#sorry for rambling its 3am for me im hyper
thapunqueen · 1 year
I'm very curious about the Boone playlist??
oh man i hope this link works ive never shared a link on this app before AJDKEWKFGJFJ))) but yeah !! i have actually several fallout playlists ive made and put into a folder bc im actually crazy (in fact boone has 2 playlists: the one above is songs i think he would listen to/fit his overall vibe and character, and then i have another one full of Divorced Dad music bc i know in my heart a modern day boone would listen to that genre of music) the boone playlist i listen to the most ofc bc i have like an emotional attachment to it </3 and im always addin more songs too !! but i also have a playlist for the courier, arcade (though this one im iffy on, i need to find more songs that fit his vibe), theres a veronica one thats priv rn bc its a wip, and then theres some fo4 characters as well as an Old World Blues playlist and a Dead Money playlist im CRAZY !!! i HAVE to listen to music that fits the characters im drawing !!!!!!!
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puppyyboyy · 3 months
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i love my bf also i love yaoi thats also pretty great.
errmmm yeah guys idk im super cringe but also heres a fun rant /sar
tw for ED and transphobia mention!!
so its easter today right and i gtg to my grandparents house wirh my family and "celebrate" easter even though my family is atheist and im pagan and my grandparents dont believe in god (i think??) its so weird. anywayss! i also am dreading going because i dont have any nice 'easter clothes' to wear (like light colored clothing) only blacks and greys and grapic t-shirts and 1 hoodie. so idek what to wear! i rrlllyy wanna ask my mom if i can just stay home and she can tell my grandma that im sick and cant come or something but im not gonna do that....... also i lost one of my ear buds and that sucks. also its like 3am rn and im not thay tired im gonna regret staying up this late cuz we have to leave my house at 11am to get to my grandparents housseee does anyone even read these? im just rambling at this point because im very bored and also a little hyper but thats maybe cuz i had 2 cans of coke zero before getting in bed and the caffeine is making me hyper!!! OMG and also my uncle, aunt and cousin will be there and they are all conservative weirdos and i dont like them and my aunt is an alcoholic and i hate her!! well actually shes my step-aunt i think....? idk how that works my brain is too small but yeah and also my cousin has an eating disorder and she got super skinny in less then a year and she literally always is talking aboutt it and BRAGGING that she has an ED.. like thats not smth to be proud of! im sorry girl but seek help! (to my ppl reading that have an ED ily /p and i hope you stay safe🙏🫡) also the fact that she is transphobic but then acts all nice to me.!! that pisses me of so so much!! also my grandparents misgender me but ugh im so.!!! 😪☹️😒 idk im hyper i wanna bounce aroujd my room like that one pic vvv
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yeahh that one. thats me.
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