#sorry for being deeply invested in the cats character do you still think im cute
tgirljoker · 1 year
i hate hate hate how badly they mangled morganas character arc in p5 because sometimes it seems like there are only people who hate him outright or people that simplify him to being the silly animal mascot of the thieves and im going insane cause i find him so interesting on his own and i feel like no one else actually takes an interest in him as an actual character
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activatingaggro · 7 years
Doing that emotion for @iconicdisquiet / ID, the emotionally stunted wall-cat. SO.
When he’s relaxed, ID just tends to veg out. He goes full body limp and curls up on things: on people, on lusii, on large pillows, occasionally on walls, he’ll pull out his knitting, and he’ll give up on anything that takes more effort than counting perls.  If he’s completely relaxed, he generally doesn’t want to bother talking, or interacting with people, because that requires more effort than
It depends! If he’s annoyed at someone that he can actually lash out at, he will. Anger escalates very quickly into physical violence for him, unfortunately. He’ll be saccharine and sweet, with just enough bite in his words to warn people what’s coming, and then it’ll tip very sharply into cloying threats, him getting in people’s spaces, and him actually following up on those threats.
He won’t actually maim someone for just annoying him, but he has shoved people into the curtain pit with zero regrets.
If he can’t lash out physically, as is thankfully the case most of the time, he’s a lot more restrained. His verbal barbs get harsher. He gets a lot more obviously insulting. He’ll try to provoke people into hitting first, so that he can get around whatever restrictions he has going - or else he’ll just get nasty to the point that they want to leave him alone.
When ID wants something, to the point that he actually pays attention to it and acknowledges it, he’s generally explicit about it. He doesn’t believe in being subtle, and by the time he’s recognising it, it’s at the point where he’s comfortable being needy about it. If it isn’t something he can just take - say, wooing someone’s quadrant away, or buying that latest porcelain kitten - he gets blunt, because why skip around the point? The rare instances of ID initiating anything romantic or sexual tends to be the least romantic shit ever.
If he can’t get whatever it is he actually wants, then he’ll flounce off to sulk, and take it out on other characters. He got turned down for a date, so that means everyone on his messageboards are about to be fucking reamed. Sorry, guys.
This is a weird emotion for him! ID’s not used to being hopeful. That’s a wriggler feeling, to him, much like optimism in general, and he handles it like a hot potato: fling it in the air, try to ignore it, and then get startled when it lands in his hands and it’s still fucking burning. He has spats of genuine cheer, with actual energy, then he realises what he’s doing and startles himself, because he doesn’t really know what to do with it.
So he tends to be cheerful, almost hyper by his usual standards when he gets genuinely hopeful about things, which transitions into him desperately trying to shove it under the rug while dialing it back.
He goes quiet, first of all! He’ll start actually thinking about his words before he says them, and this means that he’s taking a lot more time to try and figure out what he should do, because he usually runs off of impulse. ID doesn’t think he’s very good at being a person, a lot of the time, and new emotions always have him pulling back to try and figure out what other trolls would do in this situation.
He also gets very, very serious. No jokes, no insults, just him trying to figure out what he’s supposed to be doing..
.. and flat-out bolting from the situation if he feels like the pressure’s too high before he can. |D
ID is quick to laugh, quick to sneer, quick to be as much of a dick as is physically possible when he’s amused, because god forbid everyone in the room isn’t aware of it. He likes being entertained, and he can be pushy about sharing the joke, especially/even if it’s something that no one else would be logically amused by. 
It’s very easy to tell when he is amused, too. ID makes no attempts to hide it, and he tends to get less cloying, and more actively derisive when he’s laughing at people. When he’s laughing at things? He tends to be genuinely delighted. Give him a cute kitten video of one caught in a jar, and he’ll grin hard enough that people will think he’s broken, and then he’ll forward it to everyone that he knows.
ID lives in a state of semi-perpetual ennui. He has brief flurries of happiness when people are being entertaining, when Bonnie or Steamy are around, or when he’s fighting (verbally or in comballet), but those tend to be fleeting: they last as long as the interaction or the event’s happening, and then he fades back into his usual laconicism.
