@somnumumbra​ replied to your post
“What do you mean asparagus man? What kind of an insult is THAT?”
“ Oh I’m sorry, want me to go further ? ”
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“ Your choice of hoodie’s screamin’ “ 𝐈 𝐠𝐨𝐭 𝐚𝐧 𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐠𝐨𝐭 𝐧𝐨 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐞 '𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐢𝐭 ”. ”
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crowleyisms · 5 years
@somnumumbra and @surgikill / @powercull (since I don’t know if you’ll see it on Gabriel my love)
I had the stunning realization that Crowley has now yelled at the sky twice at 2 whole archangels to be sassy at them. And twice has he actually gotten them to come down to him and I find this fact to be really funny. 
Crowley: “how do I get an archangel to come down here so I can annoy them? Oh, I know.”
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tarakeon · 5 years
somnumumbra a réagi à votre billet : Leon has appeared! What to do? >Take picture...
Raihan will take any excuse to add to his ever growing collection of selfies with Leon.
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“You gotta lean down a bit though, or we won’t both fit in the picture!”
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shinvcho · 5 years
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Nonverbal starters || accepting  @somnumumbra​ said; 👁 Wake my muse up during a nightmare ( from aizawa ! dadzawa dadzawa ) 
It was just supposed to be training, as always. Follow by a break where Aizawa naps and he does other things. Shinsou never meant to fall asleep.
Shinsou tends to be always tired to some extent, if Aizawa knows or not he wasn't sure. But it had been worse this week, sleeping worse than usual which result in sleeping even less so and in combination with Aizawa training that just got even harder? His body was bound to give in, and so it did.
He didn't mean to fall asleep, dozing a little maybe a small nap like Aizawa. So, he chose a shady place against a three. He...did think about resting next to or at last close by his mentor but not wanting to distribute. He would be probably mad at him for sleeping already -
The exhaustion, mixed with his overthinking of the situation and anxious mind of disappointing his mentor is mostly the result as of to why he finds himself in the torment of his dreams.
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Shinsou awoke with a heavy gasp, sitting up way to quickly as Aizawa shock him awake. His eyes were open wide, heavy breaths leaving the young boy as he jsut...starred at Aizawa, taking a few seconds the actually realized who is in front of him before he looks down at his legs. Not able to look his mentor into the eyes. Not like this.
One hand went to hold the capture tool around his throat, trying to steady his breathing. "Sensei..." he still wasn't looking at him. His free hand, rubbing along his face through his purple hair in which grass and leaves have got lost within.
"Sorry...sorry...I didn't...I....sorry" was he apologizing for falling asleep or his nightmare? He wasn’t entirely sure himself. 
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feralquirks · 5 years
@somnumumbra​ // plotted starter !
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mikumo was prone to becoming panicked when he couldn’t remember certain things, which was often. then there were the times where he writes his notes for the day, reminders he had to check more than once---& setting the reminder on his phone to see aizawa after class without any context kind of freaked him out. 
knuckles knocked on aizawa’s office door. “um--- it’s hakamata, um... i’m coming in?” he opened the door, peeking his head in. “you uh, you wanted to see me, sir?”
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champizard · 5 years
( CONTINUED ) DRAGON KING🐉👑 texted: [ sms 📱 -> Unbeatable Dickhead ]3:50 am I hope your phone’s not on mute and this wakes you up haha
⥁ . . . ▶ I didn't get to bed until an hour and a half ago, but that's fine. Why are you talking crazy? You know I'd never let anyone else hand my ass to me! I'll wait as long as it takes. ▶ Now that I've hopefully calmed you down, try and get some sleep. You promised me that we'd meet up at the track tomorrow. I hope you didn't forget! I'm used to not getting much sleep, but your eyes get all baggy and you look like hell when you don't get your beauty sleep, you say it yourself. ⥁ . . . ▶ Buenos noches! see you in a couple hours, then you can mope about how you'll never beat me all you want in person! 🌙🌠✨
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ragingwave · 5 years
' heeeey nessa, if you're like, the love-guru, how do you think you'd be able to tell if, ya know, someone liked you? d'ya think there's some sorta list somewhere?? like a list of symptoms. that'd be handy. ' ( from raihan !! Hehe )
A list of sympt— Nessa took a quick breath, closing her eyes to hold back the true expression she wanted to make. Why were guys like this…
“There’s no list . And even if there were it’d vary from person to person…” She crosses her arms as she gives the question some sound thought. “Sometimes it’s smaller things…like them wanting to hang out more or maybe sending an extra text or two than usual. When you notice they go out of their way to be with or around you. Making time the time to be with you when it might not be best for them…” Her voice lowers as she muses on with her thoughts, falling more into her answer than she realizes. The moment she shakes her head and tosses her hair over her shoulder. “—Long story short is it all depends on the person and the situation. Everyone shows affection and adoration in different ways. Don’t expect a list to check off with.”
