#sorry guys I have a headache and it's making me mad about flight rising game mechanics
heckling-hydrena · 27 days
coli is fucked because like. mage builds are not worth it tank builds are not worth it. you have like 3 widely used glass canon variations that are popular because it's the quickest and easiest way to get through the absolute soul-crushing grind that is the coliseum. there are like 5 people on this earth who play coli for fun the rest is all fodder training and event grinding and if you really hate yourself hibden task grinding.
it's all scratch + elim + rally + berserker + ambush builds with small stat variations that only affect how many turns a round takes. maybe some builds will throw in a haste and change the setup a little lmao it's borinngggg and also inaccessible to a lot of people because staff won't let us rebind the fucking keyboard controls. people have been asking for an item that boosts rare loot chances for years because all they want is to spend less time playing this awful awful minigame.
we need a complete coli system overhaul urgently just throw it all away and start from scratch I cannot do this anymore!!
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