But when he’s actually, lastingly happy - he gets confused, sheepish, and deeply put off at himself, in an amused kind of way. He keeps laughing. He keeps bumping his nose against his partners, or slinging an arm around a friend, or coming up with an excuse to lean in and whisper. He’s aware he’s being completely stupid, as far as he’s concerned, and he gets self-deprecating about it, but it’s a rare enough feeling that he’s content to ride it out.
Getting weird about it is for later.
An actual, genuinely angry ID is one who’s leaning in hard on the “murder” part of “murderclown”. He doesn’t know how to deal with anger except through injuring the other party, and as a result, it all builds up into a confusing mess for him, one that he’d rather deal with by forcing the other person to leave the situation.
Because when he’s angry, he actively wants to hurt the other participant, to make them feel as fucked up as he is.
Repress it! ID converts all of his rare bouts of sadness into either laconicism, where he just lays in bed and sleeps until it goes away, or into aggression: if he’s feeling sad, that means he just needs to rip someone apart until he doesn’t, or hit them in the face until he’s actively feeling better.
When he can’t repress it, he genuinely has no idea what to do. The rare times that ID has cried, it’s led directly to confusion, and then resentment at himself that he’d ever do anything as asinine as that.
He wants to be around you! He is absolutely not someone who’s tied to the hip of the people he loves: he needs and wants space, and any sort of smothering makes him think of Raphae. But he’ll start checking in, he’ll start getting enthusiastic about your calls and your messages, and he’ll actually seek you out to ensure you’re in the same area semi-regularly.
He’s also a great deal less offensive, more purposefully flattering, and a lot more protective of the things or people that he loves. Don’t touch his glass porcelain tableset, or he’ll break your hands. Don’t mess with Bonnie, or he’ll break your spine.
He gets pissy, first of all, and he gets distant. He’s twenty four, but he’s not the most emotionally mature about this: he has relatively few people that he’s genuinely connected to, and he doesn’t like sharing them when he’s feeling self-conscious about that. So the solution is to ice them out until he’s got it under control.
Either they’ll figure it out, and they’ll stop doing it, or they won’t, and he’s better off not interacting with them so much, anyway. Why is he getting invested in other people? This is stupid.
He gets quiet about it! There’s no reason to ever mention it, as far as he’s concerned, and he’ll ride out the emotion by mocking himself thoroughly on a mental level, and hiding the fuck out of it on a physical one. He aggressively projects that everything is normal, everything is fine, and he usually ends up just fucking himself up more in the process of that. But that’s fine.
By making sure that no one knows, he’s making sure no one can ever use it against him. It works out.
Can he get a hold of someone? Because if he can, he’ll cling to them. They’ll get him just being too much in general: higher rate of contact, longer conversations, actual unprompted IMs to them asking about their day, their teeth, random facts he’s picked up while back-reading in the last day or so of the chat, and trying to figure out why he feels so awful.
If he can’t get a hold of anyone, he’s going to sleep. Left on his own devices, an isolated ID is one who’d just be completely miserable, unemotive, and sleep for 12-13hrs a day from the sheer lack of fucks given. If he wants to be around people and he can’t, he’ll just shut down as a means of dealing with it.
He can’t stay awake, for one. There’s micro naps galore! Ignore him for twenty seconds and he’ll fall asleep midword, still talking, and the only sign you’ll have of it is that his eyes are closed, and now he’s talking about the elephants in the room.
For the other: if he’s just tired, he tends to be happy! But if he’s actually exhausted, then he’s just.. even. He doesn’t have the energy to be emotional, and he doesn’t have the inclination to argue. He’ll agree to anything if it means people will fuck off long enough for him to sleep, and then he’ll sleep for the next twelve hours straight.
A frightened ID is a furious one. Back him into a corner and he will snarl and hiss with the best of them: he doesn’t know the meaning of backing down, and he’s never had to learn it. He’ll get more aggressive the more frightened he is, as a way of posturing.
If you’re angry enough, after all, they can’t tell that you’re actually upset. And people are supposed to be afraid of him. If there’s a way that he can feel in control of the situation again, then he absolutely will. Unfortunately, this frequently involves escalating it.
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