#sometimes you just need some kittenfic to heal the soul
so Milicent escapes as a kitten out of Hux's apartment. Hux is heartbroken. One week later he sees posters of a pretty street musician asking if anyone lost a reddish kitten. Hux arrives at that guys apartment where he meets so called Poe, flatmate and co-musician Ben, and the just dropped by third co-musician vaguely reminding Hux of Justin Timberlake
(this is just the kind of cute I need today
“Thank you so much for finding her!” 
Hux picked up Millicent, holding her up to his face: “Don’t you ever do that again, young lady. I was worried sick about you!” 
He pressed a kiss on the kitten’s small, fluffy head, then cradled her in his arms: “I was afraid I’d never see her again. That she was shivering in some ditch, all alone and hungry, or got run over by a car… thank you guys for taking her in. I feel so bad, I only left the door open for five minutes to get something out of the car…”
“No need to thank us,” Poe said, flashing Hux a smile. “Taking care of her was so much fun, I’m almost sad to see her go. And she’s got talent!”
“Talent?” Hux gave a quizzical look.
“Here, let me show you. Can I take her for a moment?” Ben reached out for the kitten, and Hux reluctantly let him take her.
Grinning, Ben set Millicent down on top of one of the drums of the drumkit that was standing in a corner of the room. Without hesitation, the kitten started to pat the surface of the drum with her paws, then made a few tiny hops.
“See?” Ben said, watching the kitten with a look that was surprisingly soft for a guy built like a brick shithouse and covered in tattoos.
“I’m considering kicking Ben out of the band and replacing him with Millie,” Poe quipped, which earned him a snort and a short, friendly shove from Ben.
Hux laughed, watching Millicent hop around on the drum, obviously intrigued by the sounds her attempts at pouncing made. 
In a spur of the moment decision, he turned to Poe and Ben: “Hey, let me at least buy you guys a coffee. You’ve given Millicent such a good temporary home, I’d feel horrible if I didn’t.”
“Ain’t going to say no to that,” Poe said, once again giving Hux a charming smile. “Ben?”
“Sure. I never say no to a coffee.” He was still watching Millicent play, the kitten having jumped down from the drum and now butting the drumsticks with her head, obviously delighted with how they kept rolling away.
“You know,” Ben said in a thoughtful voice, “maybe we should get a kitten of our own…”
“Well, if you’re interested,” Hux said, “I got Millie from a shelter, and they’re always looking for good homes for their rescues. Let me give you their number. The woman who runs the shelter is really nice, she can answer any questions you might have…”
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