#sorry i am excited about the tractor bike
oneiroy · 11 months
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(and Ryss' karakul herd and @verysmallcyborg's Fornax)
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booksandseventeen · 4 years
School Project with Tsuki
☾ ☽Tsuki X Reader! ☾ ☽
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The teacher stood with her hands on her hips, looking every student in the eye, “This next project is worth 50% of your grade.”
The classroom groaned. 
“You will be partnered up and during these last 6 weeks of school, you must go to 6 places neither of you have ever been before. Search the wonders of Miyagi and write a paragraph for each place you visit.” The teacher claps her hands together, “Consider this a great experience you can enjoy outside of school, as long as the places you visit was informational, I dont care where you go.” 
Tsuki sighed, his fingers twitching to put on his headphones and drone out the rest of this dreadful project. Partnered project were his least favorite part about school, but at least he could just tag along while Tadashi did the work, he could practically feel his friend vibrating with excitement behind him.
“Oh and before I forget, your partner will be the person that sits to the left of you~!” 
Tsuki blinked before glancing to the left. 
Empty. Of course his partner wasn’t even at school today. He raked his brain to try and think who sat to the left of him but he kept drawing a blank.
“Tsukishima, your partner isn’t here today but I trust that you can bring her the needed materials and tell her about the project, hm?” The teacher walked to his desk and set down a binder filled with information.
He pushed his glasses up, “Tch, what a burden.”
☾ ☽
“tell your partner I said hi!” Tadashi waved goodbye as they went their own ways, Tadashi to go home and Tsuki to visit your house, a torn out piece of paper with your address written on it. The paper fluttered in the wind and he sighed before continuing on.
The gate creaked when he opened it, weeds sprouted from the ground and a gnome broken in half welcomed him as he stepped on the overgrown stepping stones that led to your home. 
He knocked on the door and took a wary step back, unsure of who would answer the door. 
“COME IN!” The scream made him jump and he looked behind him almost as if the yell was meant for someone else.
He narrowed his eyes, felt his fingers tighten on the binder. All he wanted to do was drop off the stupid papers and hope his partner was fine with doing the project by themselves. 
Slowly, he turned the doorknob and stepped inside. The lights blinded him, a tv was playing on a random channel, a radio station played some sort of upbeat tune and he heard the thumping of feet above his head.
“up here!” the voice came from above. 
He took one more glance around before taking the steps two at a time, the hallway was just as lit as the living room, every door he passed had the lights on and he finally stopped behind the only closed door, music playing from a speaker somewhere inside.
The door opened, “Mom, did you-” she stopped suddenly. 
Tsuki stared down at the girl in front of him, she wore an oversized sweatshirt and joggers. Her hair was piled up on top of her hair. She leaned against the door frame, “You’re not mom.”
“Do I look like your mom?” he deadpanned
“Well, you got the condescending look down.” she smirked, “You’re in my class, what are you doing here?” she crossed her arms and looked him up and down. 
“Here.” He pushed the binder into her hands, “We’re partners for a project in school. It’s all in there, due in 6 weeks.” He turned to leave. 
He got as far as halfway down the stairs when the shock wore off and she thundered down after him.
“wait wait wait! You come to my house, tell me that we are partners for a project, and you expect me to do it all my myself?” She slides down the banister until she stops in front of him, making him come up short. 
“what else needs to be explained, shorty?” he looked down his nose at her. 
“You’re gonna pull your weight with this project, jolley green giant.” 
his frown deepened. “I don’t do partner projects.” 
She smiled up at him, “let me get my jacket.”
“what for?” he called after her.
“Because we might as well start now! You can borrow my sisters bike!”
☾ ☽ Week 1
It was on the tip of the tongue. Questions upon questions, but he bit his tongue, he refused to talk first. Instead the words just tumbled over and over again in his head. 
She biked beside him, a green jacket thrown over her hoodie and her bag thrown across her body. The full moon was the only light they had and the summer wind threw back her hair and he glanced at her to find that her eyes were closed. She was the most peaceful when her eyes were closed. 
He couldn’t take it anymore, the silence.
“Where are we going? You know we have school tomorrow.” his voice seemed unnaturally loud.
she looked over at him, the moon causing her eyes to seem brighter than usual “you’ll see.” 
Finally, they came to an overlook and parked their bike under a sakura tree. 
The ground crunched beneath their feet as they came to a railing. Tsuki stopped short and she reached up to close his mouth with her fingertip. 
