#sorry for my non straightforward style omg I have to turn everything into an exercise
eorzeashan · 2 years
3, 11, & 51 from the otp asks for your choice <3
Jadus x Cipher 9, because I'm feeling especially spicy today. insert booing
3. Do they wear the other’s clothes? (sweatshirt, bandana, necklace, etc.)
No. Jadus does not keep sentimentalities; everything is remade in his image. It will never be the other way around. This, Orradiz knows well. He would never ask otherwise. And yet, he stains his clothes black, for him- or perhaps to feel a little closer to the shadows they both find intimacy in embracing. When he needs to strike fear in the hearts of those larger, stronger than him, to put them off-balance for a moment, he activates his disguise implant: and together, they wear the mask that so many fear.
11. Do either try to hide their emotions if upset? Can the other still tell?
Orradiz has always kept a careful lid on his emotions, as they’re yet another liability if one exercises them too freely, especially amongst a nation of volatile empaths that feed off such negativity. He’s always dealt with it alone after exuding a facade of careful professionalism, finding some corner to retreat to and go lick his wounds rather than risking yet another exploitable weakness that few would understand, no matter how hard they try. But of course, one does not hide things from Darth Jadus, as intertwined they are body and soul, especially when it comes to conflicts of the mind and it is this constant reassurance and knowledge that he will never be truly alone again that washes over such mental wounds.
You have nothing to fear but me. Let this be your strength and salvation.
51. What’s a non verbal way they say I love you?
When it comes to being connected through a force-bond, it is as non verbal as it gets. As a non-force user, the many signals sent through their connection are difficult to parse for Orradiz; a look into the mind of the most enigmatic of Sith is not easy to describe, much less understand. He makes no reservations in pretending to interpret his Lord’s feelings and commands.
But there is a certain protectiveness, a certain favoritism that comes when he is in danger, or a lilt of the tongue in that flat voice like the echo of durasteel panes that speaks of amusement in this companion that has persisted to be by his side against all odds. In a rush of daring, Orradiz has been known to settle into his Lord’s side when he is alone on the throne, warm and soft as he is and different from everything in the Dark Side that is cold and lifeless, and perhaps in all his magnanimity, Jadus will indulge him with this favor- running his hands through his hair like one does a cat curled into your lap, reflecting on the memory of another who once dared to do the same.
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