#somewhere along the line I decided that the daisy belt buckle on his official design is actually a recurring motif on everything he wears
trilobi-te · 8 months
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Uhh early 20th century drag queen Dandy? He has mentioned he looks good in a dress and also his vibes really fit Wiemar-style cabaret music (I was listening to a few Vagabond Opera songs on repeat while drawing this lmao.. Farewell Kabarista and Sing For Your Lives if anyone is familiar with them and curious). I think he always has on that hat no matter what else he's wearing.
I have a lot to say about Dandy in Wiemar Germany (that particular flavor of early 20th century queer culture and whatnot) but have not had ability to form coherent thoughts about it recently so I will possibly do that later, with a self-reblog I guess.
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