#sorry for my lack of brain it will happen again in the future đź’–
gorkloum · 7 months
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(found this in my sketchdump >:D)
high technology pedal adapter for crouching on driver seat™  (basically two mops glued to sneakers) is coming soon to my shop, stay tuned (don't, just kidding)
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eviesaurusrex · 2 years
pls don’t stress yourself out, bestie, it’s okay!!! 💖
anyways here i go, how did stark! reader and stephen meet for the first time?
You are a godsend, seriously. I’m so sorry (again). But never mind! So, chapter one was obviously the first time Stephen met Stark!Reader on a face-to-face kinda term. Before that, he never really met her, barely saw pictures of the other Stark prodigy, only read her articles, and certainly didn’t get an official introduction. But Stark!Reader kinda met him before that – way before that. We are now jumping to one of the Stark Medical Galas Tony loves to throw in order to get the best spot in the gossip and progression of the medical field he invests as much money as into weapons (nobody knows what’s that about).
Fidgeting in her midnight blue dress and the high-heeled murder weapons Pepper called shoes, YN stood next to the bar in the packed hall, cooled glass with something resembling alcohol in one hand while the other stuck in the bowl of peanuts to get at least something in her stomach. How she hated those galas and events where she was only supposed to smile and do boring small talk during which she sometimes seriously fell asleep. At least the booze was good – something Tony would never neglect – but the younger Stark still wanted to leave and head home. She hated those evenings, she hated the company, she hated the shoes she was forced to wear because it was socially more acceptable than comfortable sneakers, and most of all: nobody dared to talk to her to turn this accident of an event into something resembling fun.
Being the younger Stark and Tony Stark’s pride and joy wasn’t a dream come true.
Sighing, she gathered the floor-length fabric to not stumble over it – and make a fool out of herself (the tabloids would just love that) – and made her way over to Tony, who gladly happened to end one of the more boring conversations one could have. Senator Bloomsdale wasn’t known for his breathtaking intellect.
“So,” she started and looked around while sneaking her hand around his arm and resting it in the crook of his arm. “Will this get more fun, or can I go home and write on my thesis?” Tony took a sip from his glass – most definitely the most expensive whiskey the bar hid exclusively for him – and shrugged. “Thought it might be good to get you out of that room. A change of scenery. Going out, partying, finding a handsome date.” Scoffing, YN took a sip herself. “Finding a date? With my brother, who is known for being overprotective, in the same room? Did you already knock out your brain?”
The older Stark rolled his eyes and guided her through the crowd of wealthy people, scientists, lobbyists, and doctors. She certainly hadn’t been standing around doing nothing this whole evening – she had met people from the pharmaceutical industry, the robotics guys, surgeons, and professors of other Ivy League universities in the country. She had tended to her growing career, already convincing people of her ideas and approaches, and the small sewn-in pocket in her dress was filled with cards full of numbers and mail addresses.
“Stop whining and choose one of these. They’re all eligible, aspiring men, ready to shape the future. Just what you want,” her brother softly pushed her after they arrived at the dance floor where young men had gathered to find a dance partner. Frowning, YN looked up to her brother. “You sound like mom.” He shrugged. “If she would be here, she would’ve found you a man within the first ten minutes. I’m lacking her skill.”
YN didn’t hear the rest of what he was saying – he was rambling anyway – because her eyes had fallen on a man in a perfectly fitting suit, with dark hair, a perfectly shaven face, and the bluest eyes she had ever seen. He was breathtakingly handsome, more so with the smirk playing at the corner of his lips. He would tower over her even with those damn heels at her feet, YN was certain, and her heart started to jump in her throat as his crystal blue eyes swept over her figure. They moved back to her after he had spun his dance partner over the floor, and his smirk grew in its intensity.
She could feel the blood rushing into her neck and cheeks, so she turned her face away and looked to her brother instead. “Who is the tall man in the middle of the dance floor? Dark hair, bright eyes, perfectly fitting suit, gorgeous strawberry-blonde woman on his arm?” Because his dance partner was just as beautiful as he was. And yes, in her opinion, men could be described as beautiful, especially those who resembled a painting or statue of the old masters.
Tony looked for the described male, and as he found him, his face contorted in pure dislike. “Doctor Stephen Strange. Douchebag, idiot, narcissist. Don’t let the exterior fool you, munchkin.” Cocking both her eyebrows until they almost disappeared in her hairline (at least it felt like it), YN eyed him. “That sounds a lot like you. A wonder you’re not best buddies. Quick, someone needs to notify the Times!” He softly shoved her a few inches away while YN chuckled under her breath. “I mean it, though, YN. Don’t be foolish and get involved with him. He will break your heart, and I won’t stand in the offside of the playing field you call your life and watch idly while he breaks you on his ego trip upwards. You know what I’d do to him if he would only think about laying a finger on you.”
Yeah, she knew what he would do to someone who dared to destroy her. She had firsthand proof of what a Tony Stark was capable do with the empire he owns. They couldn’t get out of his way fast enough – they always would fall like pieces on a chess board.
Yet, YN moved her gaze back onto the dancers where Doctor Stephen Strange still held the gorgeous strawberry-blonde woman in his arms, his eyes still entirely focused on the woman standing offside the dance floor who he couldn’t let out of his sight. Christine noticed his staring and turned around to see who had captured her friend's attention. Her eyes settled upon a stunning young woman in a beautiful night blue gown who had her eyes fixed on Stephen as well, and Christine chuckled softly.
“You should ask her for a dance,” she tried to push him as she always tried. “Why should I? I am dancing with you.” Christine laughed. “Because I can see the serious interest in your eyes, and you won’t shut up for the next couple of weeks until you got her name.” He shook his head and grasped her hand tighter. “I am not a man cut out for one-night stands. Especially not for one-night stands with the daughter of some rich senator who never saw the world without those fairytale glasses.” But still, Stephen raised his look to find her again in the crowd without really having to try. She was like a lighthouse in the dark sea of expensive black suits and even more expensive tuxedos.
Christine sighed deeply. “Someday, I will have to drag you to your luck, but I will be there to do it.”
And maybe she was right, but at this moment, all Stephen could do was to have a watchful eye on the woman without the name, who he couldn’t let go of just yet.
And that got longer than I intended, wuuuuups.
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