Sonic Headcanons/AU Stuff, because I'm just in the mood and accidentally made a Sonic AU while rewriting the story of Sonic Forces... As ya do.
The anthropomorphic animals in this universe are called "Faunans", because fauna is a colloquial term for the animal life in a place
Sonic grew up in the Christmas Island orphanage starting at age 3 1/2 due to his dad accidentally drowning at sea during a storm they were both in, which laid the groundwork for Labyrinth to give him full blown traumatic aquaphobia
Mighty and Ray became the first two people to successfully catch up to and keep up with the fastest thing alive, leading to the three becoming a trio of little troublemakers
Adding onto the childhood friend angle, the armadillo and flying squirrel are the only people who can call Sonic "Nicky" until Sonic informs Tails of the nickname after Adventure, though the fox keeps it for when they're alone
an 11yo Sonic first went Super as he was falling to Earth after blowing up the Death Egg in Sonic 2, surprising both himself and the 4yo fox piloting the Tornado
The Super Emeralds and thus, the Hyper State are only possible on and above Angel Island, due to the presence of the Master Emerald
Out of all the small animals in the world, Flickys are the most sensitive to Chaos Energy
Combining the previous two, the first person to go Hyper was Mr. Miles "Tails" Prower, sharing the immense energy with four Flickys who followed him and Sonic into the Death Egg
Mania was erased from everyone's memory in a last ditch effort by Heavy Magician to lay in wait to eventually defeat Sonic forever. Her plan worked until (now 12)Sonic got sent into when he was supposed to be 17 and also dead(?), awakening everyone's memories upon finding one of the Phantom Ruby copies Ivo made. This is also why the Present Sonic of the time was able to act like he hadn't been tortured, due to the sudden rush of "Hey wait... I've seen that thing before!"
The Chaos Emeralds are sentient, beginning to appear to their unofficial protector in his dreams as a Blue Ricky, Magenta Pocky, Red Pecky, Cyan Flicky, Yellow Picky, Green Cucky/Clucky/Cooky/whatever the hell you wanna call the chickens, and a Gray Rocky in between Adventure 1 and 2
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Sonic Quilford AU thing 5. Yes, we're still going.
When Amy was 8, she ran off from her parents while they were all on vacation to Never Lake, after getting into her uncle's tarot cards and predicting that she'd end up running into her true love. Yes, it would take a long amount of time, but they were destined to be. Though, she didn't understand why it would be a painful turnaround... (It's because Metamy is canon, and it's referring to Metal, not Sonic)
As inspired by this headcanon by @autisticshadowthehedgehog, Gerald ended up building a device to keep possibilities open in case the Black Arms ever ended up on Earth. It was later found by Team Chaotix, who decided to call it the "Black Arm Temporal Reset Button", or the BATRB for short. Whenever any of the many sensors around Westopolis or Central City(where City Escape takes place) detected something 75% Black Arm, it would activate the button, allowing a "reset" back to when it first sensed the DNA
Because of their usage of the BATRB, Team Chaotix are aware something was altered in relation to Sonic's vacation in Soleanna around his 15th Birthday, but they're not sure what
Rather than what happen in canon, the Time Eater held Volcanic Vault, Star Light, Mystic Cave, Good Future!Tidal Tempest, Sandopolis, Twinkle Park, Green Forest, Hang Castle, the original Egg Carrier, White Acropolis, Arid Sands, and Starlight Carnival in Non Existence(the white void. It's also where Solaris stayed before he was dragged back into existence). Combining with this, Ray, Mighty, Big and Omega were dragged in as well. Ray, as the first person to become Sonic's friend, is in Volcanic Vault from Segasonic(as that's the first adventure in my timeline). Mighty's in Star Light Zone, bumping Tails and Amy to join Knuckles in matching Zone with what game they debuted in. Big was just around, fishing. Omega was in the Egg Carrier, joining the rest of the E Series(Zero, who's going to CORRECTLY be called Alpha, Beta, Gamma(who is our Gamma, he just can't stop himself), Delta, Epsilon, and Zeta) in a "boss fight". Shadow's Rival Battle also gets a change in scenery, with it taking place in ShTH's GUN Fortress rather than in Final Chase. Silver's and Metal's still take place in Crisis City and Bad Future!Stardust Speedway though
