#sorry guys i am experiencing the horrors/the emotions/whatever u want to call them
godofsmallthings · 1 year
ANYWAY i've spent the past 24hrs explaining who taylor swift is (to explain my tattoo...which just makes it so much more embarrassing but it's fine xhsksnskjd) to my family which is fun.
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shotokimchi · 4 years
Hii! I feel like shit rn bc my boyfriend just broke up with me. I was wondering if you could write a bakugo x fem reader where class 1A is having a sleepover and the reader randomly gets a phone call. when she answers it it’s her boyfriend and he breaks up with her. so the whole night is basically just trying to cheer her up after that. and bakugo tells her that her ex was a dick and that she could do better/deserves better. just some baku fluff (Maybe her and baku start to date?) I totally understand if you can’t write this 🖤
Ofc, I’ll write a fic for you baby! I hope this makes you feel better and don't forget that there will always be people who will support you and love you no matter what! Just know that you deserve better <33333
Pairing: Bakugou x Reader
Warnings: none
Y/b/n: your bf’s name (but you can say jerk if you want to)
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As every Friday night, class 1-A was having a slumber party in the common room. Everyone was gathered to eat junk food, tell stupid horror stories and have a pillow fight, even Bakugou was hyped for the pillow fight.  Bakugou, who managed to turn an innocent pillow fight into a real battle every time because of his contestant and ambitious character, was planning to do the same today. Everyone was sitting in the common room, it was crowded bc of some snacks, blankets, pillows and other unnecessary stuff.  Momo was trying to braid your hair, but you were so excited, you wanted to have a pillow fight and team up with Bakugou, he was very fast and had a strategy that’ll both lead you to victory. “Enough of this boring stuff!” Bakugou roared and pointed towards his pillow, “Let’s fight!” his sadistic smirk was sending shivers down your spine but it was somehow funny. Just when you were about to join him, your phone rang and everyone looked at you. “Sorry guys!” You muted your phone and turned towards Momo and whispered. “It’s y/b/n.” Momo gave a curious look towards your phone and whispered back “It can be an important thing, you should call back.” You nodded and when you were about to call y/b/n, your phone started to buzz in your hand. It was him, you had a weird feeling in your stomach but you ignored it “I’ll be right back, don't you guys dare have a pillow fight without me!” Mina gave a thumbs up and Kaminari whined “It’s your boyfriend isnt it? Arrgh why am i so single?!” Jirou snorted and replied “Because you are stupid.” Sero snickered and Kaminari pouted.
You went out of the dorm and sat on the stairs. It was a little cold and it caused you to tremble. You took a deep breath and answered the call. “Hey babe, what’s up?” When you heard a sigh coming from the other side of the line, you knew something was wrong. “Y/n, I can't do this anymore.” Your breath hitched in your throat and you tried to reply with a shaky voice. “W-what do you mean?” He was trying to be patient with you but you weren't having any of that. “Tell me!” He sighed again and started to talk with a stern voice “I don't want a relationship anymore, it feels like I don't have any freedom.” His reason for the break up made you even angrier, you weren't a controlling or possesive person, your relationship with your boyfriend was a healthy and happy one. “Are you cheating on me y/b/n? I never did stuff to restrict your freedom, im not a super jelaous or possessive person either! So you should give me a better reason than this!” When you didn't get any response, tears started to gather in your eyes. “No Y/n, I'm not cheating on you. I just don't want to date someone, it doesn't make me feel happy.” You started to shout “So you are throwing me away because you got bored! This is your reason?!” When he was about to reply, you hung up on his face and sat there with tears in your eyes. You wanted to sob loudly but didn't want to alarm or worry your classmates, just when you were about to get up, the door of the dorm opened.
Bakugou wasn’t a patient person so when you left to answer the call from your bf, he got pissed. “Why are we waiting hah?” Kirishima sighed and patted his shoulder “What if it's an important call?” Bakugou growled and got up from the floor “I can't wait for someone’s lovey-dovey shit!” Then started to walk towards the exit, he opened the door and saw you sitting with your head between your hands. “Oi L/n! You are making us wait-” just when he was about to burst, he heard Y/n’s silent sobs and realized that she was shaking. Bakugou could look like a mean person but he actually cared about his friends, so he started to walk towards her and waited. “O-oh Bakugou! I’m sorry, I’ll be there in a minute.” When she didn't turn to face him, Bakugou tched and sat next to her. “Why r u cryin?” He mumbled and she looked at him with a confused expression “Huh?” He was embarrassed bc he wasn't the perfect person for comforting, so he started to look somewhere else and shouted “I said why are you crying, dumbass!” Then she sniffled and started to play with her fingers “My boyfriend just broke up with me, he told me that he wasn't happy but... I gave my all, just for him.” When Y/n started to cry again, Bakugou felt mad, how can someone dump her when she gave everything she could? He remembered the times that she was going out on dates with her bf, that guy looked happy, so why he was being such an ass? Bakugou took a deep breath “Because he is a good damn extra and a jerk.” Y/n stopped sniffling and looked at him, she was listening to him so he continued. “I thought you were stronger than this, is this really gonna make you cry?” Normally someone would get angry or offended at his words but he was trying to comfort her and Y/n understood Bakugou’s intention, so she smiled. “No, I'm not weak. You are right Bakuogu, thank you.” Then she got up and gave him a small smile “Wanna team up with me for the pillow fight?” Normally his competitive personality wouldn't let him but since she was having a hard time Bakugou smirked “You better give your all!” She nodded and ran inside.
