#sometimes the movies that you see in theater when you're 16 fundamentally change you forever
thelaurenshippen · 5 months
favourite film? mine is Flatliners (1990, not the 2017 one), you?
oh GREAT question, love that flatliners is yours!!!!
so, not to over-answer your question (though, have you met me?) but there's a few different answers for me depending on the nature of the question. there's the favorite film as in the best film and then there's the favorite film as in the comfort film. for me, both of these have to be movies that I'll rewatch any time - I've seen lots of movies I thought were excellent and that you could not pay me to watch a second time
my knee-jerk reaction to this question is always, always Children of Men. it is a perfect movie. I've seen it one hundred million times. it brings me no comfort but I love the shit out of it. so that's up there. the other one that is perfect to me, but that I DO get a certain comfort from (I love movies with explosions) is Mad Max: Fury Road. I saw it, like, four times in theaters lol.
speaking of movies I saw a lot in the theater (tbf it was the halcyon moviepass days): The Greatest Showman. love that flick. other comfort favorites: 2005 P&P, Clue, The Philadelphia Story, Some Like it Hot, The Proposal, and anything with Meg Ryan (including Anastasia).
but yeah, if I had to pick one it would be Children of Men.
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