#sorry for stealing this btw it's just that the same thing happened in our guild when the feature got released ckxnxksb
Kpop1237: Hello! I saw you posted your first HC (loved it btw!!) and decided to request one. RFA + V and Saeran meeting MC at a coffee shop. Either they work there, MC works there, or just meeting there in general. How would they go about asking them out?
Aww! Thanks Kpop1237! We really appreciate it! And, thank you all for all your support recently, everyone! ~Admin Mazz
AWW SO CUTE! This is was so fun to write! Thanks so so much for the love! We both really appreciate it! ^///^ Really hope everyone enjoys these HC, including you Kpop1237! Hope it isn’t too long hehehe.. ~Admin Lily 
Jaehee doesn’t get many breaks poor angel
But, when she does, she loves to go to the café
Coffee runs in her veins anyways
Work was the last thing on her mind
All she wanted was to relax while drinking a nice warm cappuccino
As she pulled out her wallet, she walked up to the counter to see MC standing behind the register
She had such a big smile on her face, “Hello! How may I help you today?”
She seems really nice
While she’s making Jaehee’s cappuccino, she begins to easily make small talk
At one point, she brought up Zen’s latest movie
Fangirl mode activated
That was all Jaehee needed
She liked this MC and wouldn't mind talking to her again
And again, and again, and again
They became pretty close, you know?
MC was just so supportive and sweet and always there for Jaehee! She really was… cute!
Jaehee began to feel the butterflies
MC was really cute aww! <3
Maybe, Jaehee should try and ask MC out?
Wait, no way! They both have too much work to do and why would she be interested.
But… maybe it’d be worth a try?
One day, as they sat together and started talking, like they normally did, it just slipped out
“MC… you know I… like you a lot, right? And-And I appreciate you being my friend.”
MC is literally thinking “booyah”
“Did you know that I happen to like you a lot too,” MC would reply with a smile
“So, would that mean you'd like to come with me, not on a day out, but… as a date?”
“I'm pretty sure I'd love to.” GUYS THE FEELS RN SO SWEET
Okay, this boy works so hard (at LOLOL of course)
Sometimes he's gotta go out and get a latté because being the top guild is rough, okay?
But the coffee place isn't that big
And its packed
Yoosung had just snagged a table
Oops, but someone else had sat down at the other side too
Guess who lol
MC and Yoosung just looked at each other in surprise
Should I stand up…?
But MC just started giggling
Hey… she's kinda cute, isn't she?
“Hi!” MC would hold out her hand, “I'm MC, and you're trying to steal my table.”
Yoosung laughed nervously at her joke and shook her hand, “uh, sorry. I'm Yoosung Kim.”
She doesn't make him move, though, she just starts a conversation
And oml is that hard for him
Cute girl + nerd equals train wreck
Very stuttery and has rosy cheeks
He tells he's a college student and she immediately bombards him with questions
She seems so fascinated
But, he's really not a good student atm
He switches the convo and starts asking about MC
And, he starts to like her even more
Their convo seems to go on forever
But, her coffee is gone
“Oh, so you're leaving, huh?” Yoosung asks in disappointment
“Other people need tables, don't they?” She would smile
“Um, hey. Is there any way I could talk to you again?”
“well, you could ask for my number,” she would hint flirtatiously, “or you could ask me if I'd like to come back for more coffee sometime.”
Yoosung blushed but he was smiling, “I'll do both. How does that sound?”
Did Yoosung just get a girl’s number?? Yoosung got a girl's number! see even losers like have a chance
Then again he’s adorbs so
Okay, so Zen has been to many coffee shops, and let's just say it usually ends up in a pretty bad situation.
It’s not that the café itself that’s bad, it's just that…
Someone finds out who he is and his fans begin to swarm the café.
So, he rarely goes into them unless he’s in dire of need of coffee or something to eat.
Well, the day he meets MC is one of those days.
Zen had gotten off of work late, and was pretty much starving for some type of food.
Near the practice hall was a little café about a five minute walk from.
It was almost midnight, so he decided to take the chance and enter the café.
There only seemed to be one guy working the station at the moment,
which was a relief.
Just wait Zen it gets better
When he gave his order, the barista called out for someone in the back.
A really cute girl comes out in an apron.
The previous barista switches place with her to make his order done
Here comes the small talk.