It was a 360º view of Sanriku, the rhododendrons flowers blanketed the side of the mountain for as far as the eye could see, the sweet smell of flowers overwhelmed him.
she leaned with her elbows on the railing. “You know whats cool? These flowers are actually a blushing pink color. But at night, under the moon, they almost look violet.” she looked up at him. 
“some things look different in the dark.”
☾ ☽ Week 2
He woke up to the sound of his phone ringing, without thinking he blindly searched for it and answered, before he even brought it to his ear he could hear the notes of music.
“hey! you’re awake, skyscraper?”
“What the hell do you want, hobbit?” he grumbled and blinked blearily at his alarm clock, “it’s almost 2 am.” 
“Well I have another idea for our next location! But we gotta do it now, we can get in for free under the cover of night.” 
he could just imagine her. Walking up and down her room, lights on and music playing, twirling her hair around her finger, probably looking for a hoodie.
“I’ll take your silence as a yes! I’ll come pick you up after I find a hoodie.....”
☾ ☽
“Are you kidding?” he deadpanned.
“What? it’s perfect! Now help me push this thing.” she bent down and grabbed the end of the kayak, moving it only a couple of inches before she gave him a pointed look.
Sighing, he bent down and helped her move the kayak until it was even with the dock and she could jump in. 
“Come on! This is a two person thing.” 
“Why did I let you talk me into this?”
the moon reflected her profile into the still water, a fish flicked the surface and her face rippled. He took a step into the kayak.
She smiled at him and tossed him a paddle.
They glided through the water, him paddling on the right and she on the left. He sat behind her, his legs splayed on either side of her so he could fit. 
Again, the silence bothered him.
“Do you ever sleep?” he asked suddenly.
If he wasn’t paying so much attention to her he would have noticed her back stiffen. 
“why do you think I dont?” 
He shrugged but realized she probably couldn’t see that. “Oh I don’t know, maybe because you always seem to be up in the middle of the night, I’ve never seen your house without any lights on.”
She stops paddling but he keeps going. He can’t see her face, and for once, he wishes she would turn around.
“I...just don’t like to sleep.”
“who doesn’t like to sleep?”
she picks up the paddle again, disrupting the surface one stroke at a time. “someone who has too many dreams.” 
☾ ☽ Week 3
It was a Saturday night and he hadn’t heard from her all week. He turned off his computer and looked at his phone. This was peak time that she should be calling him, but what if she didn’t call? Then they would be a week behind the project. He paced his room, his phone clenched in his hand. He clicked on the buttons angrily.
No answer. He tossed his phone on the bed and laid down. Ten minutes later he was pacing again. He cursed and grabbed his phone and jacket. Silently making his way out of his house.
☾ ☽
*tap, tap tap*
She awoke with a start, her lights momentarily blinding her before he realized where she was at. She leaned out of her window and stared down at Tsuki, his arm cocked back to throw another rock.
“what are you doing?” she half whispered half yelled.
“Tch, idiot, I don’t want to be behind on the project so grab your hoodie and come on.” he walked away, leaving her to stare at him open mouthed. 
“where are we going?” she asked him as they grabbed their bikes and walked down the road. 
“you didn’t answer your phone.” he said, ignoring her question. 
“I had it on mute, hoping to catch a few Z’s.”
Immediately he felt bad, he had woken her up. But then he remembered that she had also woken him up before as well. “i’m sorry.” he heard himself say anyway.
She shook her head, her hair piled on top of her head, “don’t be. I’m thankful you woke me up, I was just starting to dream.” 
the rest of the ride was in silence until he finally brought them to their next location.
“a park.” she said with a smile, getting off her bike the rest of the way.
Before them lay a green field, a playground that was surrounded by strange, different styles of twisting metals and granite rocks chiseled to reveal a figure.
“A statue park.” he corrected, “artists all over Miyagi enter their statues and art in hopes of getting picks to have it displayed here.” 
Together they walked through the swaying grass, the silver of moon casting the statues faces into grimaces and sneers. She shook her head in wonder as they walked among the stones and metal.
“I like this one!” she said, pointing at a woman with a ring of drums around her that acted like a skirt. Tsuki watched as she played an offbeat tune on the statue. He laughed.
“look over there!” she suddenly pointed and grabbed his hand, running towards an exhibit. He looked down at their joined fingers, his large palm easily overwhelming her small one. He tightened his fingers. 