Espio, due to ninja training, got used to blood/gore/death by age 8. However, after starting the Chaotix Detective Agency with Vector and Charmy, and to the shock/humiliation of his older siblings(Kancho(Boy, 2 years older), and Kokoroe(Girl, 2 years older)), he started weening off this, learning how to open his heart again. This all came to a head when the Metal Virus happened, when Espio fully learned how death was supposed to feel. Going back to his training, he beat up Zazz to the point where the insane Zeti felt fear for the 2nd time in his life from all the blood coating the chameleon's kunai and shurikens. No matter how much Zeena and Zomnom mock Zazz for considering Espio terrifying, he never buckles in his opinion. Who would after being ambushed by a cloth-covered, furious specter of death that walks among the people of the ground
Sonic does have counterparts in both "1001 Arabian Nights" and "King Arthur and the Knights of The Round Table", being Uhu the Wind Djinn and the real Arthur Penquilon(whom Merlin(Eggman) never wanted in charge, due to his odd nature)
Sonic's bilingual, as he knows a fair amount of Spanish, thanks to two of the caretakers at the Christmas Island Orphanage. Due to this, Sonic consistently liters what he says with Spanish, to the point that Tails and Amy have picked it up, along with his therapist(his Red Two-Tone Neutral Fly/Fly Chao, Nightgown)
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Sonic AU Stuff 4, because yes, there's still more
Amy and her parents live in Station Square, though both Secea and Murve are less than happy with their daughter's habits of chasing a boy and getting into trouble. Her uncle Bramble thinks she's got a better head on her shoulders than her parents over these actions
Cream has 9 sisters(Waffle, Margarine, Frittata, Muffin, Éclair, Scone, and Biscuit, who are all older. Coffee, who's Cream's older twin, and Pancake), though they all live with her dad, whom Vanilla divorced(because Cone specifically singled out Cream and neglected/physically abused her).
After the Metal Virus is cured, Team Chaotix heads off quickly to visit Vector's folks and Espio's old village. Vector worries his parents are going to tell him off for sometimes hiding the bills from the IRS with help from Rouge. Espio worries his siblings(two older, three younger) are going to harm Charmy and/or Vector for leading him away from "pure assassination work" or his "cover work as a detective"
After the events of Chaotix, Mighty and Ray ended up making a team with up-and-coming fashion designer, Honey. After Neo Metal is stopped and Sonic mentions team names to his old friends, due to coloration, the armadillo, flying squirrel, and cat decide to name themselves "Team Amber"
Super Sonic's quills are a mix of the "standing straight up" and Shadow's. The top three float, the bottom three bend upwards
After the two Storybook games, both Super states(positive and negative) are affected. "Regular" Super Sonic gains the pointed shoes and red forehead gem/possible bindi(like Blaze) of Excalibur Sonic, whereas Dark Super Sonic(which doesn't happen until after Darkspine happens) gains a small lick of fire on the chest(signalling how close the Flame of Judgement was to burning out) and gaining a ring pattern on the upper middle quill and lower side quills. Top has purple, left has red, and right has green, all glowing to contrast again the dark blue, near midnight color the rest of his fur turns
Since she's originally from the Chaos Dimension, Blaze has a Super State outside of Burning Blaze. In reverse, the Sol Emeralds(or how they're going to be called in this AU, the Elemental Citrines) would not work for Sonic
During the Black Arm invasion, Shadow ended up giving some of his blood to Rouge, Amy, Cream, and Big, which gives them minor immunity to the neurotoxin on the Black Comet
Due to being a hive mind of sorts, Black Arms don't have blood types, hence why their blood is much more acidic than Earth blood. Shadow's original donor on the other hand had A- blood. Due to these two factors, Shadow essentially has O- blood
Solaris was killed by Sonic, Shadow, and Silver, rather than Elise. They also when back 25 years rather than just 10. With Solaris' candelabra, Shadow blew out the left arm, Silver the right, and Sonic the final, full Flame. Silver wished them good well before all 3 return to their times
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Sonic AU Things 3 & Knuckles, because yes, I have more
Knuckles first ran into the native Chao of Angel Island at age 2, managing to become fluent in Chaoese. He only learned English(for lack of what language to put) from the Master Emerald(Tikal) in dream lessons
