#sorry fer bein such a downer aven... i 'ad a proper lark i did!!!! id be up fer catchin up again soon
everyone is welcome at quinns if theyre not here to hurt anyone! you can bring toby, we have snacks for dogs too! sure i didnt know you were comin but it doesnt mean youre not allowed back! besides you cant just convince yourself youre not welcome because mr pretty prosecutor was grumpy at first! you got to dance with him and thats real rare!
and walking home together was really fun, so we should do that together again! whats the worst that could happen anyway, one of us will fall into the thames?
....mr pretty proscetutor.... thats ziggy, aint it? 'is grumpin aint wots put me in the dumps. but ta fer tryna perk me up! 🫶
pffft! if we end up takin a tumble into the thames, thatll be the end o' me! better 'ope ya can swim, cos i sure cant 😂😂
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