#sooo uhhhh may be developing eczema as well????
rainbowinbeigeboots · 2 years
update: i am for sure having allergic reactions to cardbord/paper/books and it seems to only be getting worse 🙃🙃🙃
#you see dear followers this is ironic as i am a librarian and book lover#also apparently whatever tf i’m allergic to is on my bathroom floor because my legs broke out in the rash from rifling in my cabinets#also my hands are now beginning to flake and my lips hurt#sooo uhhhh may be developing eczema as well????#and had a rash flare up when i used nitrate gloves to dye my hair this week#so my current running theories are that i’m allergic to my new medication and a contact rash seems to be a rare side effect#theory 2: i’m allergic to paper/glue in paper products#theory 3: i’m allergic to specifically nitrate which lmao is in nearly everything#theory 4: i’m just straight up slowly dying#like i literally fix one thing with my fucking body and it goes ‘oh hey….here’s a new problem bestie :>’#maybe one day i’ll have a functioning body#and i unfortunately can’t get into see a dermataologist until next month and i want to die because it keeps getting worse every day#my family thought it might be because of my sister moving in and bringing a cat (which i’m allergic to) and new products#but this has been going on since at least last month and probs even before then#because i just thought it was from plastic grocery bags#but i was constantly having flareups at the dreamcatcher concert that even rinnie was noticing#so no idea wtf my body is doing and hoping either the dermatologist can fix it or i guess i go to an allergy specalist#and then hopefully we find out what tf is wrong with my body and how to fix it#I HATE IT HERE#also if you read all these tags…..you’re brave for reading my info dumping/journaling about this stupid ass situation#meaghan rambles
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