A large, plush cushion lay suspended in the air by a steel tractor type, a gossamer fabric hung over the top. The two of them climbed into it. “I think i’m supposed to unlatch something.” he heard her say, but he was too busy looking at the fabric laid over top. 
faint, dark lines were carefully drawn through the fabric, making it so that he could see the constellations in the sky. There was a loud click and he was suddenly thrown on his back as the large cushion suddenly swung in the air.
“WOOHOO!” he looked over to see her wobbling on her legs, the air rushing to meet her face.
“this is so cool!” she gasped, and slowly made her way over to him as the cushion swayed like a pendulum. She laid down beside him, her head on the his shoulder and his arm immediately went around her. 
“Im afraid to fall asleep.” she whispered after they had been laying down together for while, he had honestly thought she had fallen asleep.
“go ahead.” he grunted, he felt her shake his head.
“I can’t...I might dream.”
“what do you dream about?”
he tightened his hold on her. “It’s just a dream, if it looks like your dreaming, i’ll wake you up.” he promised. his lips brushed against her hair, not hard enough for her to feel it, but close enough for him to close his eyes and inhale her scent.
And that’s how the workers of the park found them the next day, curled into one another, the cushion still swinging, the morning light not bothering either of them.
☾ ☽ 1 day later
He stood in front of her house, the flowers he had picked up on the way there dropped from his hand. 
A red, ugly foreclosure sign was the only thing he could see. 
She was gone. 
☾ ☽
Part 2
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mdrblogblog · 2 years
Well, where do I begin? This weekend was a serious roller coaster! Saturday was such an exciting day, the sun was out, bikes were revved, people laughing, maybe some sunburns (oops), and it was such an incredible feeling to kick off the season (Finally, in the second attempt).
So let's talk our Saturday highlights. We had some of our kiddos moving up in classes, from Pee Wee's to the Youth loop, from the Youth loop to the Pro Loop. One of our first time pro loop riders at Fisher Branch has a video posted below! Congrats Maggie Ashcroft on finishing your first Pro Loop race at Fisher Branch and doing it in style! (It took a couple people to get her bike out from the tires as well and she was laughing about it all). We also had some fast riders out there, Logan Burton had the fastest lap time, but then we also had Holden Lewis on the Pee Wee track FLYING with confidence and skill! Watch out Logan, he's coming for ya! Not far behind Holden tho, is Tucker Ginter, you won't hear him coming on his electric bike, but you will see the cloud of dust he leaves when he passes you! We all know that speed can get you places, but I do want to send a huge shout out to all of our riders who rode safe, who kept others safe, and who finished their races!!! Seeing that checked flag is a big deal, a sense of accomplishment, and it's exciting to celebrate that with everyone as well! So congrats to everyone who was on a bike and riding!
Ok...Sunday...let's discuss for a moment. When we went to bed Saturday night we were suppose to get a drizzle, then in the middle of the night we heard rain and thunder, woke up to see lightening, and then when we really woke up and checked the forecast, it said 50-75 mm of rain. WTF! So, the board met, we discussed, we ran through what felt like every scenario possible, we got rider feedback, then ultimately it came down to the safety of our riders. If we had a rider down and needed an ambulance, the ambulance would get stuck. We weren't prepared to risk the safety of our club or it's riders, so ultimately made the hardest decision to cancel. We appreciate the support from our sponsors and members, along with all the volunteers and parents, in understanding our decision. I know not all were happy with the decision, trust me, with having two kids who really wanted to ride as well, it was hard to break their heart and say we can't today. This leads to the pictures posted below. After getting a couple of tractors and ensuring everyone could get out, pulling out multiple rigs, some even making it out on their own, we were able to get everyone on the road with some laughs and different memories. Those ruts that Paul and Orlando are in, are the last pull that was done. Sunday was eventful in it's own way, but wow did our MDR community come together and make sure that we were all taken care of and helped! There are going to be names that I miss and I am sorry for that, but we do need to send a huge shout out to Adam Gregory and Richard Baril for the tractors! That day would have gone in a completely different direction had it not been for you!! Orlando, thanks for hanging out and helping, even in flip flops! The board that helped get everyone out safely, thank you!!
Some extra words of thank you go out to our Series Sponsor Capitol Motosports for the support this weekend! Our Race weekend sponsor Chudds Powersports, the set up was perfect, those new Husky's definitely grab your attention! Thank you both for continuing to support the club!
