#sorry for anyone from like. brawl stars or whatever who started following me LMAO
cchipollo · 2 years
opinion on the...fanon captain and steve?
(I'm returning to the tankmen fandom after a long time cuz of a friend of mine, correct me if I'm wrong on anything) but personally NOT A BIG FAN. I hate them actually, really don't like the weird fetish stuff, and it's just unrealistic as well like draw them as old ugly men NOW!!!!!! they arent uwu blushy boys they are TANK MEN!!!! and they kiss in a MANLY WAY!!!!!
very sorry for this weird ask just in a special interest fade in and out kinda situation and the internet IS NOT HELPING. Im not trying 2 be mean but I seriously get like anxious??? scared??? whenever I see them like that and I'd like some other perspective on this kinda thing, since you actually draw them as such.
for the most part i don’t really care. i feel like people should be able to interpret characters however they want. that’s pretty normal. HOWEVER the interpretation of steve specifically from capsteve fans is a little… uncomfortable sometimes?
from what i’ve seen, they tend feminise steve for the purpose of being shipped with captain, who typically happens to be the man of the relationship. it’s essentially forcing a gay relationship to have straight dynamics. i would like to clarify reading characters in ways that deviate from the source material is FINE but it’s the fact that this specific reading of steve is ONLY for the purpose of gay shipping. it does feel borderline fetishistic. i’ve noticed a lot of artists who share that interpretation are also porn artists so… do with that info as you will.
i don’t think any of this stuff is in any way harmful but it’s just something that i find annoying personally so i don’t really pour much time and energy into it. this stuff can feel a lot more detrimental than it actually is, just important to remember all this shit is all on the internet and you can always spend whatever energy you got into making the content you wanna see. that’s what i do at least lol.
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