. 
Gail was in a bit of disbelief. "But she enjoyed performing there."
"She did before. She told me that her manager fired her because of her age, but she would rather quit." Lenore became visibly upset. "I worry she's turning into my sister. May God rest her soul. My most regret is not being there for her, even if she was stubborn. That's why I'm trying my best to look after my niece." Gail gave her a comforting hug. When they stopped Lenore wiped her eyes. "You are a godsend, dear."
"Well, I guess I am." Gail grinned gracefully.
"As you're her best friend, I'd like you to keep an eye on her when you let her come along."
Gail held the older woman’s hand as she tried to avoid breaking her trust, "You have my word."
She left Lenore’s after wishing each other a good night.
Gail took a bus to get home. Before going to her bungalow, she checked the mailbox again. Her eyes lit up when she found an envelope from the Kingman Hotel. She rushed to her bedroom, so she read the letter in bed. 
Dear Gail,
I’m sorry I haven't written to you. Things were busy during filming. Brown eyes is alright again. 
The heat in the desert was hot as hell and it kept being rained on which thankfully helped cool down.
I would like to hear how it went filming your short since we have to keep things between us.
Thankfully, I will be coming back home at least next week. We left the ranch after some weeks and are currently filming somewhere along the way.
There’s another good news, we will be filming downtown when we return. While there’s still a consideration, I would like you to be on the scene if you're free to work with me.
See you then!
Yours truly, "Michael"
Gail beamed, grabbed the letter close to her chest, and then drifted off to sleep due to drowsiness.
She didn't mind sleeping with her clothes on because she's going to see Buster again soon.
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honeymouthedtales · 8 months
Hi, i just wanted to say u made me upset this past 2 weeks.
For context, i am a literature major studying in Korea, so when I say i've been invested and reading 2-3 books/week. I MEAN IT. I only started reading fics 2015? When sm^t was still labeled lemon so point is, yes I read a lot a lot (books? about 400, fics? uncountable).
I used to read amazing fics (yoonmin) that has similar writing style as you! (Slow burn, the best kind of tropes)
I highly recommend you checking out:
The Songbird and the Sea by Misstermaia
Nyctophile by yururin
Both are yoonmin (BTS) but i highly suggest at least checking it out as your writing style suits fantasy the best like said authors. Anyways, I eventually dropped the kpop world (due to uni) around 2019-2020? then started stanning NCT, which made me know markhyuck and your fics.
I have to say, You have an amazing writing style and talent. I love the way you write! So refreshing and detailed, things you wont expect. Beautiful is truly an understatement. But due to one and other things (my life falling off, my independence, which took a toll on me and I started to not enjoy my hobbies and instead focused on putting food on the table).
This year as I was doing my internship out of Korea, in 2023, out of the blue I jumped and had the sudden urge to read honeymouthed and wildflowers. All because there was a cafe which had "Honey" & "Elderflowers" written in the number #6 of their menu. I dug up my old google drive and there it was. The book (ur fic) I devastated-ly dropped as I've had to do life— as everyone does. I read it from the beginning. Even if I used to read it 10-20? times from the start as I wait for the updates haha. When I reached the final page I saved it (it was page 339) I went to ur AO3 to find any updates, but it was gone. I searched on twt u posted it but it wasn't there on AO3. It broke my heart for a few weeks (quite frankly). It was like dejavu. the As my favorite author (The yoonmin one) quite literally stopped posting on ao3 which, I was broken as well (update; she still opened a patreon/kofi account in the end! hehe).
When I found out in ko-fi it was still there but it is inaccessible for un-logged in users. I immediately made one and is now pending for the invitation for the ao3 (i lost my old account :'()
Hope this swimsuit fund helps! Stay happy & healthy always dear favorite author.
oh no i'm so very sorry this happened ;; i privated fics during the AI craze when the ao3 higher-ups were saying they were looking forward to seeing what AI could do for fics and i was like not sure what i can do about it but i'd like at least to get my fics to be slightly less accessible ;; but i'm always willing to send out a pdf file if readers who don't have an account need one, just drop me a dm on twitter if it takes too long to get your registration done
also thank you, i'll check out your recs, thanks so much for the kofi, and if you're still in korea let's meet one day and i'll buy you a coffee back <3 hope you're doing well, be careful of the change in the weather these days!
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thebestharleyquinn · 1 year
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Pc: @tussaudsvegas @jimbembenek @miketyson @ugg @nike @jeffreestarcosmetics @vegas @cityoflasvegas @californiaharleyquinn 🤳
I know I am super late but I hope everyone had a very merry Christmas surrounded by friends and family! Fills me with joy to see everyone’s recent Xmas photos! You guys are the cutest. I’ve been really busy spending time with my loved ones for the holidays but I finally have time to post something. The hangover is such an iconic and hilarious film! Loved going to the hangover bar and secret hangover room inside of Madame Tussaud’s Las Vegas! So much I had to make a post that is all about it lmao! Anyways, Enjoy these goofy and fun pics! Big thanks to @tussaudsvegas for the awesome experience! These set recreations and wax figures are so on point! Highly recommend coming here next time you’re in Vegas! Wishing everyone a safe and healthy 2023! LET’S GO! Love y’all! Cheers and Happy Holidayzz!
Wolf 🐺 pack 4️⃣ Life!
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ghastly-artist · 1 year
🥳🎉🎊Happy New Year 2023 ! 💖🥳🥂🎉
I wish for everyone to have a FANTASTIC, productive, creative, fulfilling, safe, healthy, financially and mentally comfortable year!
Thanks for all your support this past year!
2022 was a very, VERY rough year for me, many things happened, not all good I'm afraid, and I tried my best to make it through and keep being productive despite everything.
Through this difficult year, I got support from a few people irl, and MANY online, on the different social media where I'm at.
I'm beyond grateful for you all. Everywhere. Even if you only just sent me one supportive message. Know that it helped more than you would ever think ^^
I'm also super grateful for the fact that I seem to have improved my art a little, and for my stepfather and grandmother who helped me get an iPad so I could draw everywhere whenever I wanted to. It really helped me a lot to be more productive too ! 💖
My goals for 2023 are to make more original art and more of the fanart I REALLY want to draw (more steddie 👀 and some other Fandom you'll get to see soon enough 💖 /mainly old ones 😂/)
Anyway, Happy New Year guys! I hope we'll have another great one together!
In the meantime, I promise I'll finish all those wips as soon as I can 😂 💖
Much love! 💖
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antihero6912 · 1 year
Hereee weee gooo again. December 28th, 4 days away from 2023. Holy crap.
This year flew by and at the same time it didn’t.
Anyway, same procedure as every year: here’s what I’m hoping for in 2023:
- above all: health. For me, my mom, my family, my friends. I hope each and every single one of us is staying healthy. Praying for my mom to finally stop drinking and being the healthiest version of herself that she can be, so we can have the best year with lots of travel and amazing experiences :) 
- plan the for me most perfect wedding and try not to do what other people expect or want me to do
- get married in the summer and have a party in our backyard with our closest friends.
- get married in September in the church that I grew up with and have the most amazing day afterwards. I hope we will remember it forever for all the amazing reasons and that everybody has the best time. Let’s also hope for only a little bit of stress for everyone involved lol.
- Lots of money haha! But really though, let’s hope for people to be nice with giving gifts so I don’t stress as much with how the heck I am going to afford all the jazz
- Honeymooooooooooon: good weather, good food, lots of alcohol, lots of what married people do and just the greatest time with just my then hubby and I
- Play Tennis in a team and have the best time
- Do lots of Sports
- Have the best time with my entire family on the AIDA in April. I can’t wait for all of us to travel together and see the warmth areas of europe :) 
- stop taking birth control. like for real.
- celebrate my 30th birthday
- ask for a raise towards the end of the year
- go on 10 business trips and see the most of Germany
I reaaaaaally wanna enjoy this year as much as possible as my last year in my 20s. Not thrilled about the big 3 but so excited for what’s about to come the next year :) Really manifesting the best year ever with my entire family happy and healthy by my side and overall just positive vibes surrounding us. And the patience to handle my work and the obstacles thrown at me lol.
Let’s do this 2023!
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