#sorry for being a gloomy shit lbs
micasaas · 7 years
Tagged by @oyatetsurou ! Thank you girl! <33
a. - age: 17 b. - biggest fear: being forgotten c. - current time: 11:38 PM d. - drink you last had: wine (I’m really having a bad day.) e. - everyday starts with: a cup of coffee f. - favorite song: Currently? Help by Jake Hill. All time fav? Sky Full of Stars - Coldplay g. - ghosts, are they real: I would say so h. - hometown: In Indiana (unfortunately) i. - in love with: Sugawara <33 j. - jealous of: other people’s talents k. - killed someone: no (believe me I wanted to) l. - last time you cried: today m. - middle name: I don’t have one but I wish I did (oddly) n. - number of siblings: five :) o. - one wish: to make it out of where I am p. - person i last called/texted: called - my dad; texted - my cousin q. - question you’re always asked: “What’s wrong?”/ “Do you have the answers for the h.w?” r. - reason to smile: idk s. - song last sang: Paris - Chainsmokers t. - time you woke up: 9:20ish u. - underwear color: black v. - vacation destination: Italy w. - worst habit: leaving people hanging for days (sorry) x. - x-rays you’ve had: On my ankle when I got hurt and my spine for scoliosis. y. - your favorite food: pasta lol (cause of its variety of uses) z. - zodiac: Pisces
I tag: @cupcakes-and-cash @victorcatsuki @kakuxja @happymikasa @inmyownfiction @guyinlovewitheremika @titan-princess @dany-van-rotten
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