cutegirlmayra · 4 years
Kingdom Hearts Prompt
Gotta get my fingers back into the swing of things for my Birthday Week Prompt Spectacular!
Prompts are still open! We have 137 currently, and if you’ve already submitted 3, please hold off sending in anymore! Thank you so much! :Db
This is so exciting!!!
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This is a bit of an AU, I’m torn between them being kids or more their ages from Kingdom Hearts 2, so take the time placing... loosely, lol.
It hadn’t been long since their adventures, and finally resting back on their island wasn’t exactly helping their now anxious desires to continue exploring and learning about the world beyond their own.
Sora and Riku still would hone their keyblade skills, but Riku was more hesitant to take any real fighting seriously, and opted out to call it quits before it had really become even an workout for Sora.
“Ah, man. Again, Riku?” Sora put his hands behind his head, having the keyblade disappear into sparkles of light. “Come on, you’re still worried about darkness?”
Riku looked down and away, then smiled almost half-heartedly to Sora, as though not wanting to worry or trouble him anymore about it. “I’ll be fine. Good work today.” He waved him off and began to return—to what Sora assumed—was his home.
He sighed, wanting a bit more of a sporting chance than that before looking over to Kairi by the shoreline. “Huh?” he lowered his hands from behind his now tilted head. “What’s she doing way over there?” he asked himself innocently and began to walk over to her.
As though feeling the need to not break the moment though, Sora stopped just a few feet away from her. “Ohh...” he felt a sorrowful feeling, seeing her just stand at the water’s edge and look over the horizon.
He was used to this scene, but it had been a while since he’d last seen it.
“So many worlds...”
She turned after hearing his voice, and watched him approach her side, also gazing off into the horizon that was just beginning to set.
“And you weren’t able to see any of them.” He lowered his head, “That doesn’t seem fair to me... You were the one who deserved to see them the most!” he gestured an empathetic and energetic hand out as he spoke, and it made Kairi just crinkle her nose a bit and laugh.
He always had something cute to say, and something sweet to compliment it with.
“Emm, I don’t mind.” Kairi shook her head gently, and placed her hands behind her back. “I felt it.”
“Huh?” Sora turned back to her. “Felt what, Kairi?”
“...Your heart. The adventures it went on... I felt everything.” She closed her eyes, “It makes me wonder... if maybe there’s still something on these islands left to explore.” She grinned widely to him, “I found this really cool underwater cave! But it has a keyhole... so I’m kinda not sure whether to ask you or Riku to open it or not...”
“Wha! A keyhole?!” Sora’s spirits skyrocketed, forming a fist and stomping a confident foot forward, “Why didn’t you say so?! Let’s get Riku and check it out!”
Kairi nodded sweetly, “But maybe after you guys rest. I wouldn’t want to call you to adventure only to have both your eyes drooping in exhaustion!” Kairi waved her hands a moment in front of her, calming his excitement before placing them boldly on her hips and leaning towards him. “You and Riku have been through a lot, remember?” she tilted her head, but he just smiled, a bit disappointed they couldn’t go now.
“Aww... Come on, Kairi...” he slightly whined, but in a comical way.
“No buts! Except to get yours to bed, that is.” She leaned back up, having some spunk from her previous reflective mood and began to walk back to the path towards town. “I’ll talk to Riku, you just meet me here bright and early tomorrow, got it?”
“Got it!” he cheered.
“And make sure not to doze off, you lazy bum!” she teased and waved him off, heading up the path as Sora looked defeated by her statement.
“Ohhh... I know! I’ll sleep out here!” He flopped onto the sand, but the wind blew and it was quite chilly... “Brrr, okay! I’ll just set my alarm then!” he rubbed his arms and took off towards his home.
As expected,...
“Oh nooo!!!” Sora had blinked his eyes open, looked around, and realized he had used his keyblade in his sleep to thwack the alarm clock clear off his nightstand. “Why does this always happen to me!” he quickly got up and raced to get ready.
Dashing off to the shoreline, he saw Riku and Kairi already there, staring at the rising sun.
As they turned around, Riku placed a hand on his hip. “You’re late.” he remarked.
“What’d you expect? Typical Sora.” Kairi giggled, rocking on her heels as he made his way to them.
Sora scampered in his stride and clutched his knees to remain upright, trying to get some wind back in his lungs. “Hey... both of you give me a break.”
They chuckled at him a moment before Riku looked to Kairi, “A secret door, huh?”
“There’s apparently more than the door in the cave, yeah.” She nodded to his question and looked to Sora, extending her hand to him. “You sure you’re up for another adventure, Sora?”