Overall, I feel we still made quite a few memories this weekend, we are prepped and ready to take on the next race and have a complete weekend of racing and celebrations! Stay tuned for that update, it's hitting right away!
Thank you to every single person that showed up this weekend, that was on their way to come this weekend, that helped in any way they could, all of you are very appreciated!
Alright, I am prepping for the next post now, so enjoy the pictures and video, and if you have any other videos or pics you want to share from the weekend, post them below!
Thanks all!
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lilpootworldtour · 4 years
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Saturday 11/21/2020 Roswell, NM - Las Cruces, NM
First we woke up. We were very excited because we had left over dominos. I do not know if we ate any because we ate too much the night before, but we had lava cakes. Boy oh boy, it was yummy. Okay, so then, first stop on our trip out of Roswell. Donuts. We had donuts. Roswell donuts. We got one Bear Claw, One Apple Fritter, One Chocolate, One Chocolate Glaze with sprinkles. The Bear Claw was on recommendation from the worker bee, all very good, Bear claw was clear winner, glad she recommended it. Yeast based donut: not quite as good as Krispy Kreme, but still top tier. Second stop was hotly debated, we definitely wanted coffee but did not know where from. Based purely off of yelp reviews, positive yelp reviews I might add, and niche appeal, we decided to go to Perk ’N Jerk coffee and Jerkey emporium. When we got there, oh boy did we realize we were in for an experience. There was not a soul around except for a 90’s ford station wagon in the condition you’d expect parked right in front of the front door. Naturally, you would think it was a customer, but when we walked up and didn’t see anyone inside, we realized the owner was the type of person who owns a business and parks in the closest parking spot either not expecting anyone to come so no need to leave it open or he wants to claim it first, who knows. He welcomed us in and asked us what we wanted, we responded with “A Perk and Jerk please.” His flavor board had two sides to it. We were confused and thought that only one side was jerky, so we only ordered salt and pepper jerky. We asked if he had any other jerkies, maybe something hot, and he said, “The board has two sides to it, the other side is spicy.” So we also got red pepper, which was literally just red pepper flakes on jerky. After receiving our order, he went to retrieve the jerk. He went into the back and brought large Tupperware storage containers out and placed them on the table in the middle of the room. He then grabbed a box of quart sized zip locks, a zip lock full of labels, and a sharpie. He straighten up a food scale that was on the table and zeroed it. When he opened the first Tupperware, we were able to see a sea of jerky which he grabbed a hand full of and placed on the scale. After getting the desired weight by adding and removing tears of meat, he sealed the bag, slapped a label on, and scribbled the date. He did the same with the second jerky. After getting the jerky bagged and tagged, he asked if we were interested in any coffee. Upon entering, we both felt that we did not want to buy any coffee from the joint, but when asked point blank, we panicked! Hannah got an iced coffee and I got a hot coffee. He asked us about our trip plans while preparing our coffee and we told him our next stop was White Sands. He muttered something under his breath that made us feel like he didn’t think too highly of our trip and began giving us a few suggestions of his own. One being to go to an Airplane museum that had a legitimate plane of a certain, very specific model. I asked about the plane, to get a better idea of what to visualize, and he must of thought I wasn’t worth anymore of his time because he replied with a change of subject. He handed us our coffee, we paid, and we were on our way. While we were waiting for our coffee and Jerky, we took in the ambiance he made by putting up pictures of army things and his “Will return soon” signs. You can see these arts in the photos. After leaving Perk and Jerk we got on the road heading west on the way to White Sands National Park. Starting some point around Wyoming, during our last trip, as we drove through the rolling west of open land, I couldn’t help but imagine myself riding along beside the camper in cowboy boots, wranglers, very cool cowboy style shirt, bandana/bolo, and cowboy hat - full gallop on the back of a stallion I broke all on my lonesome and consider to be my best pardner. By the time we were west of Wyoming I knew if I saw a nice pair of cowboy boots or cowboy hat I was going to buy them regardless of any practicality post trip. I never found the little genuine cowboy store I was expecting in any of the one stop sign towns we drove through via country back roads so I just kept hoping and looking and as we spent time back in Wilmington with Lil Poot in the shop those desires kept floating further and further to the back of my mind. Those thoughts and desires, though, never fully disappeared, and when we made It to Texas they rushed back into my heart like a tornado and I couldn’t drive for being blinded by a flurry of images of me riding horses, roping cattle, riding full gallop chasing bandits with a six shooter in each hand one firing straight to my chase and one firing behind me at my chaser. I must have blacked out or passed out or just plain fell asleep, for I woke up to Hannah shaking me saying “David! Wake up!” I snapped out of