#sometimes when dream is over he and sheldon stare at each other for several hourse having deep philisophical conversations
warrenworthington3 · 2 years
I see your hob has a cat hob fosters pets agenda and I raise you this: Hob as a proud tortoise owner. He got it around the 1920s when the exotic pet trade was still kinda legal, and trendy, and it's still around today. It's huge. This old man is showing no signs of slowing down. Hob loves this tortoise and it's the longest companion he has ever had in his life. He takes such good care of it. The New Inn has a large outdoor area where it lives most of the time. The patrons love it, Hob had to call in so many favors to get the land zoned for this purpose. It gets to eat the most expensive salad blends. Hob has a special climate controlled area in his flat that it lives in during the winter. And since Hob is basic bitch no 1, the tortoise is named Sheldon. Just... Hob with a friend as long lived as him, or almost, that he can love and shelter... a constant companion
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