#sorry for the lack of activity gamers im gonna try 2 b more active i promisse :] k i gotta go now cuz the wifi is gonna cut so gn!1! take
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when u try to sleep but the horrors happen ]:
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letstalksymphogear · 5 years
Symphogear, EP. 2 (Cont.)
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A certain someone is having some flashbacks.
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You’re going to see a lot of water symbolism around Kanade when Tsubasa is thinking about her. Feel free to use your imagination for that one.
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“fuck yeah!”
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Hibiki’s B-Friend squad, known lovingly as the Anime Janai squad, ask Hibiki if she wants to go eat somewhere, which is the equivalent of asking a dog to play fetch. This is always guaranteed for a yes.
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Unfortunately, she wants to look Responsible in front of her girlfriend. So she turns it down, with all the pain and gritted teeth anyone can muster in the most adorable fashion.
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This is their running joke, and their aptitude for this is frightening. My theory is that they are passively the Gods of this world, and are perfectly aware that this is a work of fiction, but continue to live their lives gleefully to await the action that unfolds.
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“i know bikki said no cause she luvs me and wants to be responsible but i wont lie i really wanted pancakes today”
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More than you’ll ever know.
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“you comin or what, we got pancakes ready, not that ill let you eat them. cause i ate them. all of em.”
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“right i forgot- your opinion means jack diddly to me.”
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And so she is arrested. Again. Sorta needlessly this time. I am pretty sure Tsubasa really just likes whipping out those handcuffs. Those things are like, comically huge. And that big buzzing noise is just funny.
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“the test results are in! and you ARE the protagonist! whoops!”
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“hey we’re gonna be relevant later right? i read the contract and we dont really get any lines until like next season and”
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“speak another fucking word and i will rip your tongue out manually with my nails because i SWEAR to god i didnt do acting school for 15 years to blow this shot because of your bitching for fucks sa-”
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They tell her aside from the first shock she’s fine but Hibiki ain’t having it. She wants to know why metal parts spring out of her like a bad Michael Bay movie.
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“sit back. this is gonna be a long one.”
The show begins explaining the relics owned by each relic user, which so far have been two.
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Sorry, my subs are broken. Tsubasa’s is Ame-no-Habakiri. Kanade’s, which is now Hibiki’s is Gungir. Relics are ancient technology from ancient times with ancient power capable of... ancient things. They use music and singing to activate. That’s all you really need to know. The relics are usually refined into amulets such as what Tsubasa wears, and they’re usually fragments of the original thing.
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“all those years of karaoke are finally paying off”
Tsubasa points out, though, that using them isn’t as simple as singing a song and calling it a day.
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You have to work hard to use them due to the nature of compatibility.
Hibiki asks the million dollar question. “I don’t have a relic, though.”
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Naturally, she’s wrong. Back when Kanade accidentally impaled Hibiki, it left pieces of her relic embedded inside of her. This has been sitting there for years, and shockingly enough, no other doctor has noticed this and Hibiki has never felt any discomfort about this.
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Tsubasa puts two and two together. Take a good look; this is the emotional equivalent of witnessing someone split an atom under a microscope.
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The atom is officially split.
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This is the face of someone who witnessed her girlfriend die to save a random person in her hands as she turned to dust, only to meet the survivor several years later and learn that she now owns the very thing that had her life saved in the first place, coming back to haunt her.
Naturally it’s not Hibiki’s fault but Tsubasa... let’s just say she could use a round of therapy or two. Or ten.
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“i need to get her a pony.”
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Hibiki, desperately wanting to cut the middleman of this needless growing angst between her and her girlfriend, keeps asking if she can tell someone about this. Literally just one person. They could probably just make whoever she wants to tell sign an NDA too, right?
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Genjuro pulls the superhero secret identity motive. Others knowing means your friends and family may be at risk, since being a Symphogear is Serious Business.
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“this is gonna suck”
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Sam Reimi’s Spiderman strikes again.
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Hibiki is successfully recruited into the 2nd Division ranks as a Symphogear, much to Tsubasa’s chagrin.
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“cant believe she’s my teammate now to boot”
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Hibiki tries to be nice and offers a friendly handshake, but unfortunately she hasn’t leveled their bonds enough to make it happen. Coincidentally, crisis strikes. It’s the Noise. It’s always the Noise.
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Hibiki feels like joining Tsubasa, feeling as though she has a lot to prove. All of this has happened in the last 5-8 minutes.
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“shes got guts, ill give her that”
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An asskicking brews in the middle of the road. Tsubasa, naturally, fights like a pro. Hibiki... gets a good kick in.
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It only pisses her off more. Tsubasa knows that Hibiki is using the gear wrong. There’s a fucking spear built into that thing, she thinks. You don’t need to fight hand-to-hand combat. What idiot would punch these things? I mean, I kick, but my kicks have swords on them. It’s not the same, damnit. It’s not the same!
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Hibiki is a strange and special case. She has 0 idea she’s stepping into the shoes of someone else (or rather, a weak idea; she knows it belonged to someone else but she never genuinely met them), and she has no combat prowess and sorta fumbles everywhere. Tsubasa gets angrier because she’s projecting her own insecurities into Hibiki, because she thinks that Hibiki is trying to replace Kanade, when Hibiki is just trying to save lives, period. This is ironically what Kanade was inspired to do back when she was alive.
It’s one big case of emotional telephone that everyone is losing.
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“fighting crime is fun!”
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Tsubasa fails her aspect of the trust fall, and thus Hibiki hurtles down to her doom unwittingly.
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Solos the giant monster, like a True Gamer would.
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Blows everything up, as stated in her contract. The explosions remind her of Kanade’s hair, you see. Big, red, and wild.
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“did i do a good job? huh, tsubasa? did you see that kick? ive never kicked like that before! hey tsubasa! did i do good? was that good, tsubasa? this is my first time so i really dont know what im doing but i think that was good!”
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“im not really good at stuff right now but i promise to improve and do better since i have literally only known combat for a few seconds, tops”
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“you absolute motherfucker. first you show up to the concert me and my girlfriend hosted. your dumb ass doesn’t even LEAVE THE DAMN CONCERT HALL like everyone else did. it just stood and stared like an absolute moron, and my GIRLFRIEND had to SAVE YOUR DUMB ASS because your LACK OF BRAIN CELLS couldnt make your LEGS RUN. and she DIED FOR THAT. and now you not only come to the school I’M IN, to STALK ME for ANSWERS on WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED instead of MOVING ON WITH YOUR LIFE, you also WEAR MY DEAD GIRLFRIEND’S SUPERHERO OUTFIT, immediately MOVE IN TO GET IN HER POSITION, try to WORK WITH ME without knowing JACK SHIT about combat, and act as a GENERAL NUISIANCE SINCE DAY FUCKING ONE.”
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“im going to fucking murder you.”
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“hey wait okay maybe i did some mistakes but murder is not conducive to teamwork here okay lets just chill a moment and-”
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It was at that moment that Tachibana Hibiki knew, she was in deep shit.
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