#sorry for not answering right away shits too hard to choose😭
alexbutrandomthoughts ¡ 5 months
Hello, I'm the one asking the above.
Then can I ask (if you don't mind, of course) your top 7 fav gay ships, top 4 fav straight ships and 2 throuple ships ? It's okay, if you don't wrote the reasons why... I know how it feels as multishipper myself....😶
Okay so this took me way longer than it should have SORRY IT WAS HARD TO CHOOSE
Da Gays:
1. Soukoku (been with these fuckers for too long)
2. Satosugu (dark horse that went up the ranks fast)
3. Sakuatsu (somehow collective fandom delusion convinced me)
4. Kavetham ("and they were roommates" at it's finest)
5. Reddie (2018 was a year)
6. Hualian (if a man doesn't search 800 years for you does he really love you?)
Default setting:
1. Twiyor (this is such a slowburn god help us all)
3. Hananene (just cute innit)
4. Eugene/Rapunzel (fuck knows if they have a name but i love them)
Three way:
1. Rentaro/all his gfs (technically not a throuple but dang i loved that stupid ass show and laughed all the way through)
2. AppleJack/Rarity/Rainbow Dash (sometimes i cannot be certain who AJ would be with so yknow. Might as well)
Honorary mentions:
Bubbline (used to be my obsession back in the day)
Raeda (Lumity was too wholesome i needed those exes to lovers)
Bokuaka (literally canon change my mind)
Mikayu (i knew from the second i saw the op they were gay)
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beevean ¡ 17 days
For the ask game: ❤ 💖 💔 💀 for Castlevania
Answered the last one here!
❤: Which character do you think is the most egregiously mischaracterized by the fandom?
He is not just a cock-thirsty shallow Joker 😭 there is depth to him! He's passionate, driven, so terribly embittered by being shunned and cast aside, yet he respected Hector and still cares for Julia, he refused to hurt her even when Cursed! He tainted his body in a show of loyalty to a Lord who only saw him as a tool, and let the clothes rot off his body to show himself in his truest self! And so he too saw himself as a weapon and took pride in that role! And yet he's a hypocrite who falls prey to his own emotions and desires, because if he truly was a weapon he wouldn't have been jealous of Hector getting everything he wanted! He wouldn't have been consumed by his own (admittedly understandable, Hector really was cruel to him) hatred to the point of dying! He did all he could to cast away a humanity he felt had no need for yet he was so terribly human, much like his master! And he died as a tool, and a defective one too!
fhsdkjghjksdhgkjh my boy i love him so much he's complex and fascinating and even relatable in some aspects but no one except my enlightened besties, mwah understands him and they reduce him to a crazy bdsm joke 😭😭😭
oh and on the same note if people can stop reducing hector to a shallow edgelord without weaknesses and softness that would be great thanks
💖: What is your biggest unpopular opinion about the series?
obligatory show bad both as an adaptation and its own thing
Circle of the Moon is a bad game. I genuinely cannot understand what people like in it, because if you want a hard Igavania, OoE is right there and is less pointlessly cheap. CoTM clearly tried to fix SoTN's absolutely non-existant difficulty, but it went about it the worst way possible, to the point that even moving around is painful, let alone orienting yourself in this dim, boring castle full of dead ends that forces you to go through the Abyss Stairway over and over again. I ain't forgiving it for the shit it pulls after you defeat Hugh and you have to dodge those dark knights without healing up :^)
By contrast, I find Harmony of Dissonance very fun, I love the psychedelic colors, I love the chiptune eerie music, the game is so fun to break and speedrun, Juste most OP Belmont come at me.
I think my overall biggest take is... the games have a solid lore and story. It's a shame that they get put aside (not here on Tumblr, but definitely in places like Reddit) for the sake of propping up the show. Dracula's Curse has some crazy intricate lore when you put everything together. Games parallel each other, like HoD being written to be a prelude to Richter's fall from grace. You can get everything you need to know about Simon's personality, who otherwise never speaks in a main game, simply by that scene in Simon's Quest where he makes a grave for Dracula. The games are so fun to read between the lines, they hit that perfect balance between giving you enough information to get you interested and leave enough room for thought and interpretation.
... I also don't hate DoS' anime style. I think it's cute. PoR is the one that really got hit by the ugly stick, I think.