55 years before SA2, Gerald went to Angel Island(This was during an odd period when Angel Island was at ground level, yet not after all the echidnas died. In relation to Knuckles, he hadn't been laid yet), getting the idea to make Shadow a Faunan from the mural in Hidden Palace, as making what looked like a heroic savior of the world would definitely make sure no one ever forgot the name "Robotnik"
Along his hubristic train of thought, Gerald went to Little Planet(because it's a magic satellite that seemingly teleports above Never Lake for a month(I'm pegging it as March) before disappearing for the rest of the year) to get DNA for Shadow's original donor
Like in Sonic Underground, Aleena is Sonic's mother and Sonia and Manic are his siblings, as the three are triplets. However, Manic, as well as the triplet's father, Dewen, are porcupines instead of hedgehogs. Also like in the show, they're royalty, but of the Lune(to contrast against Blaze, who's princess of the SOL Kingdom. In a similar vein, Blaze's dimension's counterpart to Soleanna would be named after the moon)
Also in the vein of making Sonic and Blaze equal yet opposite, this headcanon by knockabiller on DA is canon, with the only caveats being that that Jet is older than Blaze, meaning he's aged up from canon from 14 to 15, and there's a younger sister, who I'm naming Pyre
As for why this dimension is like this? Blame Solaris. Blaze was originally from the timeline created when Iblis was released when the Egg Carrier crashed, born close to a year before Silver as a natural, yet much weaker pyrokenetic. When Silver sealed her and Future!Iblis into another dimension, that caused an entire change in the timeline placing Blaze into the royal family, and making it mirror the Chaos Dimension. Since he was removed from time(though how it went down in specifics is for another post), Solaris decided to entertain himself in Non Existence by removing his counterpart, the moon and space deity Lunorin, from existence as well and started seeing just how "equal but opposite" this could get. Since both aren't the best at understanding mortals(even if Solaris vaguely understood his "death" was meant out of both mercy and necessity), Blaze gets to suffer just as bad as Sonic. This whole thing is based off how Sonic 06 was meant to be set before Rush, with it being Blaze's origins
Metal Sonic isn't powered by an animal. Rather, he's the only Badnik to still be powered by a seed from the Little Planet flowers. One from Stardust Speedway, in fact
Aside from Shadow and Sonic, both Knuckles and Cream would also be able to use the 3 Chaos Powers(Control, Spear, and Blast). Sonic's are all wind themed/based(Control give him some wind, as if he traveled through/as it(ala John Egbert windifying), Spear is wind sharp enough to cut, Blast is a heatless explosion), Knuckles has more ground-based(Control give minor bits of erosion and growth, Spear is crystaline, Blast is much like the eruption of a volcano), and Cream, having very high levels of Chaos Energy due to hanging around at least two Chao since she was 3, has them plant themed(Control actively leaves flowers where the uses was and goes, with the amount of emeralds used speeding up how fast they bloom and and how long they live, Spear being rather like Vine Whip from Pokémon, and Blast acting like a mini dust devil made of pollen)
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Sonic Quilford AU Custom "Arcs" 2
Yes, I have more ideas! Including one I'm going to retcon in to previous actions! Yay!
(In between Metal Virus and Belle, but like, right after the final fight in Metal Virus) Rush Return: After ridding his world of the Metal Virus with help from Silver, the Warp Topaz backfired and sent the tired 17yo to the Elemental Dimension, stranding Sonic there. Thus, Sonic and Blaze have to figure someway to get him home before Robotnik tries anything. All the while, everyone in the Chaos dimension is scrambling and a certain purple-wearing warlock is stirring up trouble in the background. How is everyone else handling the information that Sonic's fallen into Blaze's dimension? Why won't the Elemental Citrines send Sonic back this time? Just what did the Chaos Emeralds do?
You know it, I know it, Sonic's visit to Blaze's dimension at the end of the Metal Virus arc is... Troublesome. The amnesia thing didn't even go anywhere! It was just "Hi Mr. Needlemouse. Bye Sonic". Better can be done. Thus, it gets its own arc! Sonic and Blaze have a great dynamic, and Egglock/Clay Melongenik isn't anything to sneeze at either, even if that's just from tertiary decisions in relation to musical song parodies in my head and fully making Eggman Nega Silver's nemesis.
