#sooo sorry for this guys but i finished all 16 seasons of iasip and i can't stop thinking abt them
just had a revelation for an iasip episode:
"The Gang Goes to See the Barbie Movie"
of course each of them for different reasons:
Charlie: just likes movies about toys and thinks it would be really cool to see life by a doll's perspective.
he doesn't want the others to know in case they will bully him later but he also doesn't want to go alone tho so he asks Dennis to come with him (because he saw him looking up pictures online and knows Dennis wants to watch it so he basically blackmails him to tag along)
Dennis: reluctantly goes with Charlie, claiming it's "just to see many babes and Margo's tits on the big screen" but he actually was always obsessed with Barbie's clothes lines and wants to see real life people wearing them like the huge style nerd he is.
he and Charlie agree to go in secret and don't say a word about it to the others (Dennis especially doesn't want Mac to know since he is all about "badass movies only" or whatever
Mac: "i'm a gay man Frank, of course i'm going to watch the Barbie Movie. Rayan Gosling as Ken?? uh, yes please!? But we can't tell Dennis or the others about us going in secret, they'll think i'm not badass anymore, which i totally still am btw"
Frank: "what are you talking about? now shut up and help me take these Frankie Dolls™️ inside the theater so we can sell 'em to those stupid kids. Oh Mattel made a good move, making a big movie after a doll. We are gonna do the same with my Frankie Dolls™️, we sell them today and then we make a movie about them and it'll make me lots of money!! ha! scamming kids with dolls and movies, we should have thought about this sooner"
the two groups meet inside the theater and various shenanigans ensue (ofc)
anyway, by the end of they movie they each come out with various reactions:
Charlie: "dude! we totally need to make our apartment like that dream house! life in plastic IS fantastic!!" also he didn't get the final line of the movie and really liked Allan
Dennis, with mascara running down his face: "boy that... that sure was a movie huh... (he doesn't elaborate on that. just looks faraway all the time)
Mac: was broken inside by Im Just Ken, thinking about how where he sees love Dennis sees a friend and all that but still whispers "...maybe I am Kenough..." (also he cried too but he will never admit it)
Frank: the Frankie Dolls™️ scam didn't go as planned, of course, (they kinda looked like Gollum? anyway, kids didn't like them and he got in trouble with a few parents) but then when he had nothing left to do he started actually watching the movie and got really moved by the ending
Dee: while the others exit their room of the theater she comes out from the next doors still eating a few pop corns "guys guys i just saw this movie, Oppenheimer, there were nazis and bombs and explosions and science an-"
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