💔: If you had to remove one major character from the series, who would you choose?
^ Konami when they decided to quietly erase Grant from existence
Can't think of anyone. All major characters contribute to something. Maybe Hammer? I never cared for him, sorry, and his personality in DoS is hard to like. But I'm not sure he counts as major.
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maxlarens ¡ 3 months
I’m totally not stalking your blog at all and I totally wasn’t refreshing like crazy to see when my ask would be answered (also totally not up past my bedtime)🤨 buttttt I do have a question 🙋🏾‍♀️
When you say lando is easy to write what does that mean 🤨 I’ve always been curious about how writers decide to approach certain characters like do you have a basic personality profile you apply to each fic or does it change by prompt? Also I wonder how different writers have differing opinions on the characteristics. What makes someone hard to write for?
Pls and thanks 🙇🏾‍♀️
(Alsoooo somehow forgot to voice my absolute love for your pfp and header it’s so cute😭😭 I must know what is this characters name I’ve never seen it before)
pls sorry i would have answered straight away but i was caught up at work. which is done now yayyyy
i love LOVEE answering writing related questions like this tbh so thank u!!!! and okay well it’s very instinctive for me, sometimes i just pick up on someone’s mannerisms very quickly— usually because i’ve seen gifs/videos/etc— and can kind of easily pick out a trope for them? if that makes sense. sometimes i don’t. but yeah for example lando fits very easily into this charming kind of cheeky character and all i have to do is put in his mannerisms/speech patterns to make it more believable. its hard to pin down the tropes themselves with a name but i have a bunch floating around in my head that feel very obvious when i start writing.
someone like george or alex for example don’t come super easily to me. i have to watch videos of george to pick up on the things i like to pay attention to. that will probably persevere whenever i write him, probably because i have more experience writing a certain kind of “character” and he doesn’t quite fit that.
logan, oscar and max also feel really natural for me to write. i think actually a lot of that comes down to certain similarities i have with each of them— i just go oh okay what would this aspect of my personality do in this situation. but also its similar to the lando thing, i just have a grasp on their mannerisms.
there’s a certain amount of making shit up in there. i try to stay accurate to their real life personalities but also i’m not trying to pretend this is real and don’t care if i use a little creative license which helps a lot. its very much separate from real life to me. i write my readers like i write OCs basically, just veer away from getting too descriptive.
okay and finally because i’ve rambled too much. i pick and choose prompts or just try to apply it to a situation in a way that doesn’t feel obvious because there are some things that just feel Not Right to me?? in the sense that i can’t imagine someone in that situation. or it’s not believable to me. it’s why i don’t/won’t write a lot of fan service-y very specific things. there’s nothing wrong at all with wanting to read something about someone comforting u about a specific issue/etc it’s just difficult for me to write. does any of that make sense!!?!?
and her name is maisy mouse!! she’s from children’s books i used to read and i think there was a tv show?? it’s fairly obscure i think. it was going to be snoopy originally actually but i couldn’t find the right image for that.
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meltwonu ¡ 3 years
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|     𝖓𝖊𝖔𝖓 𝖉𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖒     |     CHAPTER 2
pairing; camboy!seokmin x female!reader
this chapter’s notes; camboy!seokmin, university!au, the tiniest hint of softdom!seokmin, masturbation, sex toys, dirty talk, sending of sexual audio messages!!??!? 🥴 Welcome to ch 2 of neon dream! Will Seokmin finally break out of his shell!?! Tune in to find out hehe~ 😉 Also, thank you so much for all the interest in chapter one! It really means so much to me! 😭💕I’m not too sure how many chapters this’ll be but guess we’ll just have to see huh? Heh~ 😗 For now, enjoy ch 2 and I’ll see ya’ll tomorrow to catch up with msgs again! Have a good rest of your day and remember that I love you~! 💕
*sorry this went up a hr late, I'm still trying to figure out what’s goin on with the water in my apartment ☠️
chapters; 1 - 2 - ?
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Seokmin can barely sit still in his Monday morning lecture - too scared that somehow he’s already been found out despite not a single person even hearing more than 15 words coming out of his mouth during his livestream.
“Hyung! Hyung!!”
A hand waves in front of his face as he shakes himself from his thoughts; his hand clutching onto the strap of his bookbag for dear life as Chan’s brows furrow.
