#sorry Joey b ! pls forgive me !
litwhorees · 2 years
mini rant time !
okay so sometimes I find myself annoyed when Joe burrow comes across my tl/explore page and that had me confused because he’s part of the reason why I started watching the NFL and I like him. so I’m like wth is causing this !? then it hit me. besides the obvious d-riding that the media does with the cringy nicknames and whatnot, it’s also bc certain things he does/says get positive reactions yet if Jalen Lamar or Justin said/did them the general reaction would be a lil… different
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little-owly · 7 years
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(let’s just pretend bryan and joey are dating and live together ssssh)
“Here you go,” Bryan smiled, handing the hot coffee cup to Joey. The sunshine of the early morning seeping through his office window. The two of them alone – surprisingly beating Matt and Bobby to the office first.
“Thanks.” Joey yawned, grabbing the foam cup, his thing fingers holding it gently, “I slept horrible last night.”
“I…thought you came home at 10? What happened?”
Joey paused, drinking from the cup, the warm inviting taste of the coffee running down his throat. He noticed Bryan had added more cream than usual, not minding however. Just as long as the coffee did it’s job.
“There was a problem with editing,” he replied, wiping away a drop of the drink from the corner of his mouth, “I didn’t wanna leave until it was fixed. I didn’t get in until 2 am.”
Bryan crossed his arms as he rested against the open door, “tsk tsk, so you only slept 4 hours? On a Te//am Ed//ge recording day?”
“I know, I know – but I’ve been drinking coffee nonstop to wake me up. I’ve down 3 cups already,” another long sip, “well, making it’s way up to 4.”
“Huh…4?” Bryan smirked. A smirk which screamed trouble – Bryan began to plan in his head. Joey needed to be punished, how many times has he told him to get home early for sleep? How many times have they’ve gone through with recording while he dragged on – nearly passing out from exhaustion during challenges?
Well, Bryan had to put a stop to it. Teach Joey a lesson.
“Yeah, why?” Joey asks, voice low.
“Oh, nothing. Drink up and let me know if you want me to make another cup for you,” he smiled, moving to kiss Joey’s forehead. The other sleepily chuckling.
“Thanks, Bry.” he replies, watching him walk away. Not knowing his punishment was just starting.
“Hey, Joey, just a quick heads up. We got an hour before recording.” Matthias popped into the office’s kitchen area. Joey finishing off the last cup of coffee, much more awake.
“Jeez dude, lighten up on the coffee before your heart gives out or something,” Matthias laughed, Joey rolling his eyes.
“Sorry, I’ll try not to drown myself from the inside.” He laughs along, Matthias sighing.
“Seriously. Take it easy, yeah? You’re gonna pee every five seconds at this rate.”
“Nah, I’ll be fine. Worse case scenario, I end up peeing for minutes at a time.” Joey shrugs, tossing the cup away, Matthias paying no mind to him.
In fact, maybe he was right. The sudden pressure in his bladder nagged at him. The coffees adding to his bladder. To top it all off? He was in such a rush, he hadn’t gone in the morning, still holding from last night.
Yeah, it’d be smart to go now – Joey thought. Rounding the corner to the empty hallway, only to come face to face with Bryan, who was walking away from the bathroom.
“Oh, hey,” Joey smiled. Bryan greeting him with a soft peck to his lips.
“Where you heading to?”
“Uh, the bathroom. Pretty obvious since this is the only way to it-”
Joey squeaks as Bryan takes his hand and pins him to the wall. Their faces only inches away. Joey’s eyes widened in surprise.
“I don’t think so,” Bryan whispers, voice low as he leans in closer, “I think you need to learn your lesson for coming home so late. For not listening to me when I tell you to get rest before we record.”
“What are you-”
Joey hissed as Bryan firmly placed his hand on his bladder. The pressure intensifying – not to a painful level, but a discomfort. Enough to make him arch his back slightly against the wall.
“You don’t get to use the bathroom at all until after we’re done recording for the day.” Bryan explained, Joey’s eyes looking back into his, “during breaks, you’ll drink whatever I give you. If i even see you sneak off to the bathroom, I’ll make your punishment harder, is that clear?”
