#soooo ig we're not adding those on
synonymroll648 · 2 years
Sokeefitz cuddling headcanons pretty please?
thank you, random citizen! or villain. or hero. or vigilante. or outcast. who knows ;) but anyway. apologies for taking a while to answer this one (i had a hectic week), but. hopefully the amount of headcanons i am giving you in return makes up for it. also got a liiiiiittle bit carried away and strayed from strictly cuddling headcanons, depending on who you ask. but it's primarily sokeefitz cuddles :))
they switch up positions all the time based on who needs comfort the most
sophie had a nightmare and woke up screaming in tears? her boys scoot her into the middle and murmur sweet nothings to her, her head resting on one of their chests and the other listening to her heart beat (didn't specify who does what because, again, they switch back and forth)
keefe had a rough conversation w/ his dad or thought about his mom a lil too hard? it's keefe sandwich time, and he's wedged between his partners and either told sweet things or silly things to get his mind off things, depending on what he needs that day. and if neither of those work, sophie pins him down so he can't escape fitz's tickle attacks
(keefe screams about cognates being annoyingly good at working together, sophie laughs and presses a kiss to his forehead to get him to melt and let his guard down so fitz can get one of the particularly ticklish spots keefe had practically been guarding w/ his life. keefe proceeds to scream about cognates being not just annoyingly good at working together, but also generally annoying as fuck. fitz sing-songs but you love us anyways, and keefe has no response to that)
fitz's toxic academic perfectionism is pushing him to overwork himself a little too much for even sophie's super desensitized comfort levels? keefe pries him away from his desk by baiting him with, hey, there's this recipe i saw, and it reminded me of you, but i have noooooo idea how to hash out the instructions. could you help me out? pretty please? and sophie hides his homework while he's out of the room so he can't get it back without asking her. and sometimes, while the three of them are waiting for things to cook, fitz finds himself with his hand entwined in sophie's and her head on his shoulder, and keefe sprawled out on their laps like a housecat. other times, fitz finds himself spread out on his back and with a partner resting in the crook of each (numb) arm at a late hour w/ a batch a baked goods sitting on a nightstand too far away to reach. a lot of the time, both of those scenarios happen the same night
if everyone is somehow not stressed out, though, sophie's the big spoon, keefe's the middle spoon, and fitz is the little spoon
the started out in reverse order and then sophie and fitz slowly came to realize over the course of their relationship that they liked each other's positions better than their own positions. even if their heights made it a lil difficult to do that
a game the boys like to play w/ sophie whenever she's the big spoon is laying flat on their backs, shoulder to shoulder, and watching her struggle to wrap all the way around them w/o climbing on top of keefe
(because climbing on top of anyone would be cheating. though, to be fair, keefe told her to do it once just to see if she could even wrap around them from the middle. the answer is barely)
it started as an impromptu joke that made keefe laugh his ass off on a rough night, and now it's just an ongoing thing they do every now and then and reference just to see sophie get (lightheartedly) worked up
also i would like it to be known that whenever fitz cuddles w/ his partners they always make sure that his left knee (his bad knee, for those of us that forgot which leg it was in canon) isn't trapped underneath someone
(that started when sophie was the big spoon w/ fitz for the first time and he made a casually amazed comment about how being the little spoon hurt his knee way less. and sophie was like 'have you been in pain every time we cuddled and not said anything?' and fitz was dead silent. [she couldn't see it but he was making the ohhhhhh shit i was not supposed to say that face]
(so the next time she saw keefe she was like 'new rule: make sure fitz's knee is never trapped underneath someone or crushed against the mattress, unless he specifically requests otherwise' and keefe adopted it immediately
(this leads to fitz almost always being the on the right side, since if he rolls onto his side it keeps his left leg on top)
there was this one time when keefe went over to havenfield to find fitz curled up to sophie like a koala while she read a human book on the living room couch and he instantly was like ':O you guys didn't tell me we were doing storytime! i would've come home sooner!' and fitz explained that they'd gotten books from sophie's childhood and her reading to him was on accident
meanwhile, sophie was absolutely melting for two reasons:
a) keefe tried making the whole storytime comment sound teasing, but it definitely had a genuine undertone. and the idea of having both her boys snuggled up to her while she read books that no one had ever shared interest w/ as a kid was a literal dream
b) keefe called havenfield home keefe called havenfield home keefe called havenfield home keefe called havenfield hom-
keefe makes reason a come true by asking her to catch him up on what they'd read so far, and ultimately ends up sprawled out across her and fitz's laps w/ his propped up knees acting as an accidental bookstand and fitz's hand running through his hair. the two of them make comments every now and then - keefe asking more questions in the beginning, and then it slowly turning into all quips; fitz just noticing how little details connect and accidentally figuring out the plot twists ten chapters before they happen
(sophie tries to not let it show that he's right, but her poker face sucks and they can tell immediately how accurate fitz's guesses are)
the whole storytime thing ends up becoming routine, but they migrate the books up to sophie's room instead of bags and bags around havenfield's couch and cuddle on her bed instead
(edaline walked in to give them some muffins she made but noticed them reading and just watched for a while before setting the plate down wordlessly and stepping back out. gushed about it to della, and they both teased their kids respectively a little later on. + keefe because he is not safe from motherly affection, no matter how embarrassing it is sometimes)
keefe likes coming up behind either of his partners when they're doing homework (or paperwork sometimes, in sophie's case) and just hugs them. presses a lil kiss to their neck or ear or shoulder. doesn't say anything, just delightedly watches their composure fall apart
example: when he does this to fitz, fitz goes from writing fluidly to writing only a few words at a time and often having to erase them because it ends up being his thoughts instead, not the subject matter. like that time he was writing a sentence that started with Flareadons have evolved to have fire-resistant exteriors because and ended with, after a solid minute-long pause in writing, oh my god my boyfriend is driving me insane. keefe, who was reading over fitz's shoulder the whole time, broke away and fell apart into hysterical laughter
(keefe makes jokes about the flareadon sentence to this day)
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