(Time Jump Fair after Story Whirlwind) Clans of Chaos: After Espio agrees to a request from his mother to come home, Eggman strikes with a new set of hired mercenaries, including a few who look awful similar to the Chaotix's resident ninja. Just how close is Espio to this new group of enemies? How has a regular Eggman plot gotten G.U.N. involved? And what did Mrs. Matofore mean by "new governor"?
Since Espio's a trained ninja with family, I figured it'd be a disservice in hiding them from the audience. So, we get an arc about them! This has a few scenes I really can't decide how I want to portray them, because I see them so vibrantly in my head. Especially a very climactic fight near the climax.
(Time Jump Far after Clans of Chaos) A Rose Built With Any Other Scrap: After a fraught night of bedtime stories, muddled directives, and inventing, Metal Sonic now has a partner to keep him in line, due to him slowly wriggling out of his obedience programing. All the while, the Egg Carrier's return to the shores of Station Square brings Sonic back, so the Scrapniks have a friendly face to greet them. How will Metal feel about Mecha? Who is Metal's new restraining bolt? And with it being her home, just who will drag Amy Rose into this?
Considering how Metal can be, I don't think Robotnik just, programming him to obey his every command and not rebel is going to work forever. Case in point, Gamma. Ergo, combining with what I decide are canon ships for the AU, a Metal Amy. Of course, someone prefers the original and won't accept a replacement. Also, the Scrapniks! They weren't in my original idea for this arc, but I figured with the name that it would make sense to let them show up.*
(Sidenote, but Mecha looks wonderful in brown.)*
(Time Jump Far after Sonic's 19th Birthday) Sonic and the Apotosian Dream: After getting invited to see Amy in a play along with Tails and Team Chaotix, Sonic ends up getting dragged off the Fae's Domain in Apotos. What with Theseus' tumultuous wedding-to-be with Hippolyta, Oberon and Titania fighting, and the two couples getting lost in the woods, Sonic's going to have much more on his hands than a lost ticket or two!
Custom Storybook game, baby! As for what's being adapted, why none other than Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream"! As per usual, there's doppelgangers, a way you could say the story never happened, and missions, missions, missions! I'm still working on the outline, but I'll probably talk about this more in the future.
(Time Jump Fair after SatAd) Curiosity of Ages: As time marches on, a certain egg-shaped doctor begins wondering just where in his past he went wrong, and realizing he'll soon be 52, inspiration strikes him. Thanks to the Egg Chicken, Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Cream, Rouge, Vector, Charmy, Mighty, and Ray all end up with their ages swapped around. With Tails, Cream, and Charmy now being the oldest of the group, problems arise further. Can the adults and teen keep their cool now that they've returned to their youths? Can the three kids handle the responsibility of being the front line?
Considering all the ages of the Sonic cast, this kinda feels like it was coming for a while. If I could pick any of my concepts to send to SEGA to be made canon, it would be this idea. Having the youngest members of the cast suddenly being the oldest would be fascinating, along with its flipside. Add a flashback or two... The regular.
(Time Jump Fair after Curiosity of Ages) Scrambled Stories Over Easy: After learning of the events surrounding Starline's death last January, Robotnik nabs the three books emanating with World Energy, leading to encounters of the selves, so it seems. Time seems ready to run out as Sonic has to get everyone back where they belong. Will the crossing of worlds confuse literally everyone? How many people will get called the wrong thing by Sonic? Just how long do they have before everyone gets reamed?
I am forever convinced that the Storybook games are real, and actually happened. Sonic does know a genie, is King Arthur's counterpart(as in this AU, there is a REAL Arthur Pennquilon), and did end up with unwanted romantic affections from the Queen of the Faeries(Sonic's role in SatAD is, loosely, Bottom's). As such, we can get 4 Tails(Miles, Ali Baba, Smithy, and Cobweb) in the same room! What more can you want?