How long he’d been standing in the same spot in the lecture hall just staring off into space, he had no clue.
“Are you okay? You’re weirdly quiet today and it’s freaking me out.” The younger male comments.
“Huh? Yeah, it’s just been a weird weekend, is all. I--um, requested more hours at work so…” Seokmin trails off, knowing that Chan knew about his recent desire to take Jihoon’s expensive vocal lessons.
“Oh, shit, that’s right. Do you know if you’ll get them?”
Seokmin laughs nervously, ‘Not if I keep fuckin’ it up’, he thinks to himself.
Once he’d finished having his panic session after ending his stream, he’d been too embarrassed to reply to the message he’d gotten and so he left it alone - choosing to forget about the entire thing until Jihoon had approached him earlier in the day.
‘Don’t forget, I need the deposit before Friday if you wanna start your lessons soon,’ the older male had said.
It’d sent Seokmin into a cold sweat - sure, he had the money for the deposit, but he was already scrambling to keep up with the future payments and he hadn’t even technically started any lessons, much less agreed to them.
But he nodded, a small, ‘Yeah, don’t worry! I’ll have the deposit by then!’ tumbling from his numb lips as Jihoon turned to walk away.
In the present time, Seokmin chuckles nervously as he readjusts his denim jacket before he gestures to Chan to leave the aisle first.
“Um, I’m gonna speak to my manager at some point tomorrow and, uh, see what they can do about getting me more hours or at least start paying me more or something.”
Chan lets out a sigh before going in to pat Seokmin on the shoulder reassuringly.
“I’m sure you’ll get paid, hyung. You’re a hard worker and deserve to be compensated for your efforts.”
Seokmin mentally screams; lips easing into a shaky smile.
“I hope so.”
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The second the door closes to his apartment is the second Seokmin lets out a panicked noise - toeing off his shoes and throwing his book bag onto the closest flat surface before shuffling to his computer.
He doesn’t really know where to begin, again, and just simmers in his own panicked thoughts for a moment before he loads up the camming website and logs in.
What do I even do, he thinks - palms sweaty on the computer mouse and keyboard as he searches for answers that don’t seem to come.
If he was lucky, he could at least make a few extra dollars and from what he’d seen, even the smaller channels managed to rake in a few donations here and there despite being amateurs.
“God, what the fuck. Should I just be a sperm donor?” Muttering, he scrolls his homepage - nothing new in the notifications tab other than the singular follow he’d gotten.
His shaky pupils linger a little longer on the days old notification as he bites his bottom lip.
Whoever ‘b@d_dream’ was seemed to know at least a thing or two about the camming website and seemed to be enough of a regular to have an actual username and not just an anonymous one.
Weighing his options, he decides it’s worth a shot - fingertips flying across the keyboard before hitting the ‘send’ button before he starts to think twice.
‘Hey! Thanks for the follow! I really appreciate it as someone new to this site. I had a few questions as a beginner, if I’m being honest. And if you were free, I’d love to chat? I could use some help.
- Dokyeom’
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The notification email catches you off guard as you raise a brow - up to your shoulders in classwork when you’d receive it.
You decide to take a break from the work to log into the camming website to entertain the message instead.
Admittedly, you weren’t always on the camming website; just once in a while to relieve some tension or pass some boredom when you had the free time.
But a lot of the streams had gotten repetitive to you and so Dokyeom’s tiny thumbnail that had read ‘Audio Only’ piqued your interest - up until he ended the stream after only a few minutes.
You thought it was cute; his shyness making you giggle from behind the screen.
And he did have a nice and somewhat familiar voice that had you clicking the ‘Follow’ button in hopes of him not deleting his channel before you could find out more about him.
‘I’m free whenever, just shoot your questions over. :)’
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dokyeom: do you think it’s easy being on this website?
b@d_dream: nope, not at all, it probably takes a lot of guts to be on here tbh
dokyeom: what do people like to see?
b@d_dream: what don’t they like to see lol you can sell anything on here
dokyeom: is there anything that’s more popular than others?
b@d_dream: it really just depends on what you’re into
dokyeom: and what are you into?
You talk to Dokyeom a little longer - him telling you his struggles to make ends meet before you tell him you need to get back to work and he thanks you and lets you go, but not before asking you if it’d be okay to talk again the next night.
You agree.
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“Seokmin-hyung, did your manager end up giving you the extra hours?”