She introduced herself as MC, and Zen thought she was the sweetest girl he’s seen.
It’s past midnight already  and she had more energy than a normal person should have around the time.
“Oh it’s because I had like three cups of coffee! Gotta stay awake for late night people like yourself!”
Throughout the whole chat, never did once MC bring up that he was an actor.
She treated him like a normal person
He took his drink and gave a farewell to MC, promising to come back.
He’ll be back in a hour 4 u MC
After his first encounter, he came back after every practice.
MC was always there to welcome him, and each day their conversations changed.
He told him about his new role in the play, and she seemed enamored
“I didn’t know you had a new role! I knew you were an actor, but I didn’t want to seem like every other person and fan over you…”
That was one of the things that made him want to see  MC over and over again.
She treated him like a normal person.
He learned that she was just working these night time shifts for some extra cash
“How’d it go? Your practice?”
“I went alright… Say, MC? How’d you like to go to dinner with me a night instead of working here?” hides nervousness like a true actor
MC is overjoyed, “I’d love to!”
Jumin rarely goes out like this due to the fact that reporters would usually swarm him
So he usually has Jaehee get him his coffee
However, even our little angel Jaehee can get sick sometimes and Jumin has to take matters into his own hands
He began to start searching for a café that delivers
Score, he found one
Guess who delivered
MC, lookin all nice and cute in her little uniform delivered the coffee
Jumin wanted to take it and go, but MC tried to start a small convo
“Hello, sir!”
“Um, good morning.”
“Wow this place is big. Is the intern out or something?”
“Um, yes, she is.”
“Hope she feels better. Have a good day, Mr. Han.”
“How do you know my name?”
Awkwardly points to name on coffee cup
“Oh. Yes, have a good day.” notorious Jumin throat clearing
She gave him such a bright smile
And that coffee was goood
He saw on the receipt the name of the creator and it was the same as the girl who delivered
Even though Jaehee came back, he wants more of that coffee so he ordered again but specifically asked for “MC”
MC came back and gave him another bright smile that morning, ‘so you liked my coffee huh? Here you are.”
“Thank you, MC.”
“Oh! Someone who used my name!” MC said, teasingly, but it kind of went over Jumin’s head
Oh my god, this coffee is so good
Jaehee never has to get Jumin coffee again cuz good ol’ MC is his new personal coffee girl
Convos became a little more than just small talk
MC’s always asking how his week went and he’d explain business statistics and crap
But, wait, she’d understand?
She went to business school for a while which is astounding to him.
She begins to help him with his ideas and promos, and he’s so thankful
This girl is so strange, he’s never met anyone like her
He actually becomes really interested in her
So much so that he wants to see her more often, so he offers her a job there
Happily, she takes it and quits her coffee job
For a while, they work together and she makes him his favorite coffee without him asking
He really starts to like MC
So much so that Jaehee recommends that he ask her on a date
And he takes it like what that actually worked
And, guess what she said: “Took you long enough!” thats a yes btw
This boy has a lot on his mind alright
Always workin and hackin so coffee is his life
And he thinks cafes are such cute little places with cute little human beings to swarm~
And cute girls too
This one day, as he was enjoying his third coffee while bein on his nice laptop, he noticed a girl walk into the café
She was really pretty like oml the kind of pretty that makes you widen your eyes and try to look away to not seem like a creep
And Seven wasn’t any different
But, since he was so close, he could hear what the girl was saying
“How may I help you?”
“Um, hi… Hey, your name’s Mario. Isn’t that Italian? I heard Italians are so good at making coffee because they naturally like to espresso themselves~”
Omg Seven was ready to explode he spit up his coffee a little
“Har har…” Poor Mario where did he go wrong he just works there
Seven loved this girl already he had to get to know her name or something
“MC,” she giggled pretty girl giggle
Okay, okay, Seven think
He had a ton of great ideas, but they were lost… somewhere… in his brain
She had already grabbed her coffee so Seven gave up, thinking maybe it wasn’t meant to be anyways
Suddenly, Seven noticed the girl had placed her coffee down on his table
“I’m so sorry,” MC apologized, “just trying to get the keys out of my purse”
“No problem” Seven said with a smile don’t be stupid don’t be stupid
MC gave him a smile and a wave before grabbing her coffee and going to leave
This trainwreck grabbed his coffee and went to take a sip, but he realized “Seven” wasn’t written on his cup
He ran out to MC and called, “wait! Wrong coffee”
MC turned around and glanced at the name on her coffee before laughing nervously, “oops! Sorry!”