Joey waits. Seeing Bryan’s eyes go soft from their intense stare down. Waiting for his okay. He knows all he says to say is ‘no’ and he’ll be free to go – but he wants to see how this plays out.
Bryan smiles. Quickly unpinning Joey as footsteps approach. Connor appearing, shirt completely wet, a new shirt in his hand.
“Oh hey,” he awkwardly smiles, “er, nobody’s going in there, right? Gunner thought it’d be funny to knock down my soda with a crumbled up paper ball,” he rolls his eyes.
“Nope! Go right ahead. Joey’s good too,” Bryan adds on. Walking away with Joey following behind.
The hour passed relatively quickly. Bryan only popping into Joey’s office to get him to the Ed//ge Spa//ce.
Joey slowed on the walk over. The discomfort rising in his bladder. Enough to where he’d normally stop what he’d doing and go.
“Ready for today’s challenge?” Bobby asked, tapping away at his clipboard.
“What is it?”
“Soda tasting challenge, part two.”
Joey groaned.
The universe was really out for him today, wasn’t it?
“Break!” Matthias called. Sitting up from his seat, leaving behind a laughing Bryan and…an unusually quiet Joey.
“Here, drink up-”
“Bry, I just drank like, 7 different sodas. I’m going to die if I drink anymore.”
“Oh c'mon. It was just one swallow each. Just drink up this water bottle.” Bryan instructed. Sliding the (rather large) bottle across the table to Joey.
His bladder screamed at him as he cautiously uncapped the bottle. Slowly gulping the water. Wanting nothing more than to please Bryan enough to let him go.
“Alright, back – Bobby? What’s next?” Matthias asked.
“Uh…hold on,” a pause. Joey casually pressed his legs together under the table. A low throb beginning in his lower belly. As long as his legs were pressed together, he’d be fine. The throbbing already subsiding, returning back to a dull pain. The ever increasing need to go still in the back of his mind.
“Oh! We’re doing another version of 'The Floor is Lava’ challenge. We added some more obstacles, we just need to set up.”
“Joey won’t mind helping out you and Matt set up!” Bryan added in, “I’m gonna use the bathroom really quick.”
He sighed. Carefully getting up to put down the tarp.
Joey whined, his bladder throbbing more, the liquid from before sloshing around in him. The pressure intense as he ran. Trying keep up. Trying to act as if nothing was wrong.
That is, until he leaped a bit too far in between obstacles. The spurt of warmth against his left thigh, slowly dribbling down. His face flushed, wincing.
“N-no,” he whispered, turning towards Bobby.
“C-can we take a break? I need to use the restro-om,” he asked, quiet as ever.
“Sure, you don’t look the best right now, dude. You sure you can go on?”
Joey nods. Looking back around to see Bryan and Matthias playfully arguing back and forth over who got last place. Bryan facing Matthias long enough for Joey to sneak around to the bathroom.
It…wouldn’t be much trouble if he just peed a tiny bit, would it? Bryan wouldn’t realize the difference – and he was pretty sure he’d wet himself if he didn’t relieve some of the pressure soon.
“…Where’s J-F//red?”
The quickly approaching sounds of footsteps made Joey whimper. Knees buckling together, breathing heavily through his nose. Quickly, he was pinned against the cold wall. Hidden from the others in the Ed//ge Sp//ace.
“I thought we talked about this Joey.”
“I…I know but I just n-need to go so b-badly and-”
“Did I give you permission to go?”
Joey stops. Shaking his head shamefully.
“Then why are you walking down this way? Are you disobeying me already?”
“P-please, Bryan-”
“No,” he paused, “In fact, I’m going to extend your punishment. Too bad, I was just thinking about letting you go during out mext break.”
He hissed once more, Bryan shoving his hand down to hold Joey. His grip tight as he leaned in closer, “if you leak anymore, I’ll punish you even more. We wouldn’t want that, would we?”
He shook his head. Bryan removing his hand and unpinning him.
“Good boy. Let’s get back to the others.”
The last four challenges were absolute torture. He whimpered quietly between running, jumping, and other various tasks. Standing awkwardly – his legs pushed together tightly when the camera wasn’t on him.
Joey wanted nothing more than to go. Nothing more than to use the bathroom.
