#sorry for always rambling when I answer asks! 😌❀ but thank you!!
joyandeggs Β· 5 years
9 15 16
Another big warning for huge paragraphs of texts that I rambled in. But thank you so much for the ask. ❀
9. Favorite anime child
Interesting question! My favorite would have to be Zenko from One Punch Man, off the top of my head. ❀ I really like Child Emperor and Tareo, too. Hm...who else... Oh! Tenga from Mob Psycho!! πŸ’“ There's also Mob of course, Tome, MUSASHI, and all the Body Improvement Club. So many good kids in that series. There's also Gon and Killua. I do love those two.
15. Anime you never get sick of watching
I would have to say One Punch Man, honestly. I never ever get tired of watching it over and over again. It's one of those series that I will see a million times over and I will still laugh so hard and get too excited over scenes and characters, even if I basically memorized the whole series at this point. 😌❀ And I guess I should say Hunter x Hunter? I'll rewatch episodes/scenes with Shoot and Knuckle whenever I have the need to see and hear them again. I do enjoy watching hxh as a whole though. And for nostalgia, I'll go with Pokemon. ❀
16. Ten best animes you have watched
One Punch Man - About a year ago from now, back last November, I found this series at the most perfect time. I actually got into OPM as a senior in high school, but I only watched the first episode and accidentally lost it for years after I graduated, and that was...four years ago? A friend at the time introduced me to it, but I literally just...lost it by accident. It wasn't until I saw this specific panel of Metal Bat in a tumblr post with Kenshiro and other characters (who I will recognize now right off the bat!!) that made me rediscover it! ❀
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Which is absolutely crazy to think about now. I cannot believe seeing Badd helped me find my favorite show again after losing it, and now I will keep it in my heart forever. I just love this series too much. Just...so many great things associated with this series makes me love it even more, too. A few big things being that I found my best friend through it, and I have gotten so much better physically and creatively through my art. ❀❀❀ So...a huge thanks to a character I instantly loved without even knowing who he was, and a character I absolutely adore.
Hunter x Hunter - This series was something that...I really did not realize how much I was going to love it. I just took a chance and watched it back in March, and now it is one of the best things I have in my life. It's up there with One Punch Man with how special it is to me. ❀ And of course...it's so special to me because I found someone like Shoot in it, along with so many other good characters. I know I constantly talk about Shoot, but he really does help me everyday, I would never be able to explain properly. I feel like this series as a whole, along with Shoot, were things I didn't know that I needed in my life, and I could not have found them at a more perfect time.
Fist of the North Star - This is actually the first anime I ever watched as an adult, if you don't count Dragon Ball like most people do? But I would have never heard of this series if it wasn't for Joel from Vinesauce. He talked about it so much that I told myself "I have to check this out." Literally loved it to death by the first episode. It got me hooked instantly. This series actually made me incredibly emotional, I just loved Kenshiro so much. If it wasn't for this series, I wouldn't have wanted to get into anything else! This helped me find my way to OPM and JoJo and everything else, especially all of the old stuff. (I just love 80s and 90s anime too much! But that's been a given ever since I was a baby. ❀)
Mob Psycho 100 - After getting into One Punch Man, I for sure wanted to get into Mob Psycho. I knew that I was going to love it before I even thought about watching and reading it, and I did. I absolutely love it. Seriously, what a fantastic series.
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Another series that Joel encouraged me to get into because he talked about it so much. It really got me curious, especially while watching his old streams playing Eyes Of Heaven and the old JoJo RPG, playthroughs which I love a lot but had no idea what was happening back then. (After watching the show I'd rewatch them and just be like !!!!! I love it even more now I understand! LOL) I remember last December just watching Part 1, 2, and the beginning of 3 all from my phone since I was without a computer for months. A very happy memory. Then I spent the beginning of this year watching Part 3 and 4, and I absolutely loved it. The whole series is so fun to watch. It really was an adventure. ❀ I still need to watch Part 5! I just haven't gotten around to it.
Dragon Ball/Dragon Ball Z - (Both of these go in their own spot together!) The Dragon Ball series is really first series I ever fully got into, along with the only anime I've ever watched completely. (A lot of people don't count DB as an actual anime since it's in the same category as Sailor Moon and Pokemon? But anyway) I associate the series with the summer of 2017 because I really wanted to get into it after so many years, and my friend was nice enough to lend me his account to watch it all the way through. Stayed up all day and night the entire summer break from college to watch it, I was so exhausted during that year. It brings back good memories though. πŸ’“
Cowboy Bebop - Bebop holds a special place in my heart because it is just such a good series, but also because of my significant other. Corin absolutely adores Cowboy Bebop. He loves Spike, he loves Steve Blum, and he loves the entire series on its own. I have such good memories of just lounging around at his house and watching it.
One Piece - Even though I have a long way to go until I catch up to nine hundred episodes (!!!) I adore One Piece. πŸ’“ I got attached to the main crew right away, and I love the story! So, so good.
Bleach - Another series I have good memories with because of Corin. We would watch it over at his house whenever I started getting into different anime last year, and just stay up late cuddled up to the tv together with it. I enjoy the series! It makes me think of what I missed out on in the 2000s growing up, but I'm happy I get to watch all of these now as an adult. It's really nice.
Initial D - Okay, the reason I put this on the list is because I absolutely love older anime. But I really do like Initial D a lot. It's something I'll watch on and off whenever I'm sleepy and need something on tv to relax to. It's a lot of fun to watch. I'm pretty sure I've fallen asleep watching episodes before.
(Honorable mentions are Rurouni Kenshin, Yu Yu Hakusho, City Hunter, and so many more older ones that I really need to finish watching from the beginning.)
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