“You know…” be prepared here comes the pun “stealing someone’s coffee is called ‘mugging’, you know?”
She bursted out laughing nailed it
Seven was successfully able to ask her for her number and she happily gave it to him
Cafés are such quaint little spaces and V loves to take pictures of them even tho, ya know, he can’t really see
He usually goes to smaller cafes to limit his chances of being swarmed with fans and artists (he is famous)
One day, he got himself a nice cup of coffee while he began to observe his surroundings
Then, the magical camera was pulled out and he began to take pictures
Took pictures of the workers, the windows, the customers
At one point he pointed up to take a picture of the door, but a girl had walked in and looked at him in shock
She was beautiful prettier than that witch Rika that’s for sure
V immediately apologized, “excuse me! Just taking some pictures, don’t mind me.”
“Of me?” MC asked with a nervous giggle
“Hold that smile!” V said before finding the perfect angle and snapping a picture “very lovely.”
MC blushed, ‘aww, thank you, Mr…?”
“Call me V.” he smiled
“V… Um, alright.”
“Do you, uh… come here often?” smooth V real smooth I bet she’s never heard that one before
“Well, yeah. This is my favorite café.” she has, but she doesn’t mind it when it’s from this blue-haired cutie
“Ah… Well, I should be going. Thank you!”
“Bye, V.”
Guess which café V went to again?
He was obviously really hopeful in seeing MC again because MC is infinitely times better than Rika
Overjoyed, he sorta sees her in her cute little dress and he pulls out his camera to take a picture
Of course, at the perfect timing she looks up at the lens as he takes it it’s not creepy if it’s true love guys
She lets out a laugh and he looks embarrassed, “Sorry, I-uh…”
“I didn’t think you’d come back,” she smiles
“Well, I mean it’s a lovely little café. Perfect for pictures.”
“I see…” MC began to blush as she messed with her fingers, “Um, hey V? Would you say yes if I offered to buy you coffee?”
“I don’t see why I wouldn’t,” he’d smile, “as long as you’d help me take more pictures.”
“Sounds fair,” she smiled brightly.
I can totally see Saeran working at a small coffee shop because it’s just so calming to make all these drinks and talking to a person only a few seconds at a time
Especially since this boy can be really intimidating
I bet you he likes all the nice plants that surround the building too
The people can get annoying though
Because some actually try to start a conversation
MC is one of those people
“Hello, how are you?” she would smile
“What can I get you?” trying so hard to ignore this human being and do his job
“Um, you pick.”
Really. “Me?”
“Yeah. You,” she smiled.
She had such a big smile
“Well, alright. What’s the name?”
Of course, as she leaves she says his name, “thank you, Saeran.” Which doesn’t happen often to him
“Uh, no problem?” He hands her the coffee and she pays him
The day goes smoothly and Saeran thinks nothing of it
The next day the girl comes back, “Hello, Saeran!”
“Hi…” Not her again, “What can I get you?”
“You pick.”
Again, he picks and thinks nothing of it
But she keeps coming again and again and asks the same thing
He sees it as almost an attack or something he just doesn’t get it
“Is there something you want from me?” he’d snap
MC would be so calm “I don’t want anything from you. You just seem nice”
Her smile is just... so bright and her eyes are so sparkly
Saeran didn’t know what to do then
Nice? Nice?? Huh… She thinks he’s nice
“Okay,” he sighed, “well, I’ll get you your coffee”
This poor guy finds it so hard to say this “Have a good day”
MC just gives him her stupid bright smile with her eyes lighting up, “thank you! You too, Saeran”
After that, he starts to adjust to her
“Hey MC.” She’s such a nice girl she always asks him how his day is going
One day, he’s having a rough day and MC noticing so she buys a coffee for him too because he mentioned that it was his favorite
“Hope that makes your day better, Saeran”
Of course it does, he loves the gesture but he doesn’t show it
Finally one day he asks, “Uh, hey MC. Why do you come here so often to see me?”
“I told you I like you.”
“Alright, well, maybe we should actually hang out sometime?”
“As in a date?” happiness levels at max
Immediate blush, “no, just… a hangout.” yeah, a date don’t lie
“Of course I’d love to.”
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