“Alright, thats a wrap for today!” Bobby announced, his own voice tired, “finally clocking in at 8 pm.”
The crew set things away, murmurs of “great job” and “see ya tomorrow” were heard as Joey silently walked back to his office. Not daring to look at the door to the bathroom on his way in. Bladder throbbing with each step he took. Desperate as ever.
He closed his office door before doubling over. Hands stuffed in between his legs, shifting to and from, shaking as he groaned. He used what little self control he had in him to sit down, crossing his legs immediately to stop himself from leaking – knowing it’d be obvious if he did thanks to his grey shorts.
Joey squirmed, concentrating so much on his control, he hadn’t heard the door open. Opening his eyes to see Bryan standing in front of him, eyes dark and arms crossed.
“How bad?”
“B-bad…please, Bry – I’ve held on all day and just can’t. L-let me go to the restroom-”
“No. You can’t.” Bryan chuckled, straddling Joey’s squirming hips. Joey whimpered more as the new pressure made his bladder scream at him once more. The dull, painful, fullness in him nearly making him cry. His cock just barely leaking.
“I…Bryan.” He shuddered. Shoulders tense and back arched against the office chair.
“Tell me why you’re being punished. Tell me why I’m not letting you go to the bathroom.” He replies, hand firm against the bulge of Joey’s bladder. The other gasping harshly.
“I…I didn’t listen and came h-home late. I didn’t get e-enough sleep…for today. I-” he hisses, more awkward pressure applied. Bryan’s hand pushing against his squirming body.
“…and?” Bryan prompts.
“And I…disobeyed when you told me not to go-oh god, it h-hurts Bryan, please!”
Bryan shakes his head, now bouncing his hand against the bulge, absolute agony for Joey.
“I need a genuine apology now, Joey. Can you do that for me? And maybe I’ll let you go.”
“Please!” The other gasps, tears rushing down his face as he leaks, the warmth trailing down his leg, “I know I messed up and s-should’ve listened to you! I k-know I was d-disobedient but please! I won’t ever do it again, oh god I’m not going to make it, I’m-” Joey moaned. Bryan stopping his torture on his bulge.
“Please…?” he whimpered. Nearly crying as Bryan finally got up from his position.
“Let’s go. I think that’s good enough.”
Joey sobs, Bryan helping him up inch by inch. The chair creaking as he fully stands – Joey shamelessly shoves his hands in between his thighs. Purely to keep everything in. His bladder throbbing with pain, filled to it’s limit.
“Ssh, everyone left by now. Just follow me and we’ll get there in time,” Bryan comforted, letting Joey through first. The office silent as ever – save for his tiny gasps and whimpers.
Joey cried out as they reached the bathroom door, Bryan opening it and letting Joey in. Joey’s knees buckling as he hurried over to the toilet.
With a gentle kiss to Joey’s neck, Bryan pressed his hand once more into the bladder bulge from behind.
“W-wait, Bry I n-need to-”
“What? You can go now, I gave you permission.” Bryan pauses, hearing Joey leak more onto the tiled floor. Quiet pitter patters filling the silence of the room.
He swat Joey’s hand away as he tried to take out his cock.
“Oh? You thought I’d let you use the toilet? That’s cute.” Bryan chuckled. The heel of his hand pressing harder and harder. Joey moaning all the while, growing weak as he leaned against Bryan.
The stream nearly shot out of Joey, running down both his legs, flooding his shorts and socks. The wet warmth trailing down his legs and crotch. The loud hissing and Joey’s moans was all the noise they could hear in the office. Joey rested his head on Bryan’s shoulder as his body went slack. The combined relief and pleasure too much for him.
The stream of urine nearly lasted minutes on end. The slowed down trickle and sigh alerted Bryan that he was done. The large puddle in front of them spreading in between the tiles.
With soft kisses to his neck, Bryan smiled, “learn your lesson?”
Joey could only nod, too tired to actually speak.
“C'mon, let’s get you cleaned up, alright? Just hold tight while I clean up the bathroom and I’ll get a warm bath started for you when we get home.”
Joey smiled softly as Bryan led him out the bathroom to his office. Thankful he remembered he’d left spare clothes. Looking forward to the promised bath.
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