#sorry for the long answer i just wanted to convey that even tho the android plotline will only just kick off soon--
remnantsfm · 1 year
sorry if this is a odd question, but do androids exist here? i know there is technology for parts to put on to people, but have androids been created yet? and if so, would they ever be playable?
not odd at all, we were actually planning on releasing more about androids in our next world update, so i was excited to see this!! but yes, androids have existed! but given the artificial intelligence canonically hasn't had a major breakthrough ( yet ), they're currently pretty primitive "robots," not quite sentient yet. they're more for functional tasks, like for around the house / certain workplaces, very programmatic and task-oriented.
however, one of the new locations we were planning to release next is a major AI company, and with that, we were going to canonize some major progress in AI that would result in more intelligent androids being released. we wanted to test the waters with that first and let it simmer for a while, before taking another step towards the point where androids could become more sentient. i'd say unfortunately that's the earliest we would consider making them playable, but only because we don't want the development to feel like it just happens overnight in canon.
but with all of that said, if you're v set on writing one but ( understandably ) would rather not wait that long, message us so we can talk about it! i'd personally have no problem allowing an early exception given that their backstory would make sense in canon ( ie. they would probably have to be "obscure" technology, or else news of their existence would have already had major ramifications on the setting, etc ) .
my main concern is making sure you feel like you still have complete freedom to create & develop your muse and for you to feel comfortable that they & their backstory gels well within the existing world. because technically we'd be open to android muses who are still in that "primitive" stage right now if you wanted to write it, but i could see their timeline being heavily reliant on the rp's world development, and we wouldn't ever want you to feel constrained about developing some of the most important parts of your muse, if that makes sense? in that case, we'd rather talk through sort of a custom background for them so that your muse's development wouldn't feel "stuck" on the plot and you'd feel more in control of them!
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