It was so soon after their last... but without much hesitation, Sora reeled his hand back and clasped her own, a good smacking sound was heard as he rose up from his bent position. “Emm.” He nodded, determined. “I want to share one with you... and Riku!” he nodded excitedly over to him as well, but he just folded his arms, nodding with a smile.
“It would be nice... kinda reminds me of the old days.” Riku moved towards the water, getting deeper into the sea. “Come on, you slowpokes!” He didn’t bother to look behind him, but Kairi rushed to join him in the water.
“Sora!” she called, encouraging him to follow after her.
“Ohh...” The memory of the waves rising over Riku made him pause to watch a second... so much had changed, but at the same time, nothing really ever did...
He shook his head, “That’s not true.” He told himself, “I’ve changed.” and rushed through the water to get to them.
The two waited for him again to catch up, before they all checked with one another that they were ready, and Kairi dived in first.
The water was crystal clear, and it didn’t really sting the eyes either. Sora and Riku dived in after her, waiting to see which direction she swam too.
Pointing, she gestured to a far distance beyond where they usually hung out on the lone, small island—where their favorite arching tree was. They nodded that they understood, looking back to her before beginning to swim ahead.
Sora couldn’t help but think of Ariel’s world, and easily moved passed Riku and Kairi, wiggling his body as though he had his dolphin tail again.
Surprised, but in a pleasant way, Kairi mimicked him but Riku seemed less than willing to follow suit, so he began to power-through the water and easily catch up to the two dorks.
Sora gestured for Kairi to move her arms like his, just by his sides, but Kairi seemed to not understand before Riku hit the surface of the water, treading it quickly and sparking an old rivalry in Sora.
Motivated to win, Sora also made his way to the surface and started pushing himself faster towards the cave.
Kairi then gasped upon breaching the surface and pouted, “Not again... Go for it, Sora! Riku! First one there gets to open the door!” she called out, laughing as she swam leisurely behind the two dueling boys.
It truly was like old times... except Riku was surprised to see Sora get beside him so quickly. He had improved in his strength and endurance so much... and Riku felt that darkness had limited himself from having that same fortitude and understanding that Sora had gained.
He slowed down... letting Sora pass him.
But to his amazement, Sora also stopped and grabbed his hand, pulling him forward again, “Ah!”
“Come on, Riku! We’re almost there!” Sora cried out, his sights still dead set on reaching the cliff’s base.
Riku was touched that he wasn’t so focused on winning, as he was more so wanting to do something together...
“We did it!” Sora threw his hand forward with Riku’s to touch the edge, and for a moment, Riku also threw in all his might.
They touched the rocky cliff together... panting and having open smiles as the water licked at their chins and splashed against the land wall.
They turned around to see Kairi enjoying the long trek to them, giggling at their antics. “You both never change.” She took a deep breath and went below the water again.
Sora grinned to Riku, closing his eyes before gulping some air in and charging down too.
Riku just shook his head, “Maybe... more has changed than we think.” and he went down as well.
The two were shocked to see Kairi kicking her legs into a gap below the surface, and their first instinct was to help her out, but she wedged herself in and soon disappeared into the gap.
Not sure if that was safe for her to be doing alone, the two looked at each other, realizing they really didn’t know where Kairi went off to while alone by herself.
They took turns, but Sora felt like Winnie the Pooh and worried he’d get stuck more easily, but sucked in his gut and was able to push through.
Riku twisted his body gracefully through the gap, and didn’t seem to have that much of a problem getting in.
Sora gestured to his air bubbles, as though asking Kairi where a pocket of air was down this far...
She shook her head.
No air.
Both Riku and Sora looked concerned.
Without addressing their worry for her safety, she spun back to follow the path forward through the rocks, and revealed a sunken door with musical notes upon it.
Sora summoned his keyblade, and looked to Riku in hopes that he would join him.
He shrugged, they did technically win the race together, and summoned his own.
They swished their keyblades expertly through the water and then pointed it with fashionable poise towards the keyhole.
Their lines hit the target, creating an aura of white that pulsated before the door faded into light and glowing balls began to engulf the area from it.
Riku shielded his eyes but Sora just stared deep into it... and then... they were in a strange ballroom.
Coughing, the three wobbly got back up to their feet.
“W-where are we..?” Sora looked around, seeing an almost Beast’s Castle looking place, but with white and gold lining covering the massively baroque designs and a empty orchestra filled with musical instruments.
“...This world... doesn’t have heartless, does it?” Kairi looked around, holding her arm a moment before noticing she didn’t feel wet from just getting out of the sea. “My clothes..! They’re...” she looked herself over.
