#sorry but Andy is my new pixel obsession
beesandfigs-abandoned · 11 months
You guys, I’m shook!!!
I started playing this volume with all the intention of getting with Marshall, but FUCK, Andy won my heart 😭💖
Sorry Ozzy and Lewie, but this is officially an Andy stan account. I am SIMPING HARD
(Okay, I still like Ozzzy, Jamal, and Lewie, but Andy is definitely top of my list)
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Humans are Space Orcs, “Family Drama.”
I did not sleep in today, and have written you a story.
Warning: there are a few mentions of drugs and addiction, but not a ton
He had never felt so defeated.
As the Taxi door opened, and he stepped out onto the quiet residential street he had to hold back his shame and kept his head high. What would his family think? Should he even tell them? Well of course he should, that wasn’t an option anymore. If he wanted to make them proud he was going to have to make himself ashamed for a little while. 
Waffles whimpered at his heels.
He looked down at her with a small smile, “Alright, alright, you’re right, I’ll shut up.”
He rubbed her ears and walked up the concrete stepping forward onto the grass as a group of kids whirred past on hover-skates. They turned upon seeing them, voices suddenly raised pointing and waving at him as they rolled past.
He raised a hand to wave back, but quickly turned to the front door.
There was no way he was ready to interact with people that weren’t his close family.
He walked up the step and held out his implant to the door, it would open when it knew it was him.
The lock clicked, and he reached forward ready to finally relax and let off some steam.
The door clicked open, and he was immediately assaulted by a wave of sound.
“ADDIE!” He was grabbed around the shoulders and pulled into a massive crushing hug. It took his brain way longer than it should have to figure out what was one person, but then again, there was only one person he knew who called him Addie…. Like a fucking dog.
“Uncle Ben?” he grunted 
The man set him down on the floor and slapped his back. Below him Waffle growled nervously, but she was ignored, “It's been YEARS. We had no idea you were coming.”
The sound of kids screaming reached his ears and a t least five of them came rushing into the hallway.
“Hey that’s not fair, I wanted to be a pony too!”
“But I was one first, you can pick something else.”
Uncle Ben turned, “Hey everyone! Guess whose back!” His legs swiveled uselessly under himself as he was dragged through the hallway and into the living room, where the entire extended family seemed to be crammed. 
He blinked as the group turned into an uproar upon seeing him.
“What is that on his face?”
“Did you really lose a leg?”
“It’s been so long?”
Aunt Marry got up, “Lost all your baby fat finally.” He winced as she grabbed him and pinched his cheek, which wasn’t really for pinching anymore, or honestly had never been, but when he had more of a baby face she had always done that.
“Tell us about space!”
He was shoved onto the couch with Jeremy on one side and Grandma Vir on the other.
Jeremy gave him a look.
He grimaced back as Waffles crawled under his feet resting her head on Jeremy’s shoe.
“Where is dad?” he muttered to Jeremy, and his older brother leaned in to whisper, “where do you think. Hiding in the garage while mom entertains.”
“Coward.” Adam replied with some amusement.
That was just like their dad to avoid all extended family, even his own.
“Wait, wait, everyone calm down, our little Addie is Commander of the UNSC. You all remember when he was just a little guy who used to believe in flying saucers.”
Adam crossed his arms over his chest. Uncle Ben had always made fun of him as a kid.
His grandma looked at him from across the room, “What is that on your face?” She repeated.
He sighed, “An eyepatch grandma.”
“Why are you wearing an eyepatch.”
“Because I lost my eye.” He sighed.
She put a hand to her chest just as his mother came walking into the room, a Trey in one hand an apron tied around her waist and her hair pulled back in a messy bun. She looked more than a little frazzled.
“Martha, why didn’t you tell us he lost an eye!” She sighed, “Because I didn’t want to worry you mom.”
“How is the army still allowing you to command a ship with a missing eye?” Uncle Andy wondered 
“He flipped up the eyepatch and the mechanical tech hopped to life nearly freaking out as it tried to track all the faces in one place all at once.
Gasps, “IS that a mechanical eye!”
His other grandma put a hand over her face, “and he used to have such pretty green eyes. Now look at them, he looks like one of those cyborgs! Did you know some of those people intentionally cut off their limbs to look more like that.”
Martha sighed, “That’s not how it works mom.”
His Mother’s sister waved at him from across the room. He smiled back, he had always liked her, “I love your eyepatch, it looks cool.”
Her husband grinned, “Space pirate.” he nodded sagely.”
Adam tilted his head across the room where he found  David and Jordan squished against one wall sitting on the floor Jordan mostly sitting in David’s lap as they tried not to take up any space.
His brother grimaced at him, he grimaced back.