the most realistic reality where I was defending a train car from a robbery with TNT exploding all around me, and worse, exploded the on coming bridge. We only had 15 seconds to get all 250 passengers off the train before we were all taking the express elevator down the 700’ cliff and, I am sorry, but no stops between or getting off, this is the express elevator. Right as the engine started to drop and the wheels of the last train car left the tracks, only a dozen passengers managed to jump off the train prior, their fate unknown. I started calming the people in my car telling them we were on our way to Dairy Queen and everyone is going to get a free Sundae, knowing full well I didn’t have enough gold and silver for five sundaes. My eyes opened and I saw Hannah for the first time in what felt like years. I started to smile as Hannah pointed to her right, which led my gaze to the on coming tractor trailer who must have gotten in my lane after I fell asleep and became a sheriff. I soon realized I had drifted in to their lane so I perked up and jerked the wheel to the right making all six wheels squeal and smoke till we were over the double yellows and I was yanking the wheel to the left in hope of correction, locking the e- brake, down shifting, sliding back, gassing it, gaining traction, and we were back on track, in the right lane, going 50. After being on the road for an hour or two post Perk and Jerk Hannah spotted a store called Frank English’s Custom Boots and we both knew we had to pull in! We pulled back hard on Lil Poot’s reins, then to the right, guiding the good steed to Frank English’s hitching post. After putting Poot in park, we found our masks, wallets, sense of direction, and headed inside. During the short walk from the camper to the door, I imagined all sorts of awesome boots we were soon to see and how difficult it will be to choose just one pair to buy leading us both to walk out of the store cash poor and boot rich. After entering, as soon as our eyes adjusted to the light, we saw that we were not in the boot emporium we expected and that we allowed our desires to lead us astray once again. Frank English politely put down the boot he was working on and asked how he could help. I sheepishly explained how we were expecting an emporium of ready made boots and how I have been dreaming of being a cowboy recently with Hannah supporting me through the whole confession. Frank took it easy and told us we could go up the street to a store that sold lame boots and we were almost out the door when he asked us to halt and listen to what we should look for when buying boots. He then captivated us for an hour using a spare boot as a prop, pointing to various parts and explaining what to look for in a good boot. He then put the boot down, with a loving last look and feel, turned his attention to us, and asked about who we were and where in the world we were coming from. We obliged, telling how we left New York during the pandemic, headed down to NC to live in our parent’s abodes before buying an RV and hitting the road. He cut in a few times with his own stories of living in NYC, moving around, and suggestions for us as we head west. One of those suggestion being Silver City NM where he used to live and where there is a neat coffee shop in the arts district called Tranquil Buzz owned by Dale. With heavy hearts we said our good byes and tootalous, headed back to Lil Poot, who was shuffling his tires in the dirt and humming rock ballads, loaded up, and got back on the road. As we continued on towards White Sands, we looked at each other and decided we should have bought boots from Frank. With this decision we talked about turning around, but decided on looking him up instead, maybe we could talk about the buying process first. Hannah found an article on him and read aloud, boy, Frank is COOL. I will include the article somewhere in this post. After learning about Frank, and driving some more, we made it to White Sands National Park. We took a right off the highway, like everyone else coming from the east, headed down the one road weaving between the white dunes. We saw the road turned from asphalt to salt, the main component of these dunes, so we pulled off at the pull off just before the change. From there, we got out to stretch our legs, decided to return tomorrow and bike down the gypsum salt road but enjoy the short boardwalk here since the sun will be setting soon. We walked along the board walk reading the info signs as we went, learning about the mice and lizards that adapted to live in the dunes as well as the insane life story this once lake told scientists of how the world used to be and how it was once a youthful, fun body of water looking for a good time, not worried about all its salt flying around. After returning to Lil Poot, this time he was hunched over in the corner of the parking lot with his back to the sun, head shadowing his gameboy trying his hardest to beat Misty with out taking the proper amount of time to train his Pokemon, got inside and headed west to our BLM land campsite near Las Cruces. After finding our camp site and getting the camper ready for parked mode, we hung Christmas lights below the cabinets and around the ceiling while listening to Christmas music. After playing with the lights some, they have different modes, one of which reacts to music, we settle on leaving the colored lights, under the cabinets, on solid and let the white lights, our crown molding, dance to the music. Hannah started boiling hot water for Hot Toddies and David probably looked at his instagram feed, soon both were drinking hot toddies and crafting.