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Sonic Quilford AU Stuff 7, because of course we need to hit Emerald number
Surge's theme is "Who I Am" by Magna-Fi. Yes, this is the song that was going to be the main theme of Shadow The Hedgehog before getting cut and replaced by Crush 40's "I Am All Of Me". With all the comparisons one can make between Shadow's amnesia arc and Surge and Kit, I think it fits. I haven't any idea what Kit's lyrical theme would be though
Tails and Marine, despite considering themselves and going as a fox and a raccoon respectively, are both mythical creatures(kitsune and tanuki). The only other mythical Faunan Sonic's encountered is Vector, who has dragonblood somewhere back in his linage
Mythical Faunans end up being born to their regular counterparts quite rarely, with about 1/741,500
Sonic and Blaze's birthdays are 3 days short of being exactly 6 months apart, with Sonic's on June 23rd, and Blaze's on December 20th
After the events of Unleashed, Sonic decided to bring Tails, Knuckles, Shadow, Cream, Vanilla, Big, Ray, and Mighty all to Emerald Coast in Station Square for a 4-day vacation, wearing Chip's necklace the whole time
After the events of ShTH and being violently reminded of Maria's death, Shadow ended up developing schizophrenia
After Forces, two of the people to visit The Resistance were Florence and Abaddon Prower. Upon realizing just who was there, Sonic tried to usher his little brother out of there, only to be shocked as the 10yo kitsune stepped right up to his parents, talking to them in his overly-sweet voice, making sure to fiddle with his mints while doing so. As they tried to accost the people watching that this thing(they refused to call Tails their son, or anything remotely kind) was going to ruin their lives, Tails asked why they were the first two people to make him hate his real first name. As everyone stewed on that, Vanilla slapped one of them and demanded they leave. The crew has decided that if they ever encounter the older Prowers again, to treat them with utter apathy unless more is going on
Faunans don't really need to wear clothes, thus marking them as more fancy attire when in communities all their own. As such, Sonic considers Amy, Honey, Rouge, Cream, Blaze, and even Wave and Surge overdressed for fighting evil or extreme gear races
The names for the little animals(Flicky, Pocky, Beary, Locky, Micky, ect) are used by Faunans, to distinguish them from Faunans. Humans use both interchangeably, so they'd call a Flicky a chickadee just as much as a Faunan Chickadee
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Sonic Quilford AU 6, because even if it's with myself, I wanna talk about this still
8 years before CD, the people of Little Planet ended up learning of their potential doom at the hands of Robotnik and decided to trust what time lends them(an 11 yo who runs fast)
Silver remembers every timeline after his original. Starting during Future #7(In between Colors(DS) and Forces(because, since Amy "dies" during Lost world, it can't make a timeline that can safely make Silver, as he's descended from her)), he started running into or seeking out Future!Shadow, who is sometimes accompanied by Omega and descendants of other members of the cast
Sonic's only raised 3 chao. A Hero Swim/Power chao he called Waterwall during the Chaos Incident(Adventure 1), A Red Two-Tone Neutral Fly/Fly Chao he adopted and decided to name Nightgown(because she was wearing a smock) after Heroes to get Shadow's sudden revival off his mind, and a Purple Two-Tone Dark Chaos Chao he named(as a joke... at first) Solaris after his vacation(and temporary death) in Soleanna('06). He loves all three of them and has it in his loose will that, once Silver's born and not a toddler, is their guardian
G.U.N. has Sonic down in their files as a "tentative ally", as they don't really trust him, due to his habit of not listening to authority or taking orders. When not taking orders from The President, their plan is neutralize him via containment so Robotnik has less incentive to do something wild the next time he seeks to take over the world/build his theme park. To this end, they have tried to find where he lives(Tails' Lab House, which is as hard to break into as the average Eggman Fortress), where he's from(Depending on how you look at it, either Lune or Christmas Island), and how to take away his speed(not an easy feat, as it would currently require corrupted Chaos Energy(because the Emeralds like him))
When they were younger, Sonic, Mighty, and Ray were considered Garland Town's biggest troublemakers, with their peak being when, for Christmas day when Mighty was 10, Sonic 9, and Ray 8, they strung up everyone's Christmas Lights to a generator and a Sonic-sized hamster wheel, and shouted about it at 5 minutes to dawn, while demonstrating their crowning jewel, the mayor's star-patterned underwear atop an Ornema Tree(Mighty put them there)
