#sorry guys nate is in a bad place rn ok
tanoieyt · 14 days
note: if you don’t like random :P in your things, leave rn!!! anyways might not be grammar-checked,, if u want me to extend one of them ask!!! no aesthetic format srry 😔,, no nate sorry!! don’t know how to write!! criticism open too!!! ok ty and enjoy 💋💋
always grabbing onto something from you, hands, sleeves, whatever he can latch onto
like there was this one time during your most memorable celebration, he whispered to you 
“i love you” 
alsooo he loves to put his hat on your head 
if you like nature walks he’ll drag you along
but if you’re more relaxed, he’ll just cook up some food (or get something from a store) and have a picnic outside 
after tirelessly playing at the beach with you, splashing water everywhere and whatever sand games, he loves to drag you to watch the sunset together!! 
or loves how the moon’s light shines on you <33
he loves pda!! smooches, hugs, hand-holding, whatever he can come up with!! doesn’t like compliments too much though
he’s either a full-on inside kid on some days and on others he’s pushing you through the door
clingy but tries to hide it
if you like to study too, he’ll always ask for you to study whatever next to him, he needs motivation sometimes :P
he might be up all night finalizing projects and maybe even wake you up randomly to double-check some work
if you don’t like grinding out studies like him, you just end up getting snacks for him for motivation or you give him pecks on the cheek
gets so flushed when you play with his hair or physical touch in general
gets really nervous if you try to show pda, especially in front of his friends, doesn’t want to get embarrassed lol
you guys always look for new places to eat or chill out, favorite place being a park with magnificent scenery with a charming cafe
always trying to make something for you, ranging between tiny hair clips and ties to extravagant outfits
also gives you tons of gift baskets 
analyzes your fashion style like a forced english assignment that’s worth 120% of your final grade
always comes in clutch for formal events, making you the most magnificent clothes
likes to pretend to act mysterious :P
lives for beach dates!!! sometimes throws sand at your head and pretends he’s sorry 
you guys will watch the moon and he’ll pretend he’s not looking at you
when you look back, he’s turned around either giggling, super flushed, or a mix of both 
you guys are a storm in the kitchen (a good or bad one depending on your cooking skill lolol)
will help you cook by hovering over you and taking your arms to help you stir and stuff
matching aprons duhhhh
if he notices something is wrong with you— the tiniest inconvenience, he will stop immediately to check in :P (our observant king)
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bryceslahela · 2 years
Is drake garbage? Yes. But is he worse than Ramsay? Jake? All the other boring white men who I am thankfully forgetting right now? I need to know your official ranking of worst male lis. I need to.
ooooh ok im thinking rn of who is where…. ok so this is from worst to best. <33 ill put them under the cut.
connor. creep who hangs around high schools… why does he canonically have like no friends his age?
drake is second because ik we think hes a gold digging misogynist and he is those two things… at least mc is an appropriate age for him.
parker. bitch boy. hate his existence.
cassius. worst li in acor which isn’t honestly that bad as the others r all top tier.
ethan is lower bc oph 1 + half of oph2 r god-tier so his good series makes up for him being a freak.
chris from tf. so many issues and expected mc to deal with them like she was his therapist. its not my fault ur father never came back chris.
michael from hss shouldn’t be on this list at all. love him <333. so i’m putting wes here in his place. an insufferable creep who looked 45 when he should be 18. autumn has shit judgement who would pick him over julian????
thomas hunt. I HATE HIM.
simon from std. hate him purely bc everyone was putting his ass on a pedestal while dragging my mans justin. simon ur literally bland. the personification of the colour beige.
flynn from vos. gave me nightmares. also how u hate cops and then u become one???? where r ur morals man 😟
ugly bartending dude from roe. the one drake was based off of. he’s here bc thanks to him drake existed. he’s in hell rn.
jake from es. sean supremacy <33 hated him bc i always took sean’s side on everything. also i hated the weird lil nickname he gave mc like i don’t like u??? we not that close bro 😟
dom from tc&tf. boring sorry. also ugly but he’s not annoying ig. thats why he’s low.
ernest sinclaire. remember nothing abt him which is a good sign. he’s slightly ugly tho but he’s british it’s not his fault x
sawyer. cute?? i didn’t finish bsc. no issues with him. hate his dad tho.
elliot from ptr. forgettable. didn’t do anything bad besides be british which is why he’s here.
that white dude from bachelorette party. reed? boring but rich. no issues with him ig. i read it more so for the female friendships.
the guy from wishful thinking. audrey? cute. also forgettable. was nothing next to anna and jaime.
male avery from platinum. also british but sweet. so he’s low.
nate from sunkissed was acc so cute. i romanced him and he was so sweet, a lil cringy but i can deal.
nathan from tf. idc i love him <33 rich white bitch of a man but he acknowledges that and he also almost rid the world of tyler aka the most annoying side character in tf.
beckett. annoying in te2 but cute in te1… i love him srry 🤣 also teh book cover vers of him ATE.
grayson from hero. soo sweet but he was the victim to the sexy kenji and the sexier eva. how was he meant to thrive with such hot competition…. 💔
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