#sorry folks who've turned off the expand post thing
crackinglamb · 2 years
(4) What’s a word that makes you go absolutely feral? (27) Who is the most stressful character you’ve ever written? Why? (38) What is something about your writing process YOU think is Really Weird? If you are comfortable, please share. If you’re not comfortable, what do you think cats say about us? ((Sorry, I don't know what my Tumblr won't like me space these out properly. Anyway... *bonk bonk* 😘))
4 - What’s a word that makes you go absolutely feral? I am old and salty and I cannot stand the word 'simp'. *hears all the gasps from my discord friends* I said what I said. To me it is incredibly infantilizing, both of one's self and the object of one's usually fictional interest.
But since I am also a reasonable and rational person, when it presents itself before my eyes I simply move on. 😌 I do not see it. I do not judge. I am entitled to my opinion but also fully aware that it's rude to foist it off on others unless asked. (Incidentally, I feel this way about 'uwu' too, and all its variations. It is equally as shudder inducing to me.)
27 - Who is the most stressful character you’ve ever written? Why? Most characters don't stress me out to write. Situations, yes. Getting a handle on a character's presentation is pretty easy for me, but putting them in situations that are not covered in the source material can take some jiggery pokery, and that can lend itself to me wanting to tear my hair out.
But...since I have to pick something, or in this case someone, that gets me worried I'll get it totally wrong and end up disappointing someone else (which as you know is not something that concerns me generally speaking), I would say that writing other people's OC's is the most stressful. It is their creation, not mine. Their headcannons, their efforts. I don't ever want to do them a disservice.
38 - What is something about your writing process YOU think is Really Weird? If you are comfortable, please share. If you’re not comfortable, what do you think cats say about us? Hmm, I feel a bit like this one has a 'does not apply' in my head. Because we all have quirks in our process that others squint at. And I have a very 'you do you' attitude at all times.
I mean, is it weird or totally logical that I don't like to write smut when Lamb the Younger is around? Even though she isn't looking over my shoulder to read it, and is in fact, rarely in the same room as me. And above all is a teenager who knows what sex is because no subject is taboo in our house.
I edit incessantly, I write out of order a lot. I don't make playlists for every character, and actually rarely listen to music at all when writing unless I need a specific headspace. I don't have the urge to spontaneously post everything at once...much. I feel no shame about doing what I do, in either writing it or sharing it. Hell, my own parents know that I write smutty fanfiction and met you that way. I'm sure these are all things that other people think are weird, but to me are just part and parcel. So...¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I think cats would say that we, as a species, are graceless, bumbling creatures lacking true sensory equipment and communication skills, but we're kinda cute and tolerable to be around most of the time. I maintain that we didn't domesticate them, they domesticated us.
Thanks for the asks! *bonk bonk* 😘 From this list.
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