#sorry I rambled about my horrific diagrams do you still think I’m hot 😢
wazzappp · 1 year
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AIGHT this idea has been marinating for a while now and I finally had a free moment to get these ideas down! Mostly I just really like mantis blades and wanted to give them to my favorite lil guy.
I figure Khaji Da reasons that Jaime really needs a way to defend himself properly in case they go offline for whatever reason. Mainly if the Reach shows up and tries to get them back On Mode and under control, then Khaji can deactivate without worrying too much about Jaimes safety.
During all of this Jaime is likely going to need to sleep hard and eat hard. It’s similar to getting better after a cold or healing an injury. As for the duration of all this I’m not sure. I want to say relatively quickly because Khaji wants to minimize suffering, but I also gotta consider what’s reasonable. So a week? Maybe? Minimum? Needless to say this uh. Really sucks for Jaime. But having these on both arms assists in defense, offense and even climbing. Khaji can rest well knowing their host is safe.
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