#sonic prime spilers
Hey what if I made a completely nonsensical and maybe overly edgy imaginary one-shot that I got the idea for on my way to the fridge for a snack a few hours ago?
[~1000 words]
"It's over Nine"
Sonic said exasperated after he bounced back from his last successful hit on the fox.
Said fox gave one hell of a fight in person and the neverending metal army of robo-copies Sonic had to get though first — that now his friends manage to regulate — didn't help either.
Shadow did warn him of Nine's possible goal but he was careful, just this once. He promised so with a cheeky wink and a smile, while any of its potential effect bounced right off Shadow's unimpressed face, after all!
Besides he was the one who caused this mess because what's new at this point, and he planned on fixing it.
He tried talking, oh boy he did, but Nine wasn't budging no matter the angle Sonic approached the conversation with, so he wasn't left with a different choice.
As much as he wasn't a fan, he had to beat the sense into the fox.
He ignored the stinging pain on the back of his hands and heels (which had kind of intensified since he set foot on this platform, probably his body finally registering the damage he suffered with all the punching and kicking robots today) and he stood up tall waiting for Nine to uncurl from his beaten position.
It sent the smallest pang of guilt into Sonic's heart as he realized just how small the fox appeared when like that, with all of his tech mangled and damadged righ beside him, but he shook his head right after, dispersing any thoughts of sympathy for a few seconds more. Yes Nine was his friend but he was also kinda ripping the Shatterverse apart and risking thousands of lives along with Sonic's chance to fix everything, and he wasn't gonna let that fly, the kit needed a vibe check.
Nine barely moved aside from his heavy breathing for a long while until Sonic heard a quiet click and and similar in volume chuckle.
"You're right it is."
Before Sonic could place the meaning of Nine's muffled answer or take a defensive stance, both his hands and feet were on fire and rest of his body grew weaker by the millisecond with no further warning.
"I would be lying if I said you weren't painfully predictable"
Glancing from Nine who was now the one standing over him, to his hands through the sudden blur of agony and effort to keep any stray scream in his mouth, all he saw was a wild flicker of colors.
Ah, so those random sparks and color changes of his inhibitors since he got to the Grim was something to worry about after all.
Between all the action and robot beating he barely paid attention to them. They were functioning flawlessly and the same since he got them, even after the unnecessary scruffle he got into with Shadow over them, so why would they malfunction now of all times–
Of course, the inhibitors were Nine's tech, should've guessed they'd be used against him sooner or later. Sonic kinda needed those to get around after all, and what's the best way to catch a supersonic hedgehog? By making him unable to run of course!
Still, while now, in retrospect, he really really should've seen it coming, and oh boy he already heard the earful Shadow was about to give him, his current situation was not good.
It was not good at all as he felt the inhibitors being removed from his gloves and shoes, not ideal when he was grabbed by the arm and forcibly made to stand back up, not great as he didn't know which way was north while his head spun, and even worse once he finally somewhat focused his eyes on Nine's face that was now in front of him — or well, slightly under him, Nine was a bit on the short side when not threateningly standing up on his now decommissioned metal tails — that all the prevalent pain got overshadowed by a small shiver of dread running down his spine.
"That would be everything I needed from you, friend."
Sonic tried to make a rebuttal, a plea, a question, anything at this point, (and he did not like the calm tone of Nine's voice at all) but all of his words were stuck in his throat along the contents of his long empty stomach as he followed Nine's 'I won' gaze falling behind him, onto the vast orange ground bellow him. Far too bellow him.
Now, he wasn't scared of heights by any means, he usually seeked hem out just for the beautiful landscape view when out on his travels actually, but this wasn't it, not it at all. Especially since he felt barely in control of his own breathing.
"Since you're so reliant on your friends let's see who'll actually catch you on your trust fall eh?"
And with that, Sonic's already poor balance was pushed over the edge of the platform and his body was sent barreling down to the copper sand below.
He should curl up and bounce off, yea that would be the most sensible thing to do. There were more than enough jagged edges of the tower to land onto and slow down his fall (honestly surprising he hasn't hit any of them yet), but his body seemingly fell asleep on him and refused to cooperate with any of the urgency for moving and not being splattered on the ground like a blue pancake!
Gradually he felt the rushing wind around him rip away his consciousness as shades of blue and purple only blurred together until it all became pitch black. But before all of his senses gave out, he hit something that changed his falling direction abruptly and was way too soft and gentle to be the Grim's battle-ridden sands.
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studioboner · 5 months
i finoshed sonic prime! spilers ahead as i conplain about someth
one thing that dissapointed me was how in character narratives there usually a growth that focuses on what a character wanst versus what they actually need and its suppossed to be this hard but healing moment
one example is how in SA1 we wanted sonic to lock chaos away. but what was needed was for chaos to be rid of all that rage. and this narrative moment was s9 much more meaningful than simply locking them away again would have been
in sonic prime, nine wants the grim as a form os isolation bc he doest trust anyone. What he NEEDS is to trust others and make connections
but his story ends with the only person he tfusted leaving, and him going back to self isolation???!?! and now nobody there trusts him either . "we have no choice" is what rebel said... unless im like remmeberiglng wrong.
idk just. him being "allowed to stay in the grim undisturbed" just felt like a lackluster ending for his character. which sucks bc hes by far one of the most developed charavters of the whole show!!
it was a fun show in the ene. great art great animation great voice acting, kinda scratching my head at it thouhh
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