His mother's father leaned forward his steel grey hair and serious face set, “So tell me Adam, what are exactly your duties in the UNSC.”
The entire family rolled their eyes at once, some not even discreetly. He only got involved in conversation if he considered it “useful” and that meant all of the thing other people didn’t want to talk about, money, religion, politics, family history…… 
“Er, well Uh.”
“After commanding an entire fleet of ships you would think he’d be better at public speaking.” Uncle Trevor announced from where he was hidden behind the piano.
Adam frowned and cleared his throat, “I am fleet commander of fifteen UNSC deep space vessels for both exploration and military combat, but my primary directive is to foster good will with alien races , and save others from destruction, subjugation and slavery while expanding our knowledge of the universe through prolongued deep-space exploration.”
“Ohhhh his directive!” The rest of the family oooooed as well, but it was mostly sarcastic in nature.
His niece, Kimver walked into the room and crawled up to sit with him and Jeremy leaning against both of their arms as she played on her handheld. Kimber’s new obsession seemed to have shifted into vintage gaming. Glancing over her shoulder he could see her throwing tiny white and red balls and strange looking animals and a very pixelated screen.
“Have you met any sexy alien ladies.” Ben butted in
The rest of the family raised their eyes to the sky. Grandma looked almost offended.
“Ben would you stop with that.” His wife muttered from where she sat on a chair in the corner.
“What the whole LFIL thing is legal now, so he totally could have met some sexy alien babes.:
“It’s not a joke Ben, those people had a rough time of it the past few years.” David piped up from the other side of the room.
“Why the GA decided to legalize that behavior is a mystery to me. The world really is getting more wicked.” Grandpa muttered,
Adam clenched his fists, “Actually, Grandpa, I convinced them to lift the ban.”
The room went very quiet very suddenly.
Adam wished he had just shut his mouth.
“You what!”
“Look I spent a lot of time around LFIL members when I was securing the GA hall from protestors. I met a lot of them, and they are just good people who want to be left alone to do what they want. So yes, because of my position I was able to walk into the GA council chambers and convinced them to lift the ban.”
They stared at him.
“But what they are doing is wrong, it’s like bestiality.”
He felt his fists clench, “Grandpa if you ever met an alien you wouldn’t say that. They are sentient being that can consent, and if they can do that than it isn’t bestiality, and also stop calling my friends animals. My ship is staffed by some of the best alien crewmembers I know, and I wont have you comparing them to cattle or dogs or whatever else you want.”
The room went quiet.
Grandpa stepped out in a huff.
HE sighed and leaned his head back against the wall with an audible thud.
His mother walked over and handed him a stack of cookies with a smile on her face that said: Sorry about that.
He took the cookies greatfully shoving one completly into his mouth to avoid saying something else stupid. 
“So, does this mean you DID find a sexy alien girl.” Ben wondered and was immediately elbowed in the ribs from two sides  producing a grunt of surprise.
“So Jeremy, how long have you two been dating.” Adam looked over Jeremy’s bulk towards where a petite red haired woman with grey eyes and a sprinkling of freckles across her face was squished into the other side of the couch.” 
Sensing him looking, she waved a hand with a bright smile, and he waved back.
“Almost a year now.” Jeremy beamed putting his arm around her.
“Should we be expecting an announcement from you two soon?’ 
Everyone groaned, “Grandma!”
Jeremy’s girlfriend took it like a champ and continued to smile unaffected.
“Speaking of relationships.”
Dear god please descend from heaven and rapture him straight to hell, not that, that's how it worked but anywhere but here would have been great
“Adam, when are you finally going to settle down, how old are you now 25?”
He wondered if he prayed to satan hard enough he could summon a demon to swallow his soul whole.
“I know have you ever even dated anyone”
“Kissed anyone?” “Kissing is fun, you should definitely try it sometime.”
“You're grandmother definitely needs more grandkids.”
Oh the irony, the thought bitterly to himself.
At his feet the dog whimpered.
“You know there is this really pretty girl who works down at the corner store, I think she might do really good for you, a very down to earth girl. You could get promoted into a better paying desk job at the UNSC work 9-5 it would be a dream.”
Jeremy placed a hand on his shoulder, “Actually, Adam is more of an action guy, right Adam/”
Adam gave a weak smile, “Yeah.”
“Oh, he’ll grow out of that, besides you wouldn’t want to put a family under that kind of stress. It’s like you’re never home.”
“Space is my home.” He grumbled 
“Don’t be silly, humans weren’t meant for that sort of thing, besides your obsession was cute as a kid, but now that you’re older, you really need to start thinking about the future and having kids before you’re too old.”
He wanted to scream and bash his head against the wall.
“You know what though, how about that cute younger guy that works at the DMV, he looks about your age Adam.”
“I’m not interested in having a family right now!”
