#sorry for taking 5 dayz on this one too . agonies
our-reality · 2 years
python 10, 11, 12
10. do they have any regrets?
i don't know. does he 🙂
AGH THIS QUESTION HURT ME SO MUCH . it's. hard to really say whether or not it regrets leaving skylight. for sure he regrets not taking swift with him to earth, even if sky definitely wouldn't have been as enthusiastic about it as he was, because him abandoning her caused so many problems for them that he should have seen coming before it left. he just. so wishes it could've saved them all the trouble and heartache sky went through
but like. what if she just refused to go. even if he offered to take sky with him. what if he had to choose. is it worth making rest of his life hell just to spare her from that? is it selfish to not want that? and. yeah it struggles with this point a lot. and i must stress how throroughly python does not miss being a god and how much it loves being a human. how much he's learned from others about himself and the world that it would've never learned if he'd stayed as a god. but all of that is at the cost of his best friend's health and the problem just. eats away at it. and it takes him more than a while to fully grapple with the fact that he just. couldn't've won no matter what it did.
of course it gets better when the plot kicks off and he actually has a chance to reconcile with swift, but it also kinda just. puts into perspective just how much he ruined sky by doing what it did. and it sucks ass for him. and he understands why both it and swift couldn't have been humans but how was it supposed to choose? the only reason he even chose to go through with becoming human was because it and swift had an argument over the subject and it made a hasty decision. without that, it's hard to say whether or not it would've ever made the hard decision, just letting it consume him over his years, like everything else has.
and. you know. i could look at all of that and go "yeah that's enough torment for one post" but what if i made it worse. what if i talk about whether or not he regrets the murders. what then
uh. yeah idk if i've mentioned this before but vysel is not. the only person it's killed. vysel was the first person, yes (and he was also the last that's crazy it's like poetry it rhymes or wtv), but that whole Ordeal kinda starts it on a track record of um. murder! basically anyone he didn't like got an axe to their face. and like. he does regret that because it basically had to relearn all of its morals after that and it caused him sooooooo many issues forever.
and it puts a lot of the blame on the vysel incident for this because. well. not only was it the first ever time he intentionally killed someone, but it actually did do exactly what he wanted it to do. without going into too many details by the time the vysel shit happened it kinda felt wildly out of control of his life with how often he was forced to move becase it made too many enemies in one area, or because he was worried its old parents would find him, or anything like that. so that was basically its wait of saying "fuck it this is MY life and i'm not gonna let you ruin my life". and then after that he kinda got the idea that like "oh i don't feel in control of my life? just fucking kill people!!" and. it caused him to do some fucky wucky things to say the least
i could say even more but i will actually die if i write about this anymore so i'll shelve this topic for another post but uh tl;dr girls when they have to make a decision with seemingly no right answer that will deeply affect them for the rest of their lives ❤❤❤❤❤
11. do they have any addictions?
he has a smoking addiction and has had one for the past. 300ish years? his lungs are basically coal dust at this point. he coughs up ash at regular intervals and everyone just sort of rolls with it. at one point ruby's like. hey python do you think you should see someone about your lungs. and he's like if a doctor looked at me they'd have a stroke and die on the spot. and she's like ???? okay. he has no intention of stopping and has no motivation to cuz it can't die by human means and it smells like cigarette smoke literally all the time i hate him
12. do they have any sense of style? regardless of the answer do they believe they have a sense of style?
i mean. he literally wears the exact same thing every damn day. and it's not like the other human characters where i draw them with the same outfit all the time but in universe they wear different shit every day. nah he wears the exact same ratty ass coat and fucked up . shirt that's basically a crop top at this point and shredded to hell and back pants and shoes with soles that flap whenever it takes a step. and it just lives like that. it's kinda hard to get him new clothes too because literally everything is too small on it. he's an actual fucking beanpole
so because it hasn't had new clothes for so long he's just like yeah idk how to dress but i don't care so it's okay 😁 so if he was put in front of a bunch of clothes i think it just. wouldn't know what to do at first . but after a while he starts leaning more and more into it and suddenly it has like 27 well put together outfits and he's like. damn okay . so yeah i think he'd really like fashion and have a good sense of style but it just. doesn't have the self confidence for it <///3 sad!
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