“Huh?” Sora tapped his spiky hair too, “Hey! We’re dry!” he patted his chest and then looked around for a window... but all the windows were blazing a heavenly light.
Riku felt strangely uncomfortable, choosing to remain seated a moment longer before slowly rising up with his friends. “No... I don’t sense any here.”
“That’s not a bad thing, right?” Sora smiled, but his voice had a ring to it, and suddenly...
Musical notes carved into the walls suddenly lit up with the exact pitch and note that Sora’s natural speaking voice had produced.
“Woah!” Everyone moved to face their backs to each other, forming a circle as Riku and Sora summoned back their keyblades.
“Was that... Music?” Sora looked around, seeing the notes shimmer in yellow light before fading...
A drum beat spooked the three as they turned to the empty orchestra.
“There’s no keyhole on the door.” Riku gestured to the only doubled-door this ballroom had, but once again, he was right.
“We’re trapped? That doesn’t make any sense.” Kairi made a face, and with no fear, walked towards the walls.
“Ah-!” Riku held a hand out to her as Sora cried out--”Kairi! W-wait!”
She touched the notes on the wall, “It looks like... sheet music.” she placed her hand on one of the notes, and then pointed to her throat. “Ahhh~” she tried to mimic the note.
 The sound carried and a musical note responded, under her hand, the note lit up to her.
“Destiny Island sure has a lot of surprises.” Riku lowered his keyblade. “But a musical room?”
“That’s awesome!” Sora released his keyblade, letting it sparkle away as he held his bundled hands cheerfully up by his face. “Let me try!” he raced over to Kairi, touching a note. “How do I make this sound?”
“Laa~” Kairi sang, and it glowed.
“LaaAAAAaa~” Sora tried, but the note seemed to dim a little on his try. “Huh?”
“Hehe, everyone’s a critic. I thought that was a good try, Sora.” Kairi giggled into her hand.
“Ohh... A try? Hmph.” He placed his hands on his hips, frowning to the wall. “I’ve sang before...”
Riku decided to look at the instruments... lightly going to touch a violin when it suddenly jumped to life and twirled around, getting caught by its stick that began to play it.
As it played, the notes and melody lit up parts of the wall.
“Ah... it’s a song!” Sora seemed enchanted by the place, and looked to Kairi, “Come on!” he pulled her towards the dance floor’s center.
“S-Sora!” Kairi smiled, not sure what he was getting at here.
“Maestro!” He flicked his wrist to the empty orchestra, and three flutes flew into the air and began to play. “Percussion!” he mimicked Sebastian’s voice, “Strings, winds!”
“Sora... how are you doing this?” Riku looked around at the many different instruments, only the classical music began to play.
“I think we have to play along!” Sora took Kairi’s hands and began to hop and circle around with her. It was a long shot to anything that looked even remotely like dancing...
She laughed though, before noticing that foot steps were lighting up in blue and pink beneath his feet. “Sora, wait!” she placed her hands on his chest, “Look! I think they’re instructions...”
“Uh... judging me again?” Sora teased, and Kairi turned to Riku.
“Do you play?” she asked, curiously.
“Not really...” He looked around him at the magical instruments.
“Can you read music?” She batted her eyes, “Pllleeeassse?”
“Ugh.” he picked up the conductor’s stick, “Alright... but this is silly.”
She moved her foot against one of the glowing pink footsteps, and it shined and sprayed sparkling dust into the air, as if that was correct.
“Ready?” She looked enthusiastically to Sora.
“H-huh?” Sora felt red on his cheeks as she took his hand properly this time, and then moved his other to her waist. “This is how you waltz, you goofball.”
It took him some time to adjust, but as Riku flicked the conductor’s stick, the musical instruments played the corresponding melody, and the wall lit up with the pacing.
When the footprints disappeared from pink, Kairi gasped and grabbed his shoulders, pushing up as Sora held her a second, not sure what to do.
“W-wait! Kairi! I thought we were supposed to keep turning!” he nervously was finding his footing, and while bringing her back down on the pink footsteps when they reappeared, noticed her eyes were happily watching him the entire time he was looking down at his footwork,.. “Ah...” He closed his mouth from his amazement and mentally told himself not to duck his head anymore.
Kairi wondered what made him look at her suddenly, but she was more than happy to see his footwork improve, or at least... his confident rise just a little.
“You’re doing great, Sora!” she cheered, and his face lit up with the encouragement.
He pulled her away from him and she twirled, and it was that moment that something clicked for Sora.
Riku found some peace in leading the magical instruments, but turning around to see his friends dancing, he felt something more arise...