The room looked at him quietly, “You asexual or something?” Uncle Ben piped up awkwardly.
Adam felt his face go red, what kind of question was that? No, no uncle Ben I am not horny, or yes, yes uncle Ben I would love to find some hot person to plow just not right now.
And in front of the entire family?
Because he really wanted to have an extended discussion about his sex life with his entire extended family.
Waffles whimpered at his feet.
And then like an angel she descended from the sky to save him, either that or a billowing superhero cape like the saint she was. He couldn’t decide, angel or superhero, but decided on both.
Supermom, and part of her costume is angel wings and a halo.
“Adam why don’t you take waffles outside, she sounds a little nervous. Maybe take her out through the garage?”
He nodded and bolted to his feet like there were rockets firing from his ass, and hurried towards the door with the dog trailing at his heels.
Voices faded behind him, and he quickly hurried through the door and into the garage, where he found his dad sitting with Thomas on a set of lawn chairs drinking cold sodas and watching the clouds pass overhead.
They turned as they heard the door open.
“Adam! We didn’t know you were coming, pull up a chair.” 
He did so and unfolded it between the other two men sitting down as Thomas handed him a drink.
“They drive you off too?” Thomas grumbled 
Adam looked at his brother. Thomas was looking a little better than usual. His hair was only a little bit scruffy and his scraggly beard was at least trimmed. The tract marks in his arms had faded to pale scars on his arms.
“Yeah, uncle Ben asked about my love life in front of god and all his creatures. You?”
“Rehab. “
“I thought you were out of rehab.”
“I am, which is why I would rather not talk about it.”
“You doing good?”
“Yeah, got a stable job now, so that’s nice, go to meetings twice a week. One more month and I'll be six months sober.”
“Awesome, congrats.” He paused, “You know what, bet I could get you a job as a stuntman if you wanted.”
Thomas laughed, “Maybe I'll take you up on that. Once this job bores me to tears, which it will.”
“Did grandpa bring up LFIL.” Dad asked turning to look up at him
“You know he did.”
“He’s been meaning to ask you. He’s worried that spending so much time up in space has confused you.”
Adam snorted, “Don’t stargaze to long dad, the stars will make you extrial.”
“So that’s what dark matter is.” Thomas muttered and the three of them laughed. Waffles had climbed up on the chair with him and curled up on his legs to fall asleep.
“So what are you doing back here?” Dad wondered, “I thought you had just taken time off.”
He sighed, “Yeah… but things got complicated….” He paused, “Ever feel like no  matter what you try to do you keep failing at it.”
Thomas raised a hand “You mean my life.”
More laughter.
Then he got serious again, “Been so stressed lately that I can barely function as a person, has the UNSC questioning whether they should ground me or not. My friends set up an intervention, and it turns out that I am a raging control freak.”
“Could have told you that.”
“You got that from your mother.”
He glanced over at thomas, “What do you mean, could have guessed that?”
He shrugged, “Come on Adam, did you ever do anything you weren't sure you could do properly. Like riding a bike, or swimming, or how you threw a fit if we moved literally anything in your room, or how you had to have everything arranged on your plate before you ate it, or….”
“Yeah yeah ok. But I’m a fighter pilot, that's kind of not-”
“Yeah that is the most control freak job ever. You have to be in so much control that traveling at more than three times the speed of sound won’t kill you. Imagine the amount of control you need to fly in formation without killing everyone.”
“Alright I get it.” He grumbled.
“So what, you try to do everything yourself?” dad grunted 
He turned to look at the older man, “how did you know?”
“Every school project you ever worked on in a group, but you just ended up doing the entire thing.”
“I thought that’s just because the other kids were lazy and weren’t going to do their jobs.”
“Or because you wouldn’t let them and they just gave up on trying.” Dad responded 
Adam sighed and sunk back against his chair, “I had no idea.”
“Welcome to personal growth, how may we kick you in the balls.”
He sighed, ‘I just, how can I be a leader without losing my identity and becoming boring and stuffy. How can I still… I don’t know, be happy and have fun when I have a job like this…. Or am I just not meant for it.”
Dad waved a hand, “You were born for it, but you need to remember that while, most of the time, you can be friends with the people you work with sometimes you need to stop being their friend and be their commander, which entails doing some things that aren’t so friendly. At the end of the day it is a ship, so you have to make them and allow them to do their jobs, fun comes later.”
“How am I supposed to reduce the stress?”
He glanced at thomas who shook his head, “If I knew the answer to that, I wouldn’t be a recovering heroin addict.” 
“You just have to find something you love doing, and then take a little time every day to do that thing which you love. Don’t worry, you’ll figure it out.” 
He sighed and looked out at the deepening sky.
He really hoped so 
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