#soon darling we shall see each other soon 💕
frootyrooties ¡ 10 months
i know it’s still a few months from now, but i’m already thinking about what i’m going to wear on our date hehe
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If you could, I would really love for you to please write a small drabble about Loki taking baby Ariana (dressed as a bunny) trick or treating for her first Halloween? If you can't, that's totally fine. Thanks!
Hi! I hope you like this little Halloween Drabble! 💕 Hope you have a great day! 🐰 🎃 💕
Loki was intrigued by the concept of All Hallows’ Eve and the children of Midgard dressing up to scare off the wickedness of the land on the night they come out to play. Loki had originally gone to a store. The name confused him greatly, “‘Spirit Halloween’?”Loki was dressed in his nice black suit and tie holding Ariana in her cute silky green dress. “Shall we go in darling?” She eagerly nodded and held to him. A little scared but excited to see the other kids enter so eagerly. Once inside she clung to him for safety near the scary animatronics near the door, but after that, was happily pointing to the many costumes and accessories within the store. Loki kept pointing out some scary or strong warrior like costumes for her, wanting her to be a brave and equally scare threat to the evil spirits on Halloween. But noticed how much she adored the bunny costume at the back. He chuckled and figured if there was anything scary that would get her, he would simply be scarier than it, or just kill it upon arrival before she even saw it. He let her try on the bunny costume and held her in it. The ladies working there all were surrounding her and coping at how adorable and cute she was. Partially also swooning at Loki and his big sweet heart for Ariana. Soon he felt Ariana’s hands grabbing at her and she pointed at a Dracula costume. She wanted Loki to dress up as a vampire, which Loki begrudgingly did for happiness. All was paid for and Loki even snagged a soft gummy pumpkin candy for her to munch on until later that evening. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Loki and Ariana went to a family neighborhood. Loki had many spells prepared for this evening, and was ready if anything tried them. But to his credit, he found out that not any of those ghosts, creatures, or demons were even around and alive on Midgard anymore. So he enjoyed going to door to door and seeing the many people be scared of seeing him and then looking down at his sweet Bunny and them growing enormous smiles. “Ariana held out her cute little bunny theme bag that Loki conjured for her and politely asked, “twick or tweet!” And gave them the most adorable puppy eyes know to man or god. Many women who answered the door asked to hold Ariana, which Loki was hesitant but obliged, much to the happy squeals of Ariana being hugged and kissed for how lovely she was. By the end of the night, Loki hadn’t really realized how much candy you both had collected. Ariana too was surprised when upon returning to her room with her beautiful crib, dumped out a pile of candy 3 times her size. She cried out for joy at her hoard of deliciousness. Loki chuckled to himself and saved his pile of goodies for her later. He helped search through the candy to make sure she wouldn’t choke or be harmed by any of the food. Anything homemade was immediately thrown away. He also threw out the toothbrush and toothpaste she had received from a dentast or dentist? Either way he was glad a mom of 5 had told him to check candy for drugs, razor blades, or other harmful things. He hadn’t found anything so far, but he would never forgive himself if he didn’t check. She had eaten many pieces of candy, but Loki had her dinner come at that moment with a delicious beef and potato stew for her to eat so she would just eat the candy and get sick. He buttered her potato pieces and her bread and they both ate happily in each other’s company. Soon she had food on her face and he wiped it clean. He brought her tired face into the bath for a nice Halloween themed bath. He sat down a vampire themed rubber duck for her to play with while he cleaned her up and changed her diaper. He dried her off and put her in a bunny themed pjs. She was tired but delighted to see her bunny ears on the hood. He tucked her and himself into bed, and they soon fell asleep in the late hours of Halloween night.
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