This time, his smile is a little less nervous.
“I think so!”
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The next night you make sure to be done with your classwork before the sun is even completely down - just in case Dokyeom decides to message you sooner than later.
It takes a good, few hours before he does.
dokyeom: hey, sorry, I was at work. I should’ve given you a time so you didn’t wait!
b@d_dream: it’s okay! I don’t mind :)
He’s surprisingly very friendly and makes sure to ask about your day, groaning over the stress of university classes with you before he detours and starts asking his questions again.
dokyeom: i don’t know, i just feel like I don’t know what people want to hear? I guess... people say my voice is nice but I'm a little awkward I guess lol
b@d_dream: don’t you watch porn?
dokyeom: well… yeah but is that what people want to hear?
b@d_dream: depends on if you can sell it well haha
dokyeom: if i send you some test audio clips… can you critique them? I really hate to ask but I’m really struggling here lol
You raise a brow; fingertips hovering over your keyboard.
Why were you being so friendly again?
b@d_dream: sure why not
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‘Ah, you really like it when I touch you there, hmm?’
‘Mm, thrust that toy into your pretty cunt like you’re fucking yourself on my cock…’
A thrum of arousal pours down your body, brows furrowed at the voice that floats through your headphones.
‘Such a good girl for me… Why don’t you add another finger, huh? I know your pretty ‘lil cunt can take it.’
Dokyeom’s voice is smooth and honey-like - pitched a little lower as he whispers into the mic.
‘That’s right, nice and slow, sweetheart… You know I like it when you move slow for me…’
You can’t help but rub your thighs together as you start to get aroused by his voice; biting your bottom lip before clicking on the last voice message he’d sent.
‘You take my cock so well… Your pussy is stretched around me so tightly… I can fuck you all night, sweetheart…’’
You let go of a shaky breath you didn’t realize you were holding - sweaty hand gripping onto the computer mouse for dear life as your left hand sneaks into your lap.
Would it be wrong?
Letting out a tiny squeak, you let your fingers glide over your panty-clad mound as you bite your lip again; shivers rolling down your spine when you realize you’re wet.
But the notification that pops up on your screen has you retracting your hand in a flash - harsh breaths making your chest rise and fall as you click on it.
dokyeom: how were they? Bad? 😭
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You can’t help it.
‘You take my cock so well…’
You press the vibrator against your clit; legs up on the armrests of your computer chair as you get off to Dokyeom’s audio messages.
Was it a mistake?
‘...I can fuck you all night, sweetheart…’
You scissor two fingers knuckle deep inside yourself - letting the audio video loop in a cycle as you get off to them. 
He said everything in a drawl; dragging out certain words that had your toes curling in the air as you only pressed the toy harder against your clit. 
Dokyeom definitely had the talent - he was just shy. 
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b@d_dream: they’re not bad honestly 
dokyeom: really? they’re not cheesy? I watched some videos to get inspiration but I dunno... I'm so awkward lol
b@d_dream: why did you decide on camming like this anyway? couldn’t you have picked something... different lol you have such a nice voice? why not voice acting or singing?
dokyeom: I just wanted to challenge myself I guess? and trying to find a place to hire me takes weeks when I could just make an account on here by myself and at least be my own boss or something 
b@d_dream: true... 
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‘...Why don’t you add another finger, huh?...’ 
You curl your fingers right into your g-spot; breathy moans on your lips as you get closer and closer to an orgasm. 
There’s a part of you that feels bad for taking his clips and using them like this but you figured as long as he didn’t find out - this would be the only time before you deleted them off of your computer. 
‘...You know I like it when you move slow for me...’
Your breath stutters as your orgasm crests; thighs shaking over the armrests of your computer chair as soft hurried whines spill from your lips. You keep the toy pressed to your clit as you continue to thrust your fingers into your cunt - Dokyeom’s audio clips continuing to loop in your headphones and aide you in riding out your pleasure.
If he could get past his initial awkwardness, you knew he could make some serious money and gain a lot of followers if he kept at it; somehow, he seemed like a natural when it came to it. 
“Fuck...” Whispering, you slump further against the chair before you turn off the toy and toss it onto the computer table next to your classwork. 
The time reads 3:33AM on the computer screen as you mutter a series of curse words - you were severely behind on work and you had your theatre class in the morning. 
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