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qvirkcd · 5 years
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Little fingers tug at Shouta’s black shirt.  ❝     Uhm, I’m hungry...     ❞
@somnumumbra​ liked for a supposed to be lyric starter but i cant find any good eri songs
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yankeead · 5 years
Raihan: gets in his personal space
Tasuku, still angry:
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Somehow, somewhat, she feels in danger.
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dechlach-a · 5 years
somnumumbra replied to your post: 4 am workout Wtf bro
“No other time to do it! Take a run while watching the sun rise!! Do it with me and you’ll understand!” - Raihan
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          “I have my own workout- no thanks.”
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fathachmilis-a · 5 years
somnumumbra replied to your post:           If Raihan’s going to pussy out on icing...
no wait those are his HE CHANGES HIS MIND
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          There ya go, lad
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tarakeon · 5 years
somnumumbra a réagi à votre billet : somnumumbra a réagi à votre billet : ...
Raihan like: sweats in bi. “Ok cool just makin’ sure….haha….”
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“But, if I try to look down... It’s in the way, actually...” Pouts.
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dcsidcrium · 5 years
↕ and 6'8 ;)
» send me ↕ + your muse’s heightNikki: 5′ 1″
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“I can still pick you up ‘nd throw ya, ‘f I wanted.”
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shinvcho · 5 years
@somnumumbra​ || Pokemon s.t
Hammerlocke streets were lighting by the lamps at this evening...or s it already early morning? Shinsou couldn't tell. Trenched from the rain and utterly exhausted and a bit in a rouge state he finally made it past the gates of the city. Only holding his sleeping Espurr close to his chest.
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Looking down at his pokeballs, he just needs to get the poke center and might use the train station as a place to rest and sleep. Not the most comfortable place but he didn't exactly have the energy left bothering to check if there was a hotel in this city.
It will be fine, it will be fine. 
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A LISTENER ( @somnumumbra​ ) TUNES IN WITH!!!: [sms 4:03 am] are you awake? [sms 4:07 am] i need your help [sms 4:08 am] i can't move. i'm sending you the address. [sms 4:09 am] probably hurry. (from aizawa ofc boo xoxo)        
the sound of the familiar text-tone he had assigned to shouta’s contact. picking it was a feat, trying to find something akin to an anthem for his friend && THEN reassigning when the one he chose was deemed as “irritating” by the one it was chosen for. eventually he got something that at the very least drew just a slight furrow of the brows from the other hero. regardless, the tone didn’t, even at this hour, strike fear into the voice hero. there was PLENTY OF PLAUSIBLE reasons that he could be texting at this time- after all, even as a teacher it wasn’t uncommon for shouta’s shifts to run LATE INTO THE NIGHT. 
             therefore when he turned the phone, now gleaming up from his desk ( an uncomfortable, but a common resting place for hizashi- he had found himself often waking with some paper stuck to his cheek. even at his growing age, he was still drooling in his sleep. poor, poor, runny marks from a lost battle with his saliva ) to filter his face in artificial light. his eyes were bleary, glasses skewed before he lifted the hand not fiddling with the device to adjust them. the words processed surprisingly rapidly despite how groggy he was. 
                                                  I CAN’T MOVE. ...PROBABLY HURRY.
             strange how he found himself quickly pushing himself from his chair, getting HALFWAY into his hero outfit ( THE ESSENTIALS, it was 4AM, no one would CARE if he didn’t have his hair looking like a hoopoe at this hour. ), he had his jacket, pants, shades- && MOST IMPORTANTLY, his gear in case he had to fight. 
                                                 IT WASN’T FAR. THE JOURNEY TO THE LOCATION BLURRED, uncomfortable with his throat tight from worry && his hand clutched around the phone as the dot on the GPS got closer to where he was supposed to be. he unlocked his phone && shot a simple.
                                      𝙸'𝚖 𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎.  𝚆𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞?
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