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sustainablehedonism · 4 years
july 30.2020
I had the first real conversation with Erik that I’d had in a very, very long time. Like, it's been years. Who knew that the most mature and well-adjusted person I can talk to is the youngest person in my life - a 17 year old gamer slash TikTok star no less - go figure. Says something about the people in my life. But Erik truly is a thoughtful and responsible person. Even Trent likes him, and that is saying something. Erik admitted that he cried the other day because his girlfriend was sent back to Kansas to live with her abusive mom and he didn't know if he'd ever see her again. He feels like he couldn't tell anyone about it because of toxic masculinity. He told me though because he knows my politics and he knew I wouldn’t judge him. 
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I confessed to Erik that Trent and I have an unhealthy relationship. I told him almost everything. “I am more afraid of being a divorced person than I am of actually getting divorced.” 
Erik said that a breakup could be a positive thing. “People don’t get divorced because they want to be sad. They do a hard thing so they can make their lives better long term. Like if you wanted to break up with someone, I would support you.” I said thank you, and he continued, “I learned that from a fuckboi. After I broke up with Lynn, everyone said ‘oh no, I’m so sorry’ except this one fuckboi, who said ‘congratulations bro!’ and I was like, ‘whooooa.’ It changed my outlook.” 
While talking to Erik, I remembered again: when you're with someone for a long time, and with only them with few other people in your life, it becomes very easy to forget that Trent's opinion isn't the only one out there. I got another glimpse of a non-Trent world, the same as when I visited our sister. I revealed to him that Trent thinks he should just take the money mom and dad are planning on spending on his college and use it for something actually useful, like a house or starting his own business for sustainable income. That Trent thinks of Erik as a victim of mom and dad's expectations of college and that going along with it would be tragic, but I forget that Trent’s opinion isn’t the only one in the world. Erik said he wants to go to parties and make connections, which is hard to do anywhere other than college. He actually does want to go, and I hadn't considered that. Maybe we're not all falling. 
For a moment I felt a brief jolt of excitement at the thought that there is an entire world of people who don't think like Trent does, and I don't have to be stuck with him. What if I find someone out there who is like Erik, someone with whom I could have lengthy meaningful discussions? Someone with whom I could be vulnerable? I want to find those people, but people who won't degrade me either. 
He made me think of an idea for a novel: I could write a dystopian alternate-timeline story about what it would look like if Cascadia actually happened. My character would leave for Europe in 2021 to get my mind off of whoever is president by then, and by the time I get back, Washington, Oregon, norther California, and British Columbia would have succeeded from the US to form a utopian PNW union. 
I get it: I am putting Europe on a pedestal as this cosmic opposite from where I am now, where it is inhabited by a people who are practically an alien, well-groomed species.
I told Erik the story of that bike ride when that crusty boomer in the pickup truck flipped us off and then we passed by a literal tractor driving down the road. "He seems happy," Erik said. I don't doubt that, I just have so much American angst. Jake Smith and Sequim deserve each other, like CD6 and Derek Kilmer deserve each other, and Joe Biden and the US deserve each other. And that is not a compliment - to anyone. 
“Do you ever have Mr. Van de Wege as a teacher?” I shook my head. “Well, he’s Dutch, and he told my class this story once about how we should invest in things that are important to us, so he bought his whole family bikes. And he rides his bike to school every day, in Sequim.” It is possible for Sequim to be what you make it.
Erik told me to be more positive and find little joys among a shitty temporary situation, like subscribing to r/aww. He pointed out that what mom and dad see Sequim as is the river with the nature and the birds and the mountains; they don't see the provincial, unintelligent backwoods opioid-addicted hicks who don't share my values. Somehow, I didn't feel defensive when he tried addressing my problems by rationalizing other people. 
I got the simple joys part down. I would never show anyone, but that's what this diary is for me. What I really need to fix the structural lifestyle like job, city, house, and relationship, and the part about my fear of chronic loneliness. Sure enough, my phone gave me a notification this morning for a trending post on r/aww of a cute cat. 
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