Your back was pressed against Bakugou’s, both of you were taking this pillow fight seriously so the others did the same. “Aaaaah!” You let out a battle cry and hit Mina with all your might, she backed away with wide eyes “Geez Y/n, I'm not a villain!” Bakugou let out a sadistic laugh “You scared raccoon eyes?” Then Kirishima charged at him and they started to wrestle on the ground, after taking care of Mina, you realised that Kirishima managed to knock the pillow out of Bakugou’s hand and he was blocking Kirishima’s hits with his arms, you quickly grabbed the pillow and shouted “Bakugou, catch!” You threw the pillow towards him and he gave Kirishima a sadistic smirk. Kirishima’s eyes widened “Uh-oh.” Now Bakugou was in advantage and you started to laugh but felt someone’s presence behind you “Todoroki!” You immediately dodged his pillow and swung yours at his face “You need to do better than that L/n.” Then you started to run around with Todoroki while laughing like a little toddler. Bakugou’s eyes fell on you and he sighed, “You are relieved that she’s happy now, huh?” Kirishima’s words made him scowl and he started to hit his friend “What do you mean shitty hair?!” Kirishima pushed Bakugou and managed to escape while shouting teasing words like ‘aww you actually care’ or ‘you are a great friend bro!’ oooor ‘softie’
After the pillow fight, most of your friends gave up bc of Bakugo and you. Then everyone started to get into their sleeping bags or layed on their mattresses, your eyes fell on Bakugou, he was getting ready to sleep. He usually slept early so you knew he was tired but decided to give a shot. You slowly approached him “Hey Bakugou, do you have a minute?” His eyes found your form and he had a stoic expression on his face, he wasn't scowling or growling. He nodded and got up but his eyes met with Kaminari and Sero’s they were grinning like stupid hyenas. He gave them a horrifying look and that shut them up. Then the both of you walked towards the kitchen, and you gave him a thankful smile. “Thank you so much for tonight Bakugou. If you wouldn't have come outside, I don't know if I could managed to handle my emotions.” He huffed and tried to look anywhere but you, he never got a sincere ‘thanks’ the only people who knew about his soft side was Kirishima, Kaminari and Sero. You couldn't control your happiness and gave him a quick hug, that caught him off guard and he tensed “S-sorry!” Actually, the real reason I wanted to talk with you is that... Uh, I know you like spicy food so wanna go grab some spicy fried chicken tomorrow?” He wasn't experienced when it came to doing stuff with people other than his squad so he felt nervous but he wasn't going to hide like a little boy so he nodded “Sure, whatever...” He answered like he didn't care but actually he was panicking.
After your conversation with Bakugou, the two of you left the dorms to have some spicy food and after that you started to chat about regular stuff like training, his hobbies and you told him that you love the arcade and even he had a calm expression on his face, you noticed the glint in his eyes when he heard the word ‘Arcade’. He huffed and mumbled “Guess we need to go to the arcade, what a pain...” But you grinned and decided to tease him, bc you knew that he wanted to go too. “You aren't gonna back away right? Bc I'm so good at those games!” His eyes widened “HAAAAH?! Are you underestimating me?!” You started to laugh and tugged at his coat “Ofc not! Come on, let's go!” He tched but didn't yank his arm, he let you tug on it and his expression softened.
And that's how you started to date Katsuki Bakugou, you guys were regularly going to the arcade to let out some stress, having spicy food competitions and going out for morning runs together. He always looked so calm and unaffected but, the butterflies in his stomach told him otherwise. You were funny, thoughtful, calming to be with, beautiful (but he calls you ugly, what a tsundere). You balanced him and he was relieved to have you in his life... Like every morning, you were jumping trying to stretch your muscles while waiting for him to come and join you for the regular morning run. When the door of the dorm opened, your eyes sparkled with happiness. “Good morning Katsu!” The nickname still made him blush, but he successfully managed to hide the pink dust on his cheeks and huffed. “Morning, dumbass.” You chuckled and pecked his cheek, his cheeks got warmer and he covered his face “What are you doing dumbass, it was weird! What if someone sees us?!” You chuckled and poked his cheeks “Its called affection, Katsu!” He grabbed both of your wrists and looked into your eyes, you were giving him the most beautiful smile. He tched and turned his cheek towards you, you gave him a confused look and he growled “What are you waiting for dumbass? Do it again..” He mumbled and you giggled, after showering him with a lot of kisses he was running like a god damn horse. His blood was pumping, he felt like his heart was about to get out of his chest but it wasn't because of running, it was the kisses... Then you managed to keep up with him and quickly pecked his cheek “Catch me if you can Katsu!” You speeded up and giggled, now his face was as red as Kirishima’s hair. “Come here!” He shouted and you laughed, your break up with your ex wasn’t a bad thing after all... You found someone who cared for you and loved you, even if he was bad at showing it, Bakugou Katsuki was the best boyfriend ever...
A/n: I hope you liked it baby! When I saw ur ask I immediately sat down and started to write it so I’m really sorry if its a mess <3
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