While Sora was just beginning to get really good at it, he grabbed Kairi’s hand.
“Mind if I cut in?”
“H-hey! No fair!” Sora stomped a foot down a moment, “Who’s doing the-?” He moved a hand over to the orchestra before looking himself and seeing the conductor’s stick was moving on it’s own now. “Hmph...” He pouted, tapping his foot.
Seeing Riku and Kairi dance together... that competitive feeling from before suddenly sparked.
“Ah, I should let him have a turn.” He put his hands behind his head again, watching as Riku seemed much more precise in his steps, and barely looked down as he danced with Kairi.
Sora’s eyes couldn’t help it, they scanned every movement, and soon... his nature got the better of him.
He took off towards the music and held up his hands, the music stopped and he pointed to the drums. “Time to change the beat!”
Rushing over to Kairi after the footsteps on the floor changed and the music on the wall seemed to instantly rewrite itself in a blaze of white, Sora slipped in and pulled Kairi to him, dancing a new type of tune.
“Heh, is that how you want to play this?” Riku smirked, knowing more than Sora seemed to understand about his feelings. “I’m game...” He moved over to the wall, seeing the new notes, and moved to the instruments.
“If you want to dance so much,... try this!” the melody quickened to a higher difficulty for the novice Sora, who tried desperately to keep up but bonked heads with Kairi on accident.
“My turn~” Riku slid in as the music changed, and he took Kairi again.
“Ohhh... If that’s how you’re gonna play, then fine! Game on!” Sora ran back to the music.
After this happened for a few more turns, Kairi began to get light-headed and frustrated by their constant dueling.
“Enough!” she took her hands out of both of theirs, and then pushed them to each other, “You two want to dance, then dance with yourselves! Hahaha!” she laughed as the two fell into position as they stumbled backwards, but quickly jumped away from the other.
“Not so fun when its the girl’s part you have to learn, now is it?” She put her hands on her hips, then pointed to the music. “Now, let’s go home.”
The music switched out and so did the sheet music, and the door’s keyhole suddenly showed a queen and king’s silhouettes, dancing the original waltz.
“If you two weren’t so focused on one-up’ing the other, you’d have noticed that every time we got something right, the keyhole would begin to shine.” Taking control, Kairi moved back to the pink footsteps, stepping on them one at a time as the lights shone up around her. “If we focus on getting the pattern right, I think we can leave. Riku, you watch the door, open it when it fully shines the keyhole.” She nodded with new found confidence and authority over the playful, but quarreling, boys. “Since Riku can read music, he’ll know when the converging notes begin to center towards the door.”
Riku then remembered that as the notes matched the music, and their footwork matched the floor, that the notes on the wall did almost converge at the door, but he or Sora would interrupt before they ever could reach it.
“She has a point, we’re acting childish.” Riku looked to Sora, “You take care of the steps, I’ll man the door this time.” He seemed to be referring to the two sides of the door they were on last time, and Sora stared at him with the same image in his mind.
His attention was immediately turned to Kairi, as she placed her hand out towards him. “Shall we?”
“Y-yeah.” He took it gently.
This time, they weren’t interrupted. As the lights from beneath them sprayed up like fairy dust, it circled the two, creating a dress for Kairi and a handsome suit for Sora.
When the music rose to its height, Riku was distracted, watching the two.
But as the light swirled to reveal the keyhole, he looked back and shot it open.
The door burst into light, “Come on! We’ve gotta go!”
Sora and Kairi were too lost in the moment, however, and when the song finished, the transformation did as well.
Their breaths were light, their eyes shining in the light of the room, which only Riku noticed was starting to evaporate into the glowing balls that brought them here.
“Grr... Sora! Kairi!” he ran towards them, and as they shook off the feeling, the warmth of that moment faded with the new outfits.
They were tackled into by Riku, and the world once again burned white.
The three awoke softly on the shore of the ocean... and shaking their heads, suddenly burst into laughter and stayed on the shoreline for a while longer.
There was more magic in this world than they had supposed... and Riku and Sora both paused a moment to look to Kairi...
Smiling bigger and happier than they had seen her in a long... long time.
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My little brother wanted one for himself of kingdom hearts so I made him this
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zackilada · 6 years
We got SoraxKairi and SoraxRiku
but what about SoraxKairixRiku
I’m sure if a relationship is established, they’d make it full on hetero but all three of them have been through so much together. Let all three of them share the fruit and live happily ever after in each others’ arms <3
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no-signs-no-lights · 7 years
Do you prefer soriku or soraxkairixriku?
Probably soriku
But honestly both are adorable
I love that trio (although my fav is the sea salt trio)
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