#sorry for posting another reader fic to the tag i know thats like. frowned upon.
webbyghost · 9 months
I am once again posting a reader fic to the Cooties tag.
Happy Holidays Doug Davis enjoyers!
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httpjeon · 6 years
hi! i really like your writing and I was wondering if you had tips on how to get your fics noticed? I know you should write for yourself but it can be discouraging to only get one or two notes. I'm sorry if you've answered this before but I couldn't find your answer anywhere. Anyway I'm looking forward to hb2!! The first part was so good!!! Thank you for writing for us!!!!
hi sweet heart! under read more to save space lmao.
i understand fully what you mean by feeling discouraged, i’ve had a couple blogs myself and when i see something i put a lot of work into i feel really sad when i get minimum notes. tbh a lot of writers tell you not to write for notes and while i agree with that to an extent…writing on tumblr is free. as writers, we’re not getting paid and we’re doing this out of sheer enjoyment of it and notes are pretty much our only payment. so i understand exactly where you’re coming from.
advice i have is;
1. make your fic appealing to the eye. a lot of people use gifs (like myself) of the member your fic is about. lots of people also make headers. it’s eye catching and makes your fic seem “professional” i guess.
2. put your pairing/member, genre, word count, summary, and warning (if applicable) so people can tell right off the bat if it’s something they want to read. like some people don’t want to read food play fics and if i see someone put a warning for food play i know thats not a fic for me. i don’t want to get 2k words into a fic and suddenly realize there’s a kink i don’t like and feel my puth dry up right on the spot u feel me. also people (me included) like to know how long the fic is in case i don’t feel like reading a 20k fic at that moment. it just makes things easier for the reader to decide if they want to read or even bookmark your fic for later!
3. put a read more. although it is disabled for mobile, it does appear when someone reblogs your fic. lots of people won’t reblog fics that don’t have a read more. 
4. tags! tags are suuuuuuuuper important. there are tags people don’t look up and tags people have saved so they get those things on their dash. it’s all about knowing what things people look for. things like jungkook x reader tend not to garner notes as well. but things like jungkook smut do get notes because that’s a popular tag. it’s frowned upon to tag literally everything but i do it anything because the smut tags are filled with nonsense like memes because non-fic writers like to use the writing tags for notes so i figure i can use whatever tags i want to get my fic noticed. but that’s a talk for another time.
5. timing. it’s important to know what times people tend to be on tumblr more often. posting at 3pm on a tuesday won’t get people to notice it. but if you post during a time that you know gets notes because people are out looking for fics to read, it’ll reach more people. 
6. have an easy to access masterlist. make it linked in your description and easy to navigate. if someone doesn’t have a masterlist i can get to easily or it’s not updated i most likely won’t bother with it lmao. it’s cut throat but i like things to be easy to access and there are tons like me.
7. theme and url! this is probably just a me thing but if someone has like a long winded url like btsficsjungkookjimin199719972018 im outta there lmao. same goes for theme, if you have a cute theme and it’s appealing to the eye and easy to read i’ll probably follow you.
8. branch out your social links! join nets, reach out to writers you like, reach out to new writers! making your presence known on tumblr is an essential thing to be noticed! people will see your personality shine through as you interact with your friends and they’ll be more inclined to interact with your blog!
….i think this is all the advice i have. these are just things i’ve picked up through trial and error. i hope i helped and good luck in your endeavors!
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