#sorry I'm with Phoebus on this one lmao
sins-of-the-sea · 1 year
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"How the HELL are you confusing Dessler and Dozle?! They are not only nothing alike, or even LOOK alike, but they're not even from the same show!!"
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"They both engage in sci-fi space battles with giant ships and mechs, they're both on the antagonistic side of the heroes, their shows came about roughly the same time, AND their names start with the letter 'D'!! Cut me some slack!"
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"It must be embarrassing when you are the bigger nerd than Phoebus without Guy around, Ruixiong."
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"Shut the fuck up, Shagua."
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rxdhairxdsirxns · 7 months
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//Bingo!!~ Also, dunno if Kevin Kline (his voice inspiration) is considered 'low and rumbly' lmao
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TYPE BINGO || ACCEPTING || @sins-of-the-sea
----- SOMEWHERE, somehow, some way, the paper fluttered down before Taryn where she was knelt upon the ground, surrounded by nothing more than darkness and the narrow beam of light gracing her for the moment.
Clawed hands reached out, hesitating, flinching back for a moment, even, before carefully picking up the paper with a slight tremble. Hidden eyes roved over the paper, alighting with recognition of her own handwriting, then misting over with realization of who'd gone and filled in the blanks.
The paper crumbled between two shaking fists that one would mistake for anger until fat, wet drops began to fall upon the ink, smudging and bleeding.
Her head raised, face overtaken with nothing short of complete and utter grief. The narrow sliver of light highlighted her exhausted and tear-streaked features. It seemed like she hadn't slept in a millennia with bags that dark under her eyes. But there was something off... something not quite right about how her body heaved and shook with sobs.
For not a sound passed her lips, not a wail, not a gasp, barely the slap of skin against the ground as she smacked her hands repeatedly to the floor as she bowed over nearly to the point of touching the ground with her forehead. Her mouth moved, shouted, crying out words that could not pass from her lips.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, Phoebus.
I'm sorry.
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sins-of-the-sea · 2 years
Come on Phoebus, I wanna see the form of an Olympic swimmer. I would like to have your brother for a ship lol
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“Sin of Sloth here, working out even with swimming is too much effort. And I’m not allowing you or anyone to pressgang my brother. Not after what we went through.”
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