The Chaos Emeralds are slightly larger than a baseball. The Super Emeralds are the size of watermelons. The Elemental Citrines are 7.5'' x 5
Even after the destruction of the Black Arms, Shadow keeps two pistols in his quills when he feels unsafe for emergencies. When in a bind, Rouge has grabbed one of them out of his quills, though he asks she only grab the right one, as he's left-handed
Sonic's preferred beverage in the morning is orange-lemon tea. Tails, after worrying he was turning into his parents(Abaddon and Florance) found he liked coffee. Knuckles, after finding the fruits on Angel Island, makes home-made mango-pineapple juice(straight juice, no sugar) that he stores in Ice Cap
After developing his crush, Vector's lovey-dovey moments where he's lost in romantic thoughts were dubbed the "Vanilla Zone" by Charmy, since that tended to be his answer to anything asked while he's in such a state. The only other people who have seen the Vanilla Zone are Espio(the three live together. Of course he's seen Vector in the mushy state), Mighty(They were discussing Mother's Day, and Vector just kinda slipped into it), and Gemerl(He was asking what Vector wanted in his coffee, and was told "Vanilla~". Luckily for the crocodile, Vanilla and Cream were in the other room when this slip-up happened)
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Sonic Quilford AU Custom "Arcs"
As I slowly descend into madness from making all this from just wanting to rewrite Sonic Forces, I've added some extra bells and changed some of the whistles. And since I think these deserve more than just a simple mention, they're gonna get quick summaries here.
(In between Scrapnik arc and Frontiers) Dark Arm Ops: Two months after some freak meteor shower, Vanilla starts getting suspicious of the blue hedgehog's behavior and lack of any egg-esque scientists. Upon hearing her little girl and Ms. Rose seemingly get beat up, she turns to The Chaotix Detective Agency for help. What is going on with Team Sonic? Who's that strange hedgehog they run into in Soleanna, why did he only show up after Charmy found a Chaos Emerald, and why does he look like Shadow? And where is Robotnik in all this?
Inspired by SONIC.EXE, this story has Vanilla taking the main role, plenty of silly(and not-so-silly) detectives, time loops set up through an alternate take based off this headcanon by @autisticshadowthehedgehog (which are to be explained at a future date), and the return of Mephiles from Non Existence.
(After Sonic's 18th Birthday, but before TMoStH) Lune Kingdom: While still enjoying the downtime as Amy, Knuckles, and Tails have their solo expeditions, Sonic gets a message from Team Amber that he might want to come join them exploring a little island kingdom not far from Christmas Island. Upon getting there, it turns out the royal family could be in need of some assistance, as the Queen went slightly mad, Crown Princess Sonia feels drowned in work, the leader of the local street kids seemed to know something about them, and they want him to talk to some star nosed mole they call the Oracle? And here he thought Blaze had it hard being royalty...
I knew I'd integrate elements of Sonic Underground, and that includes Sonic's family members there. Aleena, Sonia, and Manic all have their part to play, along with the Oracle of Delphius(who gets a real species this time, even if it's with some water trauma for Mr. Needlemouse(Fun fact! Star nosed moles are semi-aquatic!)). Giving the role of Sonic's companions to Mighty, Ray, and Honey just felt right. The latter two have known him the longest, after all.
(Time Jump Fair After TMoStH) Angel Island Fight: Figuring the hedgehog and kitsunefox will be easier to kill off than Dr. Robotnik, Starline decides to try and overrule a choice made by the Chaos Emeralds themselves and supplant the 18yo speedster by getting Surge his role as their guardian. How will Sonic and Tails feel upon learning the platypus has found these two? Will Surge and Kitsunami stick with Starline, or throw him off the floating paradise? On a scale of 1 - 10, just how ticked is the 18yo echidna who lives on this soon-to-be battleground?
I feel like Starline didn't get to do much before his passing(which I'll get to). I mean, he vaguely worked with Robotnik during Metal Virus, tried to kidnap Tails that one time, did kidnap Belle, then broke Surge and Kit and then, BOOM, he's dead. So, he gets to do more! And, we get to see Sonic and Tails know their foes up close and personal, with someone getting angry from what's said as he walks back from Hidden Palace with Knuckles to go support his little brother.
(Time Jump Far After Angel Island Fight) Rush Reef: All of Team Sonic find themselves in hot water when they all end up sent to Blaze's dimension once more. After checking in with the Princess and tanukiraccoon pirate, it appears a trip down to Demon Island to find the Operator's Citrine is needed before Eggman and Egglock(Eggplant warlock, filling the role of Eggman Nega, who is fully Silver's nemesis). But can Sonic take the plunge this time? And considering Knuckles, who lives this far below?
I feel like there needs to be a full Team Blaze, along with a counterpart to Angel Island. Thus, Demon Island and its stressed, scared, oppressed last original inhabitant, Lotus the Sea Sheep(Sea sheeps are rare animals that photosynthesize like plants, as apposed to a mammal who lays eggs). Plus, a Sonic story that's mostly underwater is a rarity!
(Time Jump Fair after Rush Reef) Magic Show of Steel: Wanting a break, Sonic accepts an invite from Espio to join him in Casino Night for a week, because even with the violent reveal of the mayor as a badnik, business still booms. Especially for the city's favorite illusionist, Missy the White Rabbit. Yet, something in her performance rubs the hedgehog the wrong way. Can he, Amy, Shadow, Honey, and Espio figure out just what's happening before they all disappear? And just how close is a certain mercenary group?
Heavy Magician is my favorite Hard Boiled Heavy, and considering my plans for her in my Forces rewrite I'm still working on, I had to give her an arc all her own. Plus, we never get just the Speed characters interacting(and I want more interaction between Sonic and Team Chaotix in general). Plus, pretty lights and a possible Phantom Ruby fight between Magi and Infinite/Dante? Writing, become easier!
(Time Jump Far After Magic Show of Steel) Story Whirlwind: Upon noticing his primary fighter has chosen to fight him more than the blue blur and an impulsive stealing of two things Sonic really cares for, he starts getting paranoid. But, how much power can a book of fairy tales give? And how hard can it be to keep a cat that likes fishing and a government robot in captivity be? Let alone setting up Sonic's own friends to finish him off, and Kit's secret assignment...
Starline's death was too impassioned and having him get killed in a building caving-in was a cop-out. Fight me!
In reality, I really think just having Starline get crushed takes some of the joy out of seeing him stopped. It was just thrown into the Surge arc so they didn't have to bother with what we was doing anymore. Thus, a total change in scenario. And, an actual culprit. But, I think you'd need to ask the Emeralds. Make sure they aren't letting someone channel their darker sides though, or you'll meet Starline's shameless killer face-to-face. ;)
That's all for now. I have more, but I think they should get a part two to this, so I don't overload the post.
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Sonic Headcanons/AU Stuff 2, because I have many, many more thoughts on the series about an fast indigo erinaceus and his friendos
Sonic got the Tornado in between Sonic 1 and 8-bit Sonic 2, as a gift from Ray, since he decided he wouldn't be using the family biplane since he can natually, or unnaturally, fly. Thus, he gave it to Sonic after hearing Dr. Robotnik was still causing trouble
Until he was 6(or until Adventure), Tails had a very slight rhotacism. The only person Sonic told was Knuckles, who asked why he kept getting called "Knucwes"
Sonic actually ran into "Surge" and "Kitsunami" before Starline got his barbs on them. Kit, actually name Karrent, lived in Marble Zone with his family, meeting the hero when the fennec fox was 7
He met the tenrec later, while adventuring through Westside Island, both Sonic and Tails met Spark the Tenrec along with her uncle and cousins. She was just a dismissive 9yo who thought they were both weirdos, especially Sonic, who she instantly dared to clean up the stables in under an hour
Metal Sonic Kai was originally supposed to have two power sources. The Chaos Rings, and a 3yo Faunan Bee, native to Northeast Isle/"Carnival Island", after removing him from his hive, of course
Said power source was then "stolen" by a 13yo chameleon and an 17yo crocodile, who decided after the ordeal was over to try and raise him themselves, starting the Chaotix Detective Agency! ...Much to the chagrin of Vector's parents, Elwood and Jordan, and Espio's clan in Mimeiratsu[Japan](A direct combination of the word for early dawn(mimei) and lively(ratsu))
Since he hadn't actually been named yet, Vector called the little guy "Charmy", since it was his "charm"(the innate sense most people have for protecting children) that got Espio's attention in the first place
Charmy met Metal Sonic before the original, so he subconsciously feels unsafe around the hedgehog
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