#sometimes the history of middle earth hits ngl
celebregol · 2 years
“There he called longing: / ‘O Beleg, my brother, O Beleg, tell me / where is buried thy body in these bitter regions?’ - / and the echoes always him answered ‘Beleg’; / yet a veiled voice vague and distant / he caught that called like a cry at night / o’er the sea’s silence: ‘Seek no longer. / My bow is rotten in the barrow ruinous; / my grove is burned by grim lightning; / here dread dwelleth, none dare profane / this angry earth, Orc nor goblin; / none gain the gate of the gloomy forest / by this perilous path; pass they may not, / yet my life has winged to the long waiting / in the halls of the Moon o’er the hills of the sea / Courage be thy comfort, comrade lonely!’” (1683-1698, The Lays of Beleriand. Not all formatting carried over, bold is my own).
shaking